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healing "nerf" was a necessary one.

What you call "boring" is what every healer in our guild call fantastic change in the healing. Every healer just told me that now healing has become far more interesting. healer have to be efficient, watch out for ressource, heal pre-emptively, over all the gameplay just gain in depth. But i agree that is just a matter of opinion. But hardly a failure.


ranked WZ aren't in 1.2. You can't call a feature that is not there a failure, you haven't even play it. You could say they promised it then failed to include in 1.2, fair enough, but you cannot say 1.2 was a failure because of the ranked WZ, since there was no ranked WZ in 1.2.


It's like promising to make 12 cupcake, then just realize you have just enough flour for 8 cupcake. So in a way, you failed to deliver the 12 cupcakes you promise but i'd hardly said that the 8 cupcakes you made are a complete failure, they probably are delicious (since it's kinda hard to make disgusting cupcake).


So try to put perspective in your vision, if you are a gamer, you should like game, even imperfect one. No game is ever perfect, no game will ever please everyone, but everygame, even the most terrible of them out there, have a few positive point, some interresting idea the dev put in there.


Or, if you hate games so much, go fish or do something else.


Wow, such a sad attempt at spin.


as far as the healing nerf, i'm one of the healers that left. as a veteran MMO player i saw exactly how the nerf would effect the way my sorc healer played and it would not be in a FUN way. who wants to take a 11-15% health hit every time they need to regen force?


either way, they went about the nerf the wrong way. you don't completely revamp the entire way a class plays just a few months after release, then make it a 1,2,3,4 class. stupid, stupid, stupid (and i'm not even touching on there PVP life expectancy....)


as far as your cupcake analogy goes you completely screwed that one up too:


they promised 12 cupcakes, maybe had enough flour for 8 but then delivered ZERO cupcakes.


how good does zero cupcakes taste when you've been promised 12 and could have been delivered 8????

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Wow, such a sad attempt at spin.


they promised 12 cupcakes, maybe had enough flour for 8 but then delivered ZERO cupcakes.


how good does zero cupcakes taste when you've been promised 12 and could have been delivered 8????


i don't think you are being rational, i think you are angry and it's your anger talking.


1.2 did provide


1. a new flashpoint

2. a new operation

3. the legacy system

4. an expansion of the crafting system which change the way we see gearing up

5. custom ui

6. a bunch of fix and balancing.

7. a new tier of gear

8. new daily


that is not exactly 0 is it. You may only care about pvp, thus seeing 1.2 not bring anything for you, but you can't say the 1.2 patch was empty (0 cupcake)


anyway, as i said, so little time, so many game

you clearly don't like the game, don't force you to play or even post on its forum. Play what's fun for you.

The game will become what it must.

If it grows, great, if it fails to retain players, well, no matter. It was fun while it lasted, i'll move on.


oh and did i say so many games out there, so little time.

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see my sig.


people were saying the same thing about 1.2, and it was a massive failure.


i think most people are on here with residual time now.


i wonder how many people spend more time on the forum, than in game.


i know personally, i am on the forum to vent. I really wanted this to be SWG, but better. turns out, it was just a console game with a SW theme.


Massive failure? Just because it wasn't "your cup of tea" doesn't mean that it was a failure.

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The main part of 1.3 is the LFG tool which I read in an interview was mainly worked on by the UI team. So, the content team is probably busy at work on patch 1.4. But if people really expect 1.4 before maybe October/November, they're likely kidding themselves.
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