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Everything posted by Articane

  1. I keep reading posts that say Vig Guardians have 4 DoT abilities. I only count 3 in Plasma Brand, Overhead Slash, and Blade Storm. One post mentioned Force Exhaustion but that's a Focus skill. Can anyone clarify this for me?
  2. Exactly, that's what it feels like we're missing. The only thing I can think to explain things is that double bladed lightsabers are supposed to only be 5% better than single bladed so the 6% extra damage on Shien balances things out? Never really compared them side by side to know. But I'm sure it's more than that, skill damage differences etc. I was thinking a two handed saber could make up for that because Bioware would have to relook at Guardians and Juggs, make a few new animations and rebalance some things.
  3. Quite frankly, this is a great idea. And it could be a step in the direction of giving a bit more damage to DPS Guardians. When I saw this it seemed like the perfect solution for a lot of things.
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