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Two Handed Lightsaber


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Seems cool. Sometimes purely stylish variations like this are fun to have. I'd consider getting one. But I really like my current light saber hilt. Hopefully some artist at Bioware will see this post and decide to throw it into the game. :D
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Absolutely behind this idea. I'm all for a bit more weapon appearance variation. I know there are several different hilts but honestly, unless you're zoomed in somewhat close, who's gonna be able to tell the difference? This adds a bit more variety.
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I was just thinking it'd be a neat idea to implement a two-handed lightsaber. I know we Guardians already wield our lightsaber with two hands but I was thinking something...bigger. Something along the lines of this : http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Long-handle_lightsaber


I'd love to run around with this on my Vigilance Guardian.

Now that would be cool, almost like the polearm of lightsabers.

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I agree that this would be a cool thing to have, but in a game sense it would still just be in your left hand and a focus in your off-hand. There are no two-handed items in this game and im not sure the game system allows them to make any (as in taking up both hands).
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It'd be awesome if it was a bit like the double-bladed saber, but with a blade toggle. Choosing between a long saber, a normal saber and a double-bladed saber would be sweet. Unbelievably OP, but awfully cool. Edited by i_am_sancho
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That would be awesome, looks very cool.


However I doubt we'll ever see it, at least as described in the linked article, since it implies different handling of the saber, which would mean different animations... and that will likely never happen (especially given yesterday's layoffs...)


Still, there should be more hilt variance in general and this is one cool way to go. In fact the only hilt I noticed that looked noticeably different was the one you get in the sith sorc class quest, a very cool curved hilt kinda like Dooku's.

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I have to concur with polebreaker - the difference in grip would require new animations; that is unless you are willing to accept the longer hilt just hanging down from the "standard' two-handed grip and a bunch of clipping.
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I think it'd be nice if there weren't any restrictions on lightsaber hilts. Let Guardians use double-bladed lightsabers, and let Shadows use two-handed hilts, and vice versa, all across the board and factions. And if we could customize the way a lightsaber is held, such as allowing a Jedi Guardian being able to hold their lightsaber like a Sith Juggernault does, and vice versa, that would be awesome too.


Wishful thinking, probably. :rolleyes:

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Quite frankly, this is a great idea. And it could be a step in the direction of giving a bit more damage to DPS Guardians. When I saw this it seemed like the perfect solution for a lot of things.


honestly i thot when we got shein form..we would be leaning toward a two handed type dps tree.. i was wrong lol

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honestly i thot when we got shein form..we would be leaning toward a two handed type dps tree.. i was wrong lol


Exactly, that's what it feels like we're missing. The only thing I can think to explain things is that double bladed lightsabers are supposed to only be 5% better than single bladed so the 6% extra damage on Shien balances things out? Never really compared them side by side to know. But I'm sure it's more than that, skill damage differences etc.


I was thinking a two handed saber could make up for that because Bioware would have to relook at Guardians and Juggs, make a few new animations and rebalance some things.

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Sounds good!

And it might give Guardians and Jugs the possibillity to dish out some more damage, which we kindda lack at level 50. And it'll give us a way to make ourselves a bit different than the other Jedi's/Sith.

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