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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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if that's how you want to read it, then sure. i'm not going to bother trying to change your mind. if i bothered doing that, the internet would be a very frustrating place.. :p


i "recant" nothing, what i said, and what i meant, was that without ToR succeeding, the website is a failure.


if i have a website dedicated to atmospheric partical count at the altitude of 20,000 ft to 20,005 feet, it could be a fancy site, but if no one cares about it, it would be pointless.


another tidbit in the same line of "i'm not going to convince you otherwise", because you'll either believe me, or you won't, but those sites (that I mentioned) have tracked the decline in public interest in the game MONTHS (like, more than 2) ago via Quantcast.


And yet what you said after that was that it didn't matter if TOR succeeded or not because it was just a fansite; i.e. it can't by your own definition "fail". Not sure how you're trying to change my mind by changing your stance to suit your argument but okay, I'll move on.


I rarely (if ever) go to those sites since launch and am still interested in the game and play it daily. How would they count me if I don't participate in their data collection? In other words, if their only basis for declaring a finding of declining interest is by how many people view those sites, isn't that also a reflection of lack of interest of those sites and not just the game as a whole? Seems counter-intuitive on its face.


I would like to see what the quantcast numbers are for this site to be able to get a better perspective, I mean I have zero need to go to to a site like darthhater (other than to use the db to look up armor).


I'm not arguing that interest is waning, only in the manner and degree that people have decided it is. Still plenty of activity in the forums here as far as I can tell.

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This was written in the studio update...



Looking back at launch, we all came together and did something historic. We executed one of the largest, most successful and stable launches of any MMO yet in industry history. That is not an easy feat for any development team or company and we are humbled and honored by our fan community’s strong support both at launch and beyond.





ummm well...no not really. :rolleyes:

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lol is that a joke,those listings have been there forever and probably will never be filled....compared to the number of layoffs ,this is nothing.


You said, "nowhere does it say that Bioware is hiring." I just showed you the path to nowhere.


If the majority of layoffs were temporary positions in the first place, then your point is lacking in its entirety. The appropriate term is temporary-indefinite, could be that those positions just had their endpoint defined.

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I'm more active on the forums than the game lol.


I'm sure it's like that for a lot of peeps.




Then the quantcast statistical definition of interest means nothing because interest is quantified as the number of visitors to the site over time.

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I do think that this game is a success. The only thing I'll point out is that Bioware has a lot, a lot, a lot of servers going. As players leave the servers are going to feel very empty. But I am glad that they are offering charactor transfers in the next patch. This is one thing that hurt Star Wars Galaxies after the New Game Enchancement hit (NGE).
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You said, "nowhere does it say that Bioware is hiring." I just showed you the path to nowhere.


If the majority of layoffs were temporary positions in the first place, then your point is lacking in its entirety. The appropriate term is temporary-indefinite, could be that those positions just had their endpoint defined.


you have no idea if any of those positions were meant to be temporary,im sure stephen rieds job wasnt supposed to be temporary. the writing is on the wall,and its sad so many people fail to see it.

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This was written in the studio update...



Looking back at launch, we all came together and did something historic. We executed one of the largest, most successful and stable launches of any MMO yet in industry history. That is not an easy feat for any development team or company and we are humbled and honored by our fan community’s strong support both at launch and beyond.





ummm well...no not really. :rolleyes:


It was a successful LAUNCH but that's something a single-player game should be proud of.

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And yet what you said after that was that it didn't matter if TOR succeeded or not because it was just a fansite; i.e. it can't by your own definition "fail". Not sure how you're trying to change my mind by changing your stance to suit your argument but okay, I'll move on.
relevance, that's an important idea to grasp.


if you prefer, i will rephrase. "The site's relevance is 100% dependent upon the success of ToR".


however, I think that's only a semantic that you will nitpick.


I rarely (if ever) go to those sites since launch and am still interested in the game and play it daily. How would they count me if I don't participate in their data collection? In other words, if their only basis for declaring a finding of declining interest is by how many people view those sites, isn't that also a reflection of lack of interest of those sites and not just the game as a whole? Seems counter-intuitive on its face.
which is the same discussion I had with my friend at ZAM. visits to a DB site does not necessarily mean subscription changes. to which he 100% agreed.


however, he came back with this little rebuttal: history of ZAM has been 100% (ONE HUNDRED PERCENT) accurate in the prediction of the subscription to traffic ratio with their games, and in very similar proportion. When they had a big drop in traffic with WoW, it was directly reflected in subsequent subscription reports.


it's hard to argue with a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT track record


I would like to see what the quantcast numbers are for this site to be able to get a better perspective, I mean I have zero need to go to to a site like darthhater (other than to use the db to look up armor).
I bet you would, and I can tell you that ad-buyers (people who place ads on sites like Torhead and darthhater) would love to see it too! after all, that's the most direct indication of interest on a site, right? not a 3rd party site?


now ask yourself why EA/Bioware has specifically chosen to block their data from Quantcast - an industry standard.

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I like how they mention WoW is an anomaly. I guess SC, SC2, WC3, D2 and D3 are all anomalies. In terns of RTS and button-spam dungeon games they also pretty much destroy the competition. I wouldn't call them an anomaly when Blizzard continually makes quality games.


I'm not hating on TOR. TOR has a lot of great potential, but the fact they're aren't simple features put into the game that have become common place in MMO's is mind-boggling. Forcejunkies has an amazing articles that's basically pointing out how terrible it is that BW thinks you shouldn't do Cross-Server LFG. That it loses the community feeling you get from only one server. That's laughable.

Edited by Lostpenguins
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It was a successful LAUNCH but that's something a single-player game should be proud of.


were you here launch day? it was a disaster... thats why we have 2million servers and todays current problem of one person per server. yes im exaggerating a little but you should get it.

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were you here launch day? it was a disaster... thats why we have 2million servers and todays current problem of one person per server. yes im exaggerating a little but you should get it.


I was talking about how much they made on box sales and the first 2 months of subscription. Also, I never encountered any que on the servers. Of course, my server died 2 months later and I rerolled on Lord Adraas.

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I was talking about how much they made on box sales and the first 2 months of subscription. Also, I never encountered any que on the servers. Of course, my server died 2 months later and I rerolled on Lord Adraas.


oh ok, if box sales are what they meant by "launch" then, ya they sold a lot of boxes. I always thought launch meant the day the game went live...

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There are only around 200 people who play on the Imperial team on my server at peak times. I have only ever seen half a dozen Republic players running around. There are way too many servers in the selections list. This game should have about ten servers at most.


As for drawing in new or returning players, there needs to be a serious effort to add more to the game. A LOT more.


The whole space combat and travel system is horrible and needs it's own expansion pack for a complete overhaul. Those I know who quit did so because of the lack of freedom in space, as space combat and travel is a huge part of star wars for them. So they don't even consider this a true star wars game anymore.


To this day I still play Everquest, and I started in June of 1999. It has more to do in game then every other MMO combined. It also doesn't have any of these dumbed down "features" like auto-log off, logging queue, anti-kiting code, etc. I've played almost every MMO and they keep getting worse not better, there is no sense of community, no challenge, and limited goals. (And I still can't see why people always bring up WoW. I played it for a month or two and was disgusted by how EASY the game was, with everything just handed to the player for little to no effort... which sadly is a lot like swtor is now. WoW is easily one of the least fun games I have ever played.)


This could be a much better game if they invest in the expansion to be more then just a few planets and missions. They need more "mini-games" and "alternate leveling" systems... plus a total revamp of the space portion. If someone wants to manually fly from place to place in the galaxy they should be able to do so. They want to pull the hyperdrive lever, they want to dodge asteriods and land on them, they want to fly down through a planet's atmosphere, they want to chase down star fighters; they want control and freedom.


If there is no expansion, or it's just gloss then it will go the way of AC2, Tabula Rasa and APB.


Star Wars deserves better. So far the only really good point about this game is it's storyline. I really did feel like I was what I was set in the Star Wars universe (minus a few errors in the proper lore... Hoth wasn't even called Hoth until after the thoughtbomb disaster for example, and really shouldn't be in game for this time period ).

Edited by Xniljixl
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I was talking about how much they made on box sales and the first 2 months of subscription. Also, I never encountered any que on the servers. Of course, my server died 2 months later and I rerolled on Lord Adraas.


D3 sold nearly 7 million units on PC. That's a successful launch.


2 million units for an MMO is good--compared to most other MMO's-- but certainly not enough to justify the cost of making it when it cost $150 million+. At that point you need to have sustained high-membership to justify it. Not just a few months. When EA said "a million subscribers is significantly profitable," they didn't mean a million subscribers for 6 months. They meant over the long term.

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: Originally Posted by mokkh

Like I said there have been several with day/night cycles, SWG is another example off the top of my head. In EQ they even had a spell that magicians could use to make it stop raining at will.




Day/Night cycle? Man it's such an old hat in MMOs, guess SWTOR is just too innovative, groundbreaking and ahead of its time to implement this.


Also there are just a few examples with day night cycle like SW Galaxies, WoW, FFXI, Anarchy Online, LOTRO, Age of Conan, The Secret World, Guild Wars 2, Dominus, Fallen Earth, Minecraftt , Everquest 2 and maybe a dozen others.


TOR is simply too successful for day/night change on planets.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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same here,at least on the forums there are people to interact with


Im about even right now, few hours a day forums and few hoours a day game!


But I NEVER see more then 15 in any one location in game, be it 2pm -9pm-1am (actually after 10 pm numbers drop to 1-4 people per area).


I actually come to forums for 2 reasons


1) To give EA feedback

2) Forums are more community then game is. Wish it was different but its not.

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All things aside.


- SWTOR still IS the second biggest sub based MMO in the world

- SWTOR made a profit for EA/Bioware


As such, it is a success.


I have a hard time believing that. I'm not sure this games even in the top10 anymore. you have a source for that claim?

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