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cross-server features would only hurt the community


What community? They don't even have proper server forums ffs. I'm pretty sure at this point, most people just want to play the game. You can't exactly do much in a "community" with a whopping 20 people.

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They wouldn't have to with cross-server options like FP and WZ. People who enjoy playing early would have others to play with at off-peak hours.


30 in fleet at peak hours is great, too, isn't it?


I wasn't serious.


It's pretty obvious that players deserve to be able to do things within the game regardless of their play schedule, the fact that they can't is a pretty big problem.


Luckily I don't have a problem getting PvP queues to pop on the forums, theres plenty of nerd rage floating around here, more fun than the game at the current time.

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cross-server features would only hurt the community


It would ONLY help build a community. Because right now on some servers the is NO community. In order for it to hurt something, it has to actualy exist in the first place.

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cross-server features would only hurt the community


This is used as an excuse a lot and not wholly without merit. However, during my time in WoW I played with many horrible people on my own server before LFG was ever implemented.


The internet allows people to be complete jerks with disregard to everything. It doesn't matter if they are on your server or not.


When LFG was implemented in WoW, I had a few bad experiences. I had many perfectly enjoyable experiences, too. Either way, I GOT TO PLAY. So, keep using this and letting BW slide with this excuse.

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Morale is poor due to too many servers and no one to group with. It results in a disproportionate view of the actual state of the game from a player's perspective.



Morale is due to too many servers.


Too many servers is due to lack of foresight. (I simply don't subscribe to the concept that we forced BW to open all of those servers and that there was no other way for them to handle the EGA surge, because there were other avenues, they simply chose to ignore them)


Lack of foresight comes from a lack of understanding of the state of their game.


Lack of understanding means that the root of these problems isn't likely going to be as quick of a fix as most people are hoping.


Transfers are not the root of the problem, people didn't leave because 250 players on their fleet simply wasn't enough, people left because the core of the game, end game content, was extremely lacking. As evidenced by the bandage they tried to place over their max level game by implementing legacy and herding us into a pattern of re-rolling and avoiding our level 50s.

Edited by Celebrus
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Morale is due to too many servers.


Too many servers is due to lack of foresight. (I simply don't subscribe to the concept that we forced BW to open all of those servers and that there was no other way for them to handle the EGA surge, because there were other avenues, they simply chose to ignore them)


Lack of foresight comes from a lack of understanding of the state of their game.


Lack of understanding means that the root of these problems isn't likely going to be as quick of a fix as most people are hoping.


I don't think players forced opening more, either. However, I and others remember the server transfers they tested in closed beta that were quite successful. They may have been relying on that to cull the servers back later. Only, in beta, it was tested before Legacy was really ready to test. Hard to say what exactly happened, but transfer software was built and tested in beta.


Now, I'm not saying there weren't oversights. However, the statement I made that you responded to was that they have a better understanding of their own game than mere forumgoers.


As far as endgame content, there's more there than any other MMO in history. The problem is that it's not difficult enough, and there's not enough players on many servers to even do it.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Pretty sure the "leads" better understand the actual state of the game better than you or I or anyone else on this forum...

Maybe some but not in the PR talk, the design choices, nor the results


Few examples:

  • 1.2 gear: players kept hammering they hated the gear, it was a general consensus with roundly 90% players against. Devs pushed live the gear.

Note: it takes roundly 10 days of work effort shared between an modeler and a mesh artist to do one complete set. They took 2 weeks to answer the issue. During that time even if they only had 1 modeler and one artist in the team they could have redone a complete sets or tweak many of the worst pieces (usually helmets and shoulder pads)

=> They done nothing



  • Rackghoul event

The vast majority of players asked if not to extend the event to keep the vendor in game. It would have been really easy to do so

=> They done nothing



  • Change legacy name / Separate legacy name from last name

This subject is being asked again and again. It's a very simple quick win.

=> They done nothing



  • Separate companions roles from the characters

Last time we asked Daniel answered in the QA that companions roles are designed to be mandatory. Ex: if you want a healer with your Juggernaut you are stuck with Quinn. That is contrary to what players want

=> They don't want to change that.



I can go on lengthily with the list, so no the leads don't do what's requested by most of their player base.

Edited by Deewe
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I don't think players forced opening more, either. However, I and others remember the server transfers they tested in closed beta that were quite successful. They may have been relying on that to cull the servers back later. Only, in beta, it was tested before Legacy was really ready to test. Hard to say what exactly happened, but transfer software was built and tested in beta.


Now, I'm not saying there weren't oversights. However, the statement I made that you responded to was that they have a better understanding of their own game than mere forumgoers.


As far as endgame content, there's more there than any other MMO in history. The problem is that it's not difficult enough, and there's not enough players on many servers to even do it.


The "amount" of content is judged by the time it takes to consume that content as much as anything else.


If it's too easy, and is consumed too quickly, as far as MMOs go, and most other games for that matter, it means there isn't enough of it.

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cross-server features would only hurt the community



Are you rickrolling? Keep Guilds or other folks who need to feel "socially interconnected on a MMO server" out of the cross server-LFG but give it to the normal players who want to jump into quick random groups who just don't want to play "Star Wars - I Am Legend" anymore, alright?

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Funny how all the people who are defending this game,havent left the forums in 2 days. If you know you love this game,why even be here fighting people for it. Go enjoy it ,with the other 3 people on your server :)
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Moot point. Transfers are coming before LFG.


Here's a clue: All those evil community wreckers that would be using cross-server LFG/LFD? Well they'll be transferring to your server, when transfers start. Its the same group of 8 guys....

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Maybe some but not in the PR talk, the design choices, nor the results


Few examples:

  • 1.2 gear: players kept hammering they hated the gear, it was a general consensus with roundly 90% players against. Devs pushed live the gear.

Note: it takes roundly 10 days of work effort shared between an modeler and a mesh artist to do one complete set. They took 2 weeks to answer the issue. During that time even if they only had 1 modeler and one artist in the team they could have redone 2 complete sets or tweak the worst pieces (usually helmets and shoulder pads)

=> They done nothing



  • Rackghoul event

The vast majority of players asked if not to extend the event to keep the vendor in game. It would have been really easy to do so

=> They done nothing



  • Change legacy name / Separate legacy name from last name

This subject is being asked again and again. It's a very simple quick win.

=> They done nothing



  • Separate companions roles from the characters

Last time we asked Daniel answered in the QA that companions roles are designed to be mandatory. Ex: if you want a healer with your Juggernaut you are stuck with Quinn. That is contrary to what players want

=> They don't want to change that.



I can go on lengthily with the list, so no the leads don't do what's requested by most of their player base.


You can go on and on. And it would all still be outside observations. Did they make some bad decisions? Sure they did. They're human. There isn't an MMO company in history that hasn't made some bad decisions.


But no one on this forum knows the game well enough to know what would and would not actually work. We can say we want this and pout if we don't get it, but we can't say with certainty that a certain something we want would have worked and there was no good reason it wasn't implemented!

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Here's a clue: All those evil community wreckers that would be using cross-server LFG/LFD? Well they'll be transferring to your server, when transfers start. Its the same group of 8 guys....


Ahh, gotcha. I still think my idea of a LFG with a X-server toggle is the best solution and would end the debate for the most part.

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The "amount" of content is judged by the time it takes to consume that content as much as anything else.


If it's too easy, and is consumed too quickly, as far as MMOs go, and most other games for that matter, it means there isn't enough of it.


Good point.

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Funny how all the people who are defending this game,havent left the forums in 2 days. If you know you love this game,why even be here fighting people for it. Go enjoy it ,with the other 3 people on your server :)


Actually, I'm ingame right now. Taking a little break alt-tabbed after I made 300k on solo dailies. Next step is back onto my Consular to finish chapter 2 and I'll have all 4 class buffs! Woot!

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Funny how all the people who are defending this game,havent left the forums in 2 days. If you know you love this game,why even be here fighting people for it. Go enjoy it ,with the other 3 people on your server :)
Funny how all the people who are bashing this game, havent left the forums in 2 months. If you know you hate this game why even be here - period. Go play what you like, with the other 100 griefers on the forums. :)


Or is fair too much to ask for?

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Funny how all the people who are defending this game,havent left the forums in 2 days. If you know you love this game,why even be here fighting people for it. Go enjoy it ,with the other 3 people on your server :)


Maybe they, like me, are posting from work and play when they get home!?! ;)

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If this thread was titled: "ToR is a failure, dont feed no fanboiz.", it would be locked.


If it was a copy/paste from a TOR fansite, it probably wouldn't be, actually. It seems they tend to stay put no matter what they say. I've seen some "less-than-flattering" articles from Darth Hater that didn't get locked.

Edited by Averran
corrected quote anchor
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You can go on and on. And it would all still be outside observations. Did they make some bad decisions? Sure they did. They're human. There isn't an MMO company in history that hasn't made some bad decisions.


But no one on this forum knows the game well enough to know what would and would not actually work. We can say we want this and pout if we don't get it, but we can't say with certainty that a certain something we want would have worked and there was no good reason it wasn't implemented!

Sorry JC, thing is it's not about a few issues but too many of them and keeping stubborn even when your player base is telling you are wrong.


BTW we knew many things that were wrong even before the beta (some examples below):

  • 2 locked factions
  • Lackluster Republic and too much focus on Empire
  • Space duck

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This is used as an excuse a lot and not wholly without merit. However, during my time in WoW I played with many horrible people on my own server before LFG was ever implemented.


The internet allows people to be complete jerks with disregard to everything. It doesn't matter if they are on your server or not.


When LFG was implemented in WoW, I had a few bad experiences. I had many perfectly enjoyable experiences, too. Either way, I GOT TO PLAY. So, keep using this and letting BW slide with this excuse.


I agree with you, and to you point I might add...


I look at server populations as a sort of bell curve. At the one end are the low-life miscreants for which most people hate. At the other end are all the fantastic people you love ot group with. In between... well are people in between that. Cross server LFG just allows you to group faster and easier, allowing you to get more groups, to group with more people, to you know group with more good people, and.... more bad people as well. This is by virtue that you are simply grouping with more people in general.


I have never seen any direct evidence linking cross server group finders to good people losing their minds and suddenly becoming a-holes. Please if that exists point me to it :rolleyes:


Before LFD in WoW I ran into idiots, it's not like suddenly having LFD uncorked the ability for them to play the game.


In BC I would run about 3-4 Heroics a night and would run into a jerk about once every three days (2-3 a week). In Wrath when LFD was implemented I would run about 6-10 heroics a night (since I wasn't standing around for hours spamming looking for someone to fill out that spot) and would bump up into a complete jerk almost every day.


It wasn't that there was more jerks, I was just bumping into them more often because I was getting more groups. The frequency at which I was forming groups was greater, ergo the frequency at which I was bumping into jerks increased, but the overall ratio was the same. I Was just doing 2-3 times as many dungeons.


I remember standing around Shattrah / Dalaran for hours trying to get a healer/tank. Or completing Heroic Mechnar, only to have to fly back to Dalaran to replace the healer cause he needed log so we could do Heroic Botanica. A lot of time was wasted just trying to put the group together. I have a busy life and for the hour to two hours a night I can enjoy to play, I'd rather spend it doing a couple of Flashpoints than standing around on the fleet spamming for 90 minutes trying to get a group together, only logging off because there's not enough time left to get anything done.


Sooo spamming in general "Looking for healer for FP/Dungeon" builds a community how? Like how exactly does that build up the community? I fail to see the corelation.

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