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More info needed NOW (very important)


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Maybe you need to work on your reading comprehension skills, or i need to work on my english writing skills (probably the second), but "im just asking for them to share some info they already have" doesnt equal to "they are not sharing any info", i exactly meant: "i need some more info they already have"


And i dont think i deserve anything more than anyone else, i just need that info and ask for it, because i have some serious work ahead and that info would help me a lot, also i think that info is not some kind of secret or soemthing they cant share, its just a chunk of general non specific info that means nothing to them but helps me a lot. Let Bioware decide if i should or should not have that info, really cant understand how me asking those questions can disturb you enough to come post here.



Then I would suggest sending them a well written e-mail asking for this information instead of posting on a general forum that is moderated by people that probably have no idea what the answer is as they are not the developers and are probably not even included on the meetings where this information is discussed.


They are given a set of guidelines to follow and are also given the information that they post. Every once in a while a Designer/PR rep will come here and post a sticky of general information (which they have done in regards to the information they are willing to give out about server transfers).


After they confirm your credentials, they might even answer your questions, just like they did to the blogs and gaming sites they have been giving interviews to (also stickied, also giving information they are willing to give out about server transfers). Again, they have given out information on server transfers, just because it is not as detailed as you would like, regardless of the reasons you want the info for, they have given it. ALL of us would like more details on it and they know this so I seriously doubt they are holding back information on purpose, they are giving out what they can, when they can, following their company policy of distribution of information.

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For what it's worth, I agree 100%. They need to be engaging us, particularly in light of the recent layoffs. They need to throw us a bone, give us some real information, to keep people engaged and willing to trust and hang in there. I've been a huge supporter of this game, pre and post release, and WANT to keep on believin', but they're not making it easy.


I will remain un-subbed until they deliver some kind of information regarding their product. 1.2 said we would get Ranked Warzones ... We're approaching 1.3 now and still nothing ... not a single word.


I'm sorry, but until they can deliver a better quality product, I will play other games.

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There are two ways to play 'pass the parcel'. The one that is the most hectic is the one where they remove a chair each time the music stops. Trouble is without a chair to sit on your out the game.... or have to find another chair even if you found your own chair very comfortable. Lots of MMO gear chasers like everyone sitting on the same chair as it feeds their game and saves them waiting for groups when they log. I sense the music about to start... hense the frantic nature of posts like these.


For me this is ' not very important ' , at all. But then I like my chair.

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I will remain un-subbed until they deliver some kind of information regarding their product. 1.2 said we would get Ranked Warzones ... We're approaching 1.3 now and still nothing ... not a single word.


I'm sorry, but until they can deliver a better quality product, I will play other games.


This has to be one of the best and rational posts I have seen from someone that has unsubbed and because of this I applaud you.


This poster has the right of it though, if they (BW/EA/Who ever) is not giving you the information you need to continue to keep paying them, then stop until either 1) they give more information that brings you back, 2) they put in the things you want to play that brings you back or 3) well, there is no 3 but meh ...


No one is forcing anyone to pay and keep playing, your characters do not get deleted if you unsub for 6 months and come back when, hopefully, there is more to do. This is why I do not understand why soooo many haters of the game spend soooo much time crying and posting on these forums, is there really nothing better to do than come to forums of a game you hate just to complain about it? Has our world sunk to such a level that people feel the need to spread theuir hate and disappointment to others just because? ...


Again, to the poster I quoted, you are doing the right thing, hell, I didn't even see you post any hate things about BW v ;)

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I'm sorry, but I don't believe serious MMORPG gamers left SWTOR for Diablo 3. Those that did leave for Diablo 3 were just game consumers looking for the next big thing, and probably not a good source for a long-term customer base in the game.


Perhaps since people realize transfers are coming, they're just holding back playing until that occurs...


You assume that because you do not like D3, that "all" serious MMORPG players will not enjoy it. I have been playing MMORPGs for a long time including raiding etc but I have a lot of fun with D3 and Blizz is certainly fixing problems faster the BW seems to be able to. There is no basis for thinking that people will only enjoy and play one limited genre of games. I had gotten to the point of only occasionally logging into TOR before D3 came along due lack of things to do at 50 for my 3 lvl 50s other than run the boring dailies. Server has a total of 40 to 50 folks of all levels on at prime time, spread across the whole server. NO FPs, no OPs, no WZs going on due to low pop. Economy broken due to pathetic crafting and low pop. I just found other things to do, which happens to include D3 once it went live.

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No one is forcing anyone to pay and keep playing, your characters do not get deleted if you unsub for 6 months and come back when, hopefully, there is more to do. This is why I do not understand why soooo many haters of the game spend soooo much time crying and posting on these forums, is there really nothing better to do than come to forums of a game you hate just to complain about it? Has our world sunk to such a level that people feel the need to spread theuir hate and disappointment to others just because? ...


Agree, but im not a hater and this is not a hate thread, i like the game, i had a raiding lvl 50 toon a server that became empty, most of my friends left the game but i rerolled on most populated server, joined a great guild, i was raiding true end game content and having fun, but then population on that server was halved within a day and my guild is now unable to keep progress.


We have tried to recruit, failed, we are trying to merge with other guilds but seems most people is loosing interest on game, but im not, i want to keep playing, i could explain in detail all the discussions we have had, but its too long and probably boring, the summary is: we need to rejoin our server-spread community, but in order to do it efficiently we need some more info, so im asking it, does it makes me a hater????

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Are they allowing light pop servers to transfer off? Or just heavy to light?


They said they are giving "the most motivated" people on the light servers a chance to transfer for free to a higher population server. There's also a thread where there is a quote "we are coming up on a huge move to servers with massively higher population caps than we have today. ". I'm expecting there will be several servers transferring to a single server.

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