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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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tor was a success at launch.


I got my money's worth for two months. Not everyone unhappy is a troll. Facts are Facts.


Servers are empty, people are leaving at an alarming rate. There have been some very *** did you do that moves by the developer. I am not going to list everything i find personally wrong with post 50 gameplay there is enough of that.


There is a problem with TOR at the moment, this is why the development team is allowing transfers, developing merges. Whether they made a mistake and released to many servers or not will remain to be seen. THe fact is that there are over 50 almost completely empty servers, that's not trolling that's paying customers demanding something be done so they can play a MMORPG and not a single player game.


have you ever been to an empty server as a level 50? you really see the lack of mmo in swtor, no ambience, just quiet , when u walk by the little droid it beeps at you, that's your only friend on a empty fleet.


I do agree that people troll this game hard, and some people troll after not even playing, but don't deny there are some serious underlying issues with this game at the moment and i hope bioware fixes them so i can come back and enjoy my star wars adventure.


edit and to the wow arguments here:


IF swtor and wow both released the original games in 2004 together. swtor would win in every aspect. WoW had no battlegrounds, no raids released, etc etc. THe problem is swtor released TODAY (in this day and age). The release is about 30% of what the current wow model offers. comparing swtor to wow 8 years ago is not even applicable. Comparing swtor to wow today is.

Edited by tacoknite
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GW2 doesn't have forums...


I wish Bioware would just shut these down or possibly perma ban the trolls from the game and forums. That way their lies of quitting could be upheld. Though it is only but a dream. The people actually contributing to the forums are so overrun with garbage that it is pointless for anyone to even use these forums for anything anymore other than to reaffirm how stupid human society has actually become. I WANTZ TO KNOES WHEN DEY MERGE DA SERVERS BC YOU HAS ONLY TOLD ME 20 TIMES.

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This game has FAR more group content than Vanilla or BC gave us combined, so stuff your lies.


Where did I say that vanilla or TBC had more group content? NO WHERE.


What Vanilla and TBC both had is accessibility to this group content. Bioware could continue churning out content for months and have far more content than any other MMO, but it would be wasted because no one would play them.


I mean seriously, did you just look at one sentence in my reply and ignore the rest? Don't waste our time with ignorant responses.

Edited by TheRealBowser
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excuse me but where did the author say it is getting more players?


Where did I say he was? He said this game is a success and still profitable, I said that this is ignorant and wrong, and that this game is losing players every day. The OP implied that this game has a stable population -- this is wrong.

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If it is a success, why is my server dead?


This +1


I don't hate the game. I still play, WHEN I CAN. It would sure be nice to log on and see more people in fleet than in my guild.

Edited by AeSaar
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The highest reported number of subscribers for SWTOR thus far is 1.7 million, so that’s what I’ll start with, and assume that all 1.7 million of those players bought a legitimate copy for an average of $60 (I’m rolling in CE, DCE and regular boxes all in here).


Sales were actually 2.4 million, which is quite a bit more than 1.7 million: The number is in the Q4 2012 Earnings Call somewhere. However, you are ignoring the Lucasarts licensing fee, which is probably fairly substantial.

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guys i agree tor is a success and if your server is dead than i say you guys change your server it doesn't take long and you can lvl up again but this time with a different class


this is a huge misconception. MMO's are not about leveling, they are about your continuance in endgame. Also, "not long" is a perspective of how long it took you.


It takes me about 40 days to get max level, time constraints with work etc. It takes some people longer with families etc. You are also assuming that people enjoy leveling up again. Some of us, maybe many, don't want to go through 1 month or more of that again. It's not right that , this is the only option for a paying customer.

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guys i agree tor is a success and if your server is dead than i say you guys change your server it doesn't take long and you can lvl up again but this time with a different class


There is so much wrong with this. I haven't picked apart any replies yet, but I can't pass this one up.


  • If your server is dead, why exactly should you need to reroll to another server?
  • If you are having to reroll onto other servers because >90% (not an exaggeration) of the servers are dead, how does this even mildly relate to 'successful'?
  • How do you figure that this is an even mildly acceptable solution to this problem?
  • What makes you think that people want to reroll their characters, let alone new ones?
  • In fact, please, describe in detail how this game is successful. I'd love to hear your personal opinion. In group content, not single player content, because we are discussing how being forced to reroll onto other servers is perfectly acceptable.


I'm all ears.

Edited by TheRealBowser
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I love positive threads, but this thread is a load of garbage.


This is not really meant as a flame, but dark green on black background is a horrible choice if you want people to actually read what you wrote. Kudos to those who did: My eyes can't take it.

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I love positive threads, but this thread is a load of garbage. I mean this in the most respectful way possible. All you are doing is throwing around insults and excuses and blind assumptions. Honestly, there is nothing positive in this thread whatsoever. No 'happy feelings', just a lame attempt to try and cover up all the problems this game has to feel better about yourself, instead of actively trying to find a solution.


This game is losing players, monthly. Is it dying? Not yet, but if you think this game is getting more players or getting better currently, you are blind. SW:TOR is still losing subscribers as it tries to find its place in MMORPGs.


Speaking of which, let's talk about some things. The reason SW:TOR is doing so poorly is because it lacks group content. World of Warcraft was successful because it took advantage of the weakness in the MMORPG market, took everything players would want and put it together into one of the best games ever made, and continued to improve on its mechanics (not perfectly so, but they did an outstanding job.) World of Warcraft has plenty of weaknesses, SW:TOR has tried to capitalize on these to mild success, but it isn't enough.


SW:TOR has the best single player content I've ever seen in an MMORPG. Unfortunately, it's group content is sorely lacking. Really, what is there to do? Boring flashpoints, boring operations? Look at the first flashpoints you can do. The Esseles and the Black Talon. These are what every other flashpoint (and operation) in the game should have aspired to be. Rich with story and dialogue. Ultimately, this game fails to deliver -- it gives us bland flashpoints instead for the rest of the game. This simply isn't fun.


It doesn't stop there. Finding a full group in this game is even harder than it was in vanilla world of Warcraft, because in vanilla world of warcraft, specs were basically optional. You could DPS okay as a holy paladin, you could tank just fine as an arms warrior, you could heal great as a feral druid. Dual specs were implemented later when specs began to really matter.


This game has it so that specs are critical from day one, and the difficulty of flashpoints in this game are moreso than any dungeons in WoW (This isn't a good thing, by the way). To put it bluntly, we desperately need dual specs in order to fill out groups and excel in operations, let alone be able to level up effectively. Yet, they refuse to do so.


And this is the case with so much content, Bioware is afraid to add content because we'll think they are copying WoW and we'll quit for WoW.. or something. It's ignorant, wrong, and completely false. We need quality of life features to simply enjoy the content this game offers, yet instead they seem focused on pushing out even more flashpoints and operations players won't really get to enjoy, especially as more and more people quit the game.


This game needs help. Direly. Ignoring this fact and saying "this game is doing great! :D:D:D:D" is going to make the situation worse. We need to start making changes to save this game, and we need to start doing them today. Every day Bioware hesitates is more lost subscribers who may never come back.




PS: The whole "don't feed the trolls" is the most ignorant part of this thread. People voicing their concerns about this game, saying that this game needs help are trying to help this game. If they didn't care, they wouldn't be posting.


Calling this trolling is IGNORANT and only helps dig the grave for this game. It has so much potential that I would hate to see wasted. So, start acting mature and accept that you are not always right (and in fact, often are wrong), accept that this game needs help, and understand that the majority of us want to see this game succeed.


Group content has become increasingly better. IMO, Denova is by no means boring - neither are either of the Rakghoul FPs.

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This is not really meant as a flame, but dark green on black background is a horrible choice if you want people to actually read what you wrote. Kudos to those who did: My eyes can't take it.


It doesn't really bother me (reading dark green, that is), but I've heard this before. I'll edit my big reply out if it helps.

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This +1


I don't hate the game. I still play, WHEN I CAN. It would sure me nice to log on and see more people in fleet than in my guild.


You will soon. And morale will start to increase, and along with that an influx of subs.


Here's why:


The original plan was to open a plethora of servers to make launch go smooth. Worked like a charm. Best launch in MMO history. The next step of that plan was to use the server transfer software BioWare had ready since beta to cull the servers back a few months later.


Enter the QA failure: An element of Legacy, probably a "last-minute addition" talked about in TOR's podcast, broke the server transfer software they were going to implement shortly after 1.2. BioWare is now left with a decision: completely pull 1.2 and all its content and Legacy to rework the issue and go ahead with transfers, or leave it as is, and scramble to rebuild the server transfer software.


Neither decision is a good one. They chose to leave 1.2 in and rebuild the server transfer software.


That left us with too many servers still open way past their intended life span. Which results in LOTS of players with decaying morales, which causes these low-morale players to have decreased tolerance of other bugs and annoying lack of desired features, leading to cancelled subs which further exacerbates the whole issue.


The resulting low morale is having very far-reaching effects into the rest of the game. For example, people are thinking there isn't any content, when TOR actually has more endgame content than even Rift did at 5 months old.


However, had they decided to pull 1.2 and go on with server transfers, the result would arguably not be much different than it is now.


I suspect that's why the QA department is experiencing a restructure.

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Swtor has been profitable. I'm not concerned with that though. I'm concerned wit the word Soon. Granted the word offers some ambiguity to a reasonable time frame that satisfies the word soon, but at this point the Dev team has completely changed my understanding of what soon entails.


If my housemate told me he would get the rent check in soon, I would expect it within 1-2 days. If I told my Boss I would have a monthly report done soon, he would expect it within 3-5 days or by the end of the work week.


Sure coding isn't dusting crops, but its been nearly 3 months since guild summit and we are likely looking at a solid month and a half before 1.3 goes live. If 4-5 months is the standard for soon, what does that mean for announced features lacking the word soon?

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Tacitly, if you don't agree with any and all dissenting opinions 100% you will be considered a fanboy.


Dissension of dissent is not allowed here.


I implied nothing of the sort.


That said, I don't appriciate all the hyperbole, platitudes, and "blind faith" that some who may be viewed as fanboiz seem to exhibit when attempting to act in the role of SWTOR apologist.


Also, I... WANT.... this game to succed. I think much of the cafuffle that happens here on the forums would not happen IF BW actually communicated with us directly in the ariopogus of these forums much in the same way that blizzard engages their playerbase on their forums.

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There is so much wrong with this. I haven't picked apart any replies yet, but I can't pass this one up.


  • If your server is dead, why exactly should you need to reroll to another server?
  • If you are having to reroll onto other servers because >90% (not an exaggeration) of the servers are dead, how does this even mildly relate to 'successful'?
  • How do you figure that this is an even mildly acceptable solution to this problem?
  • What makes you think that people want to reroll their characters, let alone new ones?
  • In fact, please, describe in detail how this game is successful. I'd love to hear your personal opinion. In group content, not single player content, because we are discussing how being forced to reroll onto other servers is perfectly acceptable.


I'm all ears.


Sorry - but 90% is an exaggeration. My server doesn't sniff the top 20 most populated, but it is by no means dead. Everyone comments on server status, but how many have seen anything beyond their own server? Many have, but many, many more just piggy back off of other people's threads and presume to know things as fact.

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I implied nothing of the sort.


That said, I don't appriciate all the hyperbole, platitudes, and "blind faith" that some who may be viewed as fanboiz seem to exhibit when attempting to act in the role of SWTOR apologist.


Also, I... WANT.... this game to succed. I think much of the cafuffle that happens here on the forums would not happen IF BW actually communicated with us directly in the ariopogus of these forums much in the same way that blizzard engages their playerbase on their forums.


Kudos on the attempt at Areopagus! However, I'll have to disagree. The philosophers and listeners that frequented the Areopagus were well-known for their open-mindedness. That is definitely not the case here...

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Group content has become increasingly better. IMO, Denova is by no means boring - neither are either of the Rakghoul FPs.


They are boring. They really aren't getting better because there is no rich dialogue or story involved in them. Just a half-assed lame light/darkside choice somewhere inside.


Seriously, what is it about the rakghoul flashpoint that you like? The similarities to left for dead? There really isn't anything special or fun about them from what I've seen. If I wanted to play left for dead, I'd play left for dead. The references there give the flashpoint a small amount of flavor, but ultimately it is still a boring flashpoint.


Now you are welcome to disagree with me, but it doesn't change the fact that even if the endgame flashpoint were getting better, that from 15-49, pretty much every single flashpoint is miserably boring 1-2 hours grinds, the likes of which make you bored to death of the pointless grinding.


Bioware should play to their strengths -- rich stories and excellent dialogue. I'd rather have one amazing flashpoint than 20 half-assed boring ones. Quality over quantity.

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