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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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I don't know what game you are playing but, your numbers do not mean anything to me. Just because they have made money off this game does not make it a success, at all. There are about 3 US servers with more than 100+ people on it more than one given time. I can't even see how you can say this game is a success, just because they have made some money, and there are dead servers everywhere. You must be on The Fatman server.


im not on fatman. it is sad to see that so much people on the forum is generalising all the time

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I was empathizing. I gave the perception from as realistic a stance as possible. You guys are telling him/her to enjoy the game and give it his/her all. I did that with SWG. Then SWG got ripped out from underneath me, TWICE. Hence where I am now.


Should TOR get slapped with the shutdown, many of those that get overly attached to it will end up just like me. Bitter and angry. I'm looking to spare JediElf the potential for that fate. In short, do make my mistakes and don't be like me.


You started off in your advise ok by saying not to get attached, but it was the very last sentence that stood out and was very jaring. I think if you had left off the last sentence and just advised to be causious it would have been better. Just sayin'.

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I was empathizing. I gave the perception from as realistic a stance as possible. You guys are telling him/her to enjoy the game and give it his/her all. I did that with SWG. Then SWG got ripped out from underneath me, TWICE. Hence where I am now.


Should TOR get slapped with the shutdown, many of those that get overly attached to it will end up just like me. Bitter and angry. I'm looking to spare JediElf the potential for that fate.


Thus it usually is for the obsessed. You were obsessed for your obsession, and when that got "ripped out from under you", as you say quite hyperbolically, you became obsessed with that. Now you're funneling that obsession against in an illusory crusade to "help" others be healthy, when none of this is healthy...


Just my opinion, of course...

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Neither of those said, nor alluded to, a delay or issue with some fictional tool. Bioware has said the were trying to automate the transfer process, but you're telling people here that 1.2 Legacy 'broke' their tool, hence the delay, which, as far as I can tell, is 100% untrue.


No other sources?! No proof for your claims? I'd ask Bioware to confirm/deny it, but we both know that won't happen.


Patience, my young padawan, I'm still looking. I know I read it.

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I think part of the problem is that so many people are worried about SWTOR failing that they're looking for ways that it IS failing.

Blame the customer?! I'm imagining dwindling populations? No. Don't blame me for SWTORs shortcomings. Don't blame me for its failing. Don't blame me for my frustration with not getting answers or having any interaction from the 600+ staff they once had. Don't blame me for not pretending everything is alright when it clearly is not.

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I think part of the problem is that so many people are worried about SWTOR failing that they're looking for ways that it IS failing. That is, they get so wrapped up in the what-ifs that they begin to convince themselves that the game is going to fail, and then, in leaving before it crashes, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.


It's an interesting phenomenon. If this was the first MMO that ever came out, certain problems that exist for the game would not exist. Low server pop wouldn't be an issue because the creators wouldn't have had too many servers at launch. In anticipating large, steady populations, Bioware/EA created waaay too many servers that are now at low populations. If they'd only had ten to fifteen, everyone would be grouped together.


Second, a lot of things people are missing from other games, like rated warzones and group finder, wouldn't be issues because they wouldn't have been invented yet.


As people have had a taste of what is possible, they find themselves unable to judge a game on its own merits, and so they make comparisons to other games. SWTOR should have this. Or this. Or this. And then when BW finally says 'okay, we'll do this,' those people say that it's too little too late. It's that instant gratification mentality that is killing the game.


SWTOR is a very fun game, and it is relatively successful compared to other MMOs. Its only problem is that it failed to bring in every mechanic from every other game ever made, either through conscious decision or because of technical impossibility. Most unfortunate is that when people scream that they want these mechanics, and then they're added to the game, the same people refuse to return.


I wonder if some people just want to see something crash and burn. I feel like the doomsayers on this forum that keep stating that the game is failing only want to see it shut down. It's the only reason I can see for the negativity.


much truth here, but I've highlighted the part I'll address. In twelve years of forum life, I've seen this and much worse. You had PvP guilds posting Raph Kosters home address during SWG development with 'orders to kill' because of Raph's take on PvP development. The lengths some of these crazy posters will go to is beyond ridiculous.

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Thus it usually is for the obsessed. You were obsessed for your obsession, and when that got "ripped out from under you", as you say quite hyperbolically, you became obsessed with that. Now you're funneling that obsession against in an illusory crusade to "help" others be healthy, when none of this is healthy...


Just my opinion, of course...


Well Dr. Phil, what's your suggestion? :p A person cannot simply stop being angry.

Edited by Bluerodian
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im not on fatman. it is sad to see that so much people on the forum is generalising all the time


Missed my point entirely. There are so many dead servers you cannot do anything in this game, you cannot play it ffs. I would rather pull my own teeth than sit in a 2 hour wz queue, or even just run around in circles on the fleet trying to find a group for operations/flashpoints.

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You need to understand that all MMO forums are inhabited with paid astroturfers, zealots of other MMO's and those who get more joy in spreading misery than they do playing a MMO.


This is a made up term and it not being used correctly here.


There is no "grass roots" movement for the "success" of SWTOR to have false pejorative of "astroturf" tossed on a mythical "movement" of people that are sharpening their pitch forks and brandishing their torches to take down SWTOR. :rolleyes:

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Blame the customer?! I'm imagining dwindling populations? No. Don't blame me for SWTORs shortcomings. Don't blame me for its failing. Don't blame me for my frustration with not getting answers or having any interaction from the 600+ staff they once had. Don't blame me for not pretending everything is alright when it clearly is not.


he is not blaming you for it failing because he doesn't believe it's failing. you misinterpreted the post. everything is not alright? what's the big deal? if you don't enjoy the game, don't play. i can assure you, everything will be alright.

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Missed my point entirely. There are so many dead servers you cannot do anything in this game, you cannot play it ffs. I would rather pull my own teeth than sit in a 2 hour wz queue, or even just run around in circles on the fleet trying to find a group for operations/flashpoints.


then again, you dont have to generalize something only in the light of your own bad experiences, look at the number approx, max. 50000 ppl on the forums 80% criticising the game, a bit more than 1 million playing it......

Edited by vaknyuszi
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This is a made up term and it not being used correctly here.


There is no "grass roots" movement for the "success" of SWTOR to have false pejorative of "astroturf" tossed on a mythical "movement" of people that are sharpening their pitch forks and brandishing their torches to take down SWTOR. :rolleyes:


I think what he meant was paid viral (anti) marketers, but I knew what he meant. And I'm pretty sure he's right.

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I think what he meant was paid viral (anti) marketers, but I knew what he meant. And I'm pretty sure he's right.


Maybe. But I really despise that word and the origin of that word into our language as it has been used since April 2009 and it always causes me to pause. :p



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he is not blaming you for it failing because he doesn't believe it's failing. you misinterpreted the post. everything is not alright? what's the big deal? if you don't enjoy the game, don't play. i can assure you, everything will be alright.


Reread his post - here are a few highlights.


- I think part of the problem is that so many people are worried about SWTOR failing that they're looking for ways that it IS failing.

- As people have had a taste of what is possible, they find themselves unable to judge a game on its own merits, and so they make comparisons to other games. SWTOR should have this.

- Second, a lot of things people are missing from other games, like rated warzones and group finder

they get so wrapped up in the what-ifs that they begin to convince themselves that the game is going to fail,

- Most unfortunate is that when people scream that they want these mechanics, and then they're added to the game, the same people refuse to return.

- I wonder if some people just want to see something crash and burn

- It's the only reason I can see for the negativity.


EVERY SINGLE one of those quotes blames someone (us) besides Bioware. He clearly blames "the community" and then summarizes that people who "want" the game to fail are the reason for the negativity. He's so convinced that it's OUR fault that he can see no other reason for people to maybe be a little negative. Bioware has done nothing wrong in his mind that might have caused some frustration or 'negativity'. He CLEARLY blames us mate!

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Reread his post - here are a few highlights.


- I think part of the problem is that so many people are worried about SWTOR failing that they're looking for ways that it IS failing.

- As people have had a taste of what is possible, they find themselves unable to judge a game on its own merits, and so they make comparisons to other games. SWTOR should have this.

- Second, a lot of things people are missing from other games, like rated warzones and group finder

they get so wrapped up in the what-ifs that they begin to convince themselves that the game is going to fail,

- Most unfortunate is that when people scream that they want these mechanics, and then they're added to the game, the same people refuse to return.

- I wonder if some people just want to see something crash and burn

- It's the only reason I can see for the negativity.


EVERY SINGLE one of those quotes blames someone (us) besides Bioware. He clearly blames "the community" and then summarizes that people who "want" the game to fail are the reason for the negativity. He's so convinced that it's OUR fault that he can see no other reason for people to maybe be a little negative. Bioware has done nothing wrong in his mind that might have caused some frustration or 'negativity'. He CLEARLY blames us mate!


Blames you for what though? You said that he was blaming you for the game being a failure, when clearly he doesn't think the game is a failure.

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Reread his post - here are a few highlights.


- I think part of the problem is that so many people are worried about SWTOR failing that they're looking for ways that it IS failing.

- As people have had a taste of what is possible, they find themselves unable to judge a game on its own merits, and so they make comparisons to other games. SWTOR should have this.

- Second, a lot of things people are missing from other games, like rated warzones and group finder

they get so wrapped up in the what-ifs that they begin to convince themselves that the game is going to fail,

- Most unfortunate is that when people scream that they want these mechanics, and then they're added to the game, the same people refuse to return.

- I wonder if some people just want to see something crash and burn

- It's the only reason I can see for the negativity.


EVERY SINGLE one of those quotes blames someone (us) besides Bioware. He clearly blames "the community" and then summarizes that people who "want" the game to fail are the reason for the negativity. He's so convinced that it's OUR fault that he can see no other reason for people to maybe be a little negative. Bioware has done nothing wrong in his mind that might have caused some frustration or 'negativity'. He CLEARLY blames us mate!


"A little negative"? Sorry, but most people here are mostly, if not all, negative. It seems they are not allowing the things that BioWare does right to temper their stances. Which is required if one is to be "realistic". Focusing on only the negative, while "cool", is not realistic.

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Since this seems to be the most current thread that houses all the tunnel-visioned lacking any sense of objectivity fanboys, I would just like to say, "Hi, Fanboys". Hope you're having a great day!



Rezakh (from reality, feel free to come back to Earth anytime you're ready)


P.S. The devs really are not gods, as much as you prefer to worship them no matter how many mistakes they continue to make.


Hi Rezakh! How is it in reality where everyone's a condescending doomsayer?


Yeah, the game has problems, but it has a lot of good too. The rational ones see both :p

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If it is a success, why is my server dead?


Your server is empty because the population is spread out over too many servers. When you log in go take a look at the server selection screen and count how many total servers there are. Thats US, Euro, and Asia servers.

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