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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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I have noticed a severe decrease in the number of players online on my server since Diablo 3 released. My normally 2-5 minute WZ queues have turned into 2-3 hour queues with no pop (I log off).


I suspect that most of these people will return once they get their D3 out of their system (since it doesn't have PvP), but until then my server has become dead enough to where I don't see a point in even logging on other than to level alts.

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D3 did not gut my guild, the game did. Most of my guildies in our Republic chapter quit before D3 came out. Our Empire chapter is hanging on though, they maintain just enough numbers to run Ops and occassionally 16 person Ops.


Also, what gives Bioware no 6 month anniversery celebration?

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Agora (marketplace), not the Areopagus (Field of Mars - where the infantry assembled).


No, they assembled at the Areopagus, too. It's where Paul addressed the masses. But yes, they liked to talk in the Agora, too. Although, he did start out in the Agora, then was taken to the Areopagus to face the tribunal. He was treading on shaky ground there, so you have a point. :p

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Posts like this are not helpful. You obviously didn't read what he wrote closely. Let me help you out here.




AS you can see he actually likes leveling alts ( as do I ), he was just stating what seems to be what the majority of people playing MMORPGs today seem to be looking for in an MMORPG.


Seriously, you are not helping "trolling" for the fanboiz. :rolleyes:


That doesnt really seem like that requires other players though. When you say the people are looking for raids or pvp from an mmo its because they either a) want to play with other people, or b) play against other people. Er, or c) roleplaay.

Edited by Superawesomerman
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That doesnt really seem like that requires other players though. When you say the people are looking for raids of pvp from an mmo its because they either a) want to play with other people, or b) play against other people. Er, or c) roleplaay.


Not sure where you are coming from here.


The poster that was trolled by the other poster was stating what he thought most poeple are looking for in an MMORPG today.


The poster that tolled said he should go play another game then, because the poster that trolled said in another thread that this game was about leveling alts.


I pointed out that the poster that stated what he thought the majority of MMORPG player were looking for actually like to roll alts and was just stating what he thought that the majority of MMORPG player were looking for.


So not sure what you mean by your post.

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Does this look like a success to you?


I don't even know how that is possible. Don't they have all these metrics they use to show who's where and who's doing what in the game? They didn't noticed the rapid decline on more than half of their servers before it got this bad?


It's almost as if they didn't even start work on server transfer plans until post 1.2, as if they believed people wouldn't quit their game.


ToR has it's good points, but for the past few weeks, it's been miserable across the board and generally underwhelming for months. The numbers there don't lie. I'm glad it's been "profitable" for BioWare, but I don't feel like I'm getting my money's worth.

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Get a guild, then you miss nothing! Except maybe wz's... those just dont pop, enough, but besides that, a guild solves most of the problems, then the merges will fi the rest.


I ah eh you er ah ufffffff nah never mind I can't bring myself to do it


Excuse my post, if you would like to see a response to your comment then look at the many many responses to the many many times it has been said in other threads

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Get a guild, then you miss nothing! Except maybe wz's... those just dont pop, enough, but besides that, a guild solves most of the problems, then the merges will fi the rest.


i absolutely think the same, but nowadays it seems to me that my national guild is dying, idk if it is because of summer holiday is around the corner or something else but it bugs my mind.

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Does this look like a success to you?


I don't even know how that is possible. Don't they have all these metrics they use to show who's where and who's doing what in the game? They didn't noticed the rapid decline on more than half of their servers before it got this bad?


It's almost as if they didn't even start work on server transfer plans until post 1.2, as if they believed people wouldn't quit their game.


ToR has it's good points, but for the past few weeks, it's been miserable across the board and generally underwhelming for months. The numbers there don't lie. I'm glad it's been "profitable" for BioWare, but I don't feel like I'm getting my money's worth.


Couldn't agree more.


The population problems have more to do with the hubris shown by the devs that seemingly never expected a population drop like this than it has to do with being sideswiped by unexpected legacy problems.


If the transfers were "ready since beta" then why weren't they available before QA failed to catch issues with Legacy? Populations were already dropping before the giant credit sink that is legacy became available. Legacy should have been put on hold until populations were stabilized, the only reason they shoved it in our faces was to push people to re-roll over and over again due to a lack of content at end game. It could have waited, that is for certain.


The consensus that they were simply caught by surprise due to QA failures doesn't really seem to fit the bill considering the population had been dropping, literally, since January.

Edited by Celebrus
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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls..

Thing is threads like this hurts the game more than you think because not only your claim is wrong but it comforts the leads in their bad choices.


Meaning the game won't be improved.


P.S.: go tell the fired people the leads and the producer made the right choices. Have fun.

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Get a guild, then you miss nothing! Except maybe wz's... those just dont pop, enough, but besides that, a guild solves most of the problems, then the merges will fi the rest.


I'm in a guild and I raid.


However, things need to happen outside of scheduled raid times or the world feels dead and boring. It doesn't matter if you are running some PvE raid, when every world you set foot on is dead.


It just feels sad when more people are in your guild online than there are random people on fleet (the game's central hub lol). Feels more like a cooperative multiplayer game than a MMORPG. I can't believe EA/ Bioware chose to do Legacy instead of Transfers. It is a disservice to everyone not on The Fatman.

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His English was not bad, just his spelling was not terribly good but perfectly acceptable for a quickly typed fourm response.


What exactly did you find horrendous about his responses? Other than the fact that he dared to express an opinion that did not exactly match yours?


Why did you not defend your assertions from his responses?


Mostly because


a) it doesn't matter one bit if I do, no one will subscribe/unsubscribe due to my post

b) my arguments still stand, he didn't even try to debunk them with his broken English. Go read them and his responses again, maybe you'll see for yourself how horrendous his comebacks were.

Edited by cs_Kimmo
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Thing is threads like this hurts the game more than you think because not only your claim is wrong but it comforts the leads in their bad choices.


Meaning the game won't be improved.


P.S.: go tell the fired people the leads and the producer made the right choices. Have fun.


Pretty sure the "leads" better understand the actual state of the game better than you or I or anyone else on this forum...

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Does this look like a success to you?


I don't even know how that is possible. Don't they have all these metrics they use to show who's where and who's doing what in the game? They didn't noticed the rapid decline on more than half of their servers before it got this bad?


It's almost as if they didn't even start work on server transfer plans until post 1.2, as if they believed people wouldn't quit their game.


ToR has it's good points, but for the past few weeks, it's been miserable across the board and generally underwhelming for months. The numbers there don't lie. I'm glad it's been "profitable" for BioWare, but I don't feel like I'm getting my money's worth.


Serious question here, what time was that taken? I don't have my glasses and cant see the time stamp haha

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Pretty sure the "leads" better understand the actual state of the game better than you or I or anyone else on this forum...



If they had such a great understanding of the state of the game, would the state of the game be this poor?



Looks like roughly 11am.



Well we all know that doesn't count then.


It's a well known fact that there are no MMOs in the world that have ANY healthy servers during off-peak hours. o.0

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It's a well known fact that there are no MMOs in the world that have ANY healthy servers during off-peak hours. o.0


They wouldn't have to with cross-server options like FP and WZ. People who enjoy playing early would have others to play with at off-peak hours.


30 in fleet at peak hours is great, too, isn't it?

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If they had such a great understanding of the state of the game, would the state of the game be this poor?


Morale is poor due to too many servers and no one to group with. It results in a disproportionate view of the actual state of the game from a player's perspective.

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They wouldn't have to with cross-server options like FP and WZ. People who enjoy playing early would have others to play with at off-peak hours.


30 in fleet at peak hours is great, too, isn't it?


cross-server features would only hurt the community

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Well we all know that doesn't count then.


It's a well known fact that there are no MMOs in the world that have ANY healthy servers during off-peak hours. o.0


11 a.m. isn't exactly a deadzone time either.


8 people on the entire server Republic side should never happen, reguardless of the time. Not in ANY MMO.

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To say that the game is a success is foolish, it just has not been out long enough. Put your fanboy away and think logically and objectively using the evidence we have. I think that anyone with half a brain can look at the servers, the forums, reddit and elsewhere and decide that this game is in a very perilous condition. Something people who play the game on the 99% dead servers could tell you already.


I think that the game was overhyped and was a disappointment to a lot of people. I think that the people in charge were callous in their planning and execution. I also believe that the game was rushed out when it was not ready. People don't want to pay to play a beta, when there are so many better and polished options out there.


One thing that I am sure of is that without a LOT of work, this game is headed down a path that could lead to it being the biggest disaster in MMO history.I hope they come through and fix things, then maybe i'll even resub somewhere down the line. Everything I have seen up to this point from EA and Bio-ware gives me no confidence in their ability to turn things around.


I get that some people are happy and that some guilds are still active, but you have an ignorant and myopic view if you think nothing is wrong. I would reccomend a psych eval for anyone who thinks its a success. I don't think anyone can say that there is one positive trend happening in SWTOR right now. Sure they don't F everything up, but I want consistent success not consistent disappointment.


One of the reasons my sub was cancelled is customer service, they make Comcast look good.

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