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Coming Soon to STAR WARS: The Old Republic

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Completely agree. I had so much faith that Bioware would turn things around, but this just shows they aren't even listening. How does a non-cross server group finder help you find a group on a server where no one is online?


And to the "OH BUT TRANSFERS WILL FIX THAT" crowd, no, they will not. They will make it worse for anyone who isn't on one of the 5 or 6 servers that will become the "go to" servers for transfers. No one is their right mind is going to transfer to my server, but people are going to leave it.


Bioware; You can fix every single problem in your game with two things; cross server group finders and cross server warzones. You're not giving me this to respect the community on my server? Well the 15 or so people who play on my server do not consider ourselves a community, and absolve you of that concern. You want to "respect" community? Make it so the communities stop dying.


What are they supposed to do, you have so many people complaining about how cross servers ruined WOW...in some ways it did hurt WOW, means people are free to act like ******es. Cross servers might help, but you always gotta consider all of these people complaining (Which went on before the game even went live.) BW is kinda damned if they do damned if they don't in this situation.

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The only problem I can think of is when server transfers will come most people will transfer to a more populated servers then 80% of the servers will be ghost owns and if you decide to move to the more populated servers with everyone else it will be too crowded so you'll have to wait for login.
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Another useless attempt at trying to stop bleeding subs, should have been implemented long ago, this will fail for a few simple reasons, for one, its not cross realm, will take too long to get groups going on non standard to full servers, players will get fed up and again will either quit or stop logging in due to long waiting times, second it also shows players being able to do a LFG for Ops, and if i know Bioware and their incompetence as a development team, what you will get is players grouping up for lets say Ops or hardmode flashpoints at level 50 that they are not going to be geared for due to Bioware not having a system in place like wow to restrict players joining instances that they don't have a specific item level or rating for. lets face it, Bioware have already proven so far that their ability to see the bigger picture overall on production is seriously lacking


the Legacy system is still a joke and will probably continue to be after 1.3, so far you can unlock species all you like by leveling to 50 or paying 1 million credits to do so, only Problem is, its useless on another realm, and also the species unlocks are also useless to you if you already have lets say 8 alts on one server, there is no option to customise previously existing alts species with the unlocks, clearly the lack of thought and imagination in this game seriously beggars belief, and i know cause i have played this game since release, leveled a char to 50, have several other alts also in this game and am still a subscriber at the moment i write this, not to mention that i am also an experienced mmo player having played wow for the last 5 years as both a hardcore and casual raider and pvper, and other mmo games as well such as guild wars etc etc, so i believe i qualify to judge what is and what isn't an acceptable produced mmo to be released to the general public.


this is a game that has great potential but has been sadly let down by an incompetent development team

and management who are still bent on lying to the Stwor community through the use of lame excuses for sloppy production, along with misguided attempts on trying to convince the public that the game is not in danger of sinking ,when the reality of server Populations and server lists also prove it to be quite the contrary, the lies and false and lackluster information that are so cleverly disguised in these videos do nothing but portray this company as a bunch of cleverly disguised propaganda and false marketing strategists,


its about time you started getting honest with the Stwor community Bioware, and stopped making excuses for the mess you have made of this great game and also its time for you to get truly honest with the general public as to what state the future of this game really is in, the lies have to stop!, in fact, if truth be known, you owe the the stwor community a serious apology for the mistakes, lies and general halfhearted approach you have given this game in terms of production and for the slow and inefficent effort made at sorting this games bugs and problems out


i could say so much more, but i think i have summed it up here fairly well concerning Bioware and this game.

Wishing Stwor, and the Stwor community all the best and every success for the future,


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I wonder if they are ever going to fix the Bounty Hunter glitch where you keep shooting after the enemy has been defeated... so frustrating and happens every time i use the unload ability. Anyone else have this problem?
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The LFG tool will only be viable if it is x server. WZ queue's should also be x server. This would immediately fix problems with getting a queue and or getting a queue with only 5 people on one team and 8 on the other.

Furthermore, when ranked wz's are instituted, you not only will know where you rank on your planet..but throughout the galaxy!

That would be bad ***!

How many wz's can you play with your 4 man pre-mades before you are bored since you see the same guys over and over. Now imagine playing 4 mans (8 eventually) from other servers and actually against the other faction. Even if you are playing the same maps over and over..going against other pre-mades that you haven't played against before would be sweet.


I would like to know if we are able to transfer all our toons, or just one etc. I would also like to know which servers will be available to us for transfers.


I agree that the legacy stuff is kinda whack right now. The buffs are cool, the companion dance is cool, the sacrifice is cool...and yeah thats about it. I wonder if speeder at lvl 10 is coming in 1.3


As for new content, I really think new flashpoints, raids etc are cool. I would really like to continue to see new areas open up, pve/pvp that allow you to earn specialty items only earned if you particiapate in those areas. I would like to see world events like the Rakghoul one introduced more frequently. That was a lot of fun. Make the events partially in neutral republic and Imperial areas, and voila..open world pvp as well.


Wardrobes would be a nice add on. I dont think it is necessary to have to xfer your mods/augs etc and pay heaps of credits just for a new look. Why not just use a wardrobe system where game play whether pve or pvp provides commendations to purchase items.






Swiftsure and Infinite Empire - Taking A Sith Guild

Edited by Sykotica
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With all the layoffs and EA clearly not wanting anything to do with swtor anymore, will this be the last content upgrade? Or will you just be switching from really slow updates that don't include everything promised, to extremely slow updates that don't include anything that works?
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Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Game Director James Ohlen highlights some of the new content coming up in Game Update 1.3 and beyond, including a fully-featured Group Finder, a Character Transfer System, several new Legacy Perks that allow you to customize your experience, and more!


Watch Now


i needs the ability to make snipers have more defense in the new operation Explosive Conflict

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1. Will the Group Finder include Heroics?

2. Will the Character Transfer cost money? If so (Probably) then how much?


1. Yes it will, I can at least give you that.

2. No idea. I hope they give a short period of free transfers.

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First time I have seen this video I said "Wow, using social item as guild uniform for such an events as group pvp ect is great idea!" than I started to think "mhm, but there is just about 10 or so social armors, everyone will use them, especialy at the begining just coz its new."

My question is, will there be new as universal sets as those in future?

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I don't know if it is too late. I started with Diablo 3 and i'm having a blast with it that i don't know I will revive my SWTOR account after the free month expires, but if GW2 comes before the 1.4 "big" path i think it would be game over for SWTOR as i wont came back, "maybe if BW gives a week resurrection to test the new content?" Ya I know, you don't care if I log or not, but i'm not the only one thinking like this.


Guild Wars 2 might not even be out this year.

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If they don't combine servers so it ups the populations I think they will see a lot more people unsubsribe - including myself. I was on Correllia and a whopping 5 people were on the other day. I would rather wait a little in que and be able to find a group for Heroics or dailys than no one on a planet. There was a lot more interaction before the creation of additional servers. Developers please fix!
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The only thing really breaking the game right now is server population issues. At least this patch fixes half the problem. I just hope the price is reasonable. Server merges next please, and get ranked warzones worked in to quell the PvPers for a while. I would also like to see what content itself will be added to 1.3, as in operations, flashpoints, etc. I know it won't be high amount of content, but if there is none whatsoever I would be appalled. Looking foward to it though, the accessibility of the content, quality of life in the itemization and next evolution of the Legacy system.
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It may have already been discussed, but I really hope that adaptive gear reacts to your Companions' armor abilities too, and not just the Player's. So if I put Social gear on my companions, it will scale to medium or heavy for them as well (I hope).
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NO WONDER all this time i thought they dint care, There server list when they go to play the game says eather Heavy or Standard, They dont realize there on the wrong list....


Now you get your BUTTS in GEAR BIOWARE please get this update out its the last hope for the Republic and SWTOR.

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I can't wait for another update! Waiting for character transfers, nice to have 50's with your friends. The augment toolkit is awesome makes it nicer to upgrade to the best gear without wasting a ton of money trying to GTN it.


Thanks guys keep up the good work!


*Side Note* All of you stop complaining about things coming out late or should have been here at launch. Try making a game this amazing for yourself! They are doing an amazing job and adding really good content. All of it was well polished and pretty balanced from the beginning. So stop crying and be a GOOD star wars fan!

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alot of people have made various defence cases for every side of the die in this thread it seems. So rather then reply, i'll just post my 2 cents.


This patch is called "Allies" just call it "waste of time" or "we dont need subscribers" Anyone who finds this particular patch spectacular just boggles my mind. I'm not one of the people complaining i'm gonna quit. I wont quit, I relatively enjoy the game, but it is a bit drab and boring 75% of the time.


Augment kits: This just kills even more of the economy, the economy that barely exists. Then again being able to wear whatever i want, I'll take it. Guess this is an ok addition but nothing amazing.


Legacy Additions: I do my dailies, i pvp all day, i sell alot of slicing stuff but because of the money sinks in this game, and the price of mod ripping, and the price of the PvE mods on the market..i never have any cash. The grind for cash is just to rediculous, Dailies...eh.. Hopefully this stuff aint to expensive cause the focus of this game does not need to be in legacy right now. Dont get me wrong tho i want more legacy but thats not going to save this game.


Server Transfers to little, to late. Maybe im wrong maybe it will fix issues, but what really needs to happen is merges before transfers. This could be an issue IF they really do have a high pop on these servers who come back on every patch, then you'd have overloads possibly but im sure they can find a safe number to merge. Beyond that, Fatman and Harbinger just gonna get flooded with more people, low servers stay low. Unless its selective but then whats the point you wont know where to go and may wind up in a worse situation, or only somewhat better.


LFG Tool Perfect use of time...if you actually have a server pop..and content people wanna do.


Alot of people can say this game needs that, or this e.t.c. What it truly needs I'm unsure. Cross-server PvP and Group finding? perhaps. Ranked Warzones? Perhaps. What i believe will fix it, stop lying to us and yourselves EA/BW, this game isn't doing fine. Your next patch isn't exciting, you arent listening to the community. You can't even fix simple bugs and its rediculous. I dont wanna stop playing this game, I may take a break for GW2 but i truly do hope, that this game is "fixed"

Edited by oncura
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