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Austin Peckenpaugh - Fixing Mercs/Commandos

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I'm so glad that they noticed the issue with the Mercs after 1.2c. I went Biochem to try and help with the burst DPS problem, which we shouldn't have to do. Any who I'm glad that it's incoming and I think I'm going to resub to give the game a chance with 1.3. With server transfers inc and better class balance, it's worth $15 to try it out. Here is the post below. I hope they correct the tank assassin problem while they are at it.



Any thoughts on current class balance that players can expect in 1.3?


Austin Peckenpaugh, Senior Designer: In 1.3, we're making some balance and quality of life adjustments. The highlights include tanking survivability and threat generation, with an emphasis on getting all tanks on the same target, particularly where AOE threat is concerned; Mercenary/Commando DPS improvements; Sniper/Gunslinger Marksmanship/Sharpshooter tree improvements; and some visual improvements to a few slow abilities and abilities that still aren't quite mirrored cross-faction (including Shock and Project).

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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Cool but I don't think we need DPS improvements as much as we need tree improvements though.


The single target DPS atm is horrendous in PVP. I don't PVE so not sure in that area. At least they looked into it and are moving in a positive direction. I enjoyed the 1.2 merc changes. The 1.2c changes really messed us up though. Heck I give them an A for at least looking into the class. It showed they were at least reading the forums and reviewing their metrics/math.

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The single target DPS atm is horrendous in PVP. I don't PVE so not sure in that area. At least they looked into it and are moving in a positive direction. I enjoyed the 1.2 merc changes. The 1.2c changes really messed us up though. Heck I give them an A for at least looking into the class. It showed they were at least reading the forums and reviewing their metrics/math.


Agreed. But let's wait and hear what the changes actually are. There is no less reason to remain vocal about the issues we experience playing the class.

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Agreed. But let's wait and hear what the changes actually are. There is no less reason to remain vocal about the issues we experience playing the class.


Yeah I agree. At least it appears as a step in the right direction. I hope the changes they make are descent. We will have to wait and see. I think if they increased the heat sig debuff I would be some what content. I'm tired of being the worst class in the game after the last so called bug fix. At least Austin Peckenpaugh looked into the 1.2c merc issues. He deserves kudos for fixing the issue in a somewhat timely fashion. One week after 1.2c would have been better, since I'm impatient, but it is what it is. No matter what the change it can't get any worse for 50 Arsenal Mercs in PVP.


When I PVP i want to win some and lose some. RIght now high end 50 PVP as a Merc is comical and I wouldn't want my team to lose more PVP matches, because they let a Merc in the group. I recently leveled Biochem and it helped offset the PVP imbalance, but a class shouldn't have to do that to be viable in PVP.

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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I agree that its good they are looking into it and have noticed being a Merc in full BM that the DPS is lacking compared to some of the other advanced clases like Sniper etc. but they also need to closely look at commandos and mercs and fine tune because commandos have a way higher survivability and their AOE circle is ridiculously large compared to Mercs *death from above and Sweeping blasters* armor value needs to be taken into account, like adding increased damage reduction to armor specialzation for armor type worn 1v1 a councilor and lost because of some kinetic rock/pebble damage which shouldnt have happened with max tracer lock on him light should never be able to take down heavy in 1v1 fight
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wonder if they are gonna fix full auto, too!! :p (still bugged)


idk. i'm torn. i love the class, but the goons "balancing" them are n00bs.


nothing i can do about it but wait and see...and let my $$$ do the talking if, when they eff it up.

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I agree that its good they are looking into it and have noticed being a Merc in full BM that the DPS is lacking compared to some of the other advanced clases like Sniper etc. but they also need to closely look at commandos and mercs and fine tune because commandos have a way higher survivability and their AOE circle is ridiculously large compared to Mercs *death from above and Sweeping blasters* armor value needs to be taken into account, like adding increased damage reduction to armor specialzation for armor type worn 1v1 a councilor and lost because of some kinetic rock/pebble damage which shouldnt have happened with max tracer lock on him light should never be able to take down heavy in 1v1 fight


Commandos and Mercenarys are exactly the same, just fyi. They don't have higher survivability or a larger AOE radius. They are exact mirrors of each other ability wise.

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