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Date Night!


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Have you read my posts lately? I am no better. Its all Aric's fault, I can't help it!


I wonder if Bioware ever reads threads like these and think....hmmm, what have we created with these companions, lmao, or perhaps it will give them some ideas :p


i do hope the VA's aren't watching, and joking with each other about who seems to be the ladie's favourite XD

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I would be really embarrassed if any of the VAs read my posts, especially Timothy Omundson, lmao, although I am sure they would find it amusing....


lol, i don't look up the VA's, as the SW story at grathams makes a great example

the mother says the voice may be her son's...but the words are hers...so i don't go crazy over following VAs


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HMM my Light sided sith jugg,and vette.. I could see vette taking him to a dance club in some out of the way place, were no one knows who my Sith warrior was. I could see her being dominant in this kind of thing relationship wise. She would tell me, that i leave my lord of the sith at the door and to totaly let go and then proceed to enforce that rule with shots of cheap whiskey and and sailor jerry. (best cheap rum i have ever tasted, so good i can drink it on the rocks and it still tastes great un mixed) Some time around 2am i come out of the bathroom and see some hitting on her. Seeing as im nearly fall down drunk and barely able to pronounce my own name, let alone focus on using the force, i get beligerant and go and confront the wayward fool. "Hey Buddy, you get your Hamn dands off my girl-Hic- before i-hic- rip your face off and beat you to death with it. "


He tries to use the force to reach his light saber but ends up grabbing a bottle of Hoch instead. Being drunk, he is distracted and takes a huge drink from the bottle and passes out. Vette then rolls her eyes, Dirty kicks the guy, as she was about to do before her significant other embarrassed him self, then proceeds to plop some credits down on the bar, with a little extra to erase the SW identity from the security vids. She proceeds to drag my passed out arse back to the ship to sleep off the booze. Of course Just becuase im passed out, dosent mean her night has to end:p


I can see my jugg not waking up till like 1pm and then be l ike, "*** happend last night?.


Im not nearly as creative as you bioclock ticking females here, but i can see vette being a great opposing force to my serious warrior. He needs her immaturity, to help him lighten up, and for her to show him what life can be like out side of my empire duties..

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i do hope the VA's aren't watching, and joking with each other about who seems to be the ladie's favourite XD


heh, that would be strange yet mildly entertaining all at the same time.


Granted, I have it head canonned somewhere that Kanpeki went and got a slave-kini while she was on Nar Shadda, helping Vette find her sister, for "special occassions".

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heh, that would be strange yet mildly entertaining all at the same time.


Granted, I have it head canonned somewhere that Kanpeki went and got a slave-kini while she was on Nar Shadda, helping Vette find her sister, for "special occassions".


oh, i have a verry verry dirty establishment in my head cannon on what fills the cabinet by my bed on the phantom. i mean my gear is kept in the cargo bay.

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oh, i have a verry verry dirty establishment in my head cannon on what fills the cabinet by my bed on the phantom. i mean my gear is kept in the cargo bay.


Well... Kanpeki had to make some space in her cabinet on the Fury after Quinn moved into her room, the bed's more comfortable and bigger in her room.


So, Date Night: Iresso and my JC go for a moonlight stroll on Alderaan before he realizes she's STILL wearing the slave-kini that she was when they first met. He drags her back to the ship for some cuddle time.

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Smuggler and Risha: Gambling and shopping on Nar Shaddaa. Smuggler gets crazy-lucky and wins a crapload of credits, (partially due to Risha helping him cheat his way to the buy-in amount). They then proceed to spend almost all of it in one night, Risha playing a big role in this task. They finish off the night (er, morning) in a flat above the spaceport, overlooking the city vista.


Smuggler and Akaavi: I imagine them getting dinner around some beast-fighting ring. Smuggler makes bet, wins bet, gets surprised attacked (and subsequently knocked out) by the loser. Then, Akaavi turns into Mandalorian She-hulk and throws them over the railing into the ring.

They finish off the night in the medical bay of the Ebon Hawk after bruised smuggler gains consciousness. (He's formidable when he gets the gets the first strike, and a wimp when caught off guard by a 300lb Trandoshan).

Edited by Stenrik
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Alright so I guess I can come up with some for the romances I have done.


JC & Nadia- I feel like they would go to a museum and then stare up the stars at a park while discussing philosophy.

BH & Mako- Sadly not far enough along yet to get a good feel for this one yet.


Jc & Nadia in a museum discussing philosophy prbably most relaistic one i have read yet.

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Lt. Pierce and the female Sith Warrior: They'd have an accidental date. Some scenario where he saves her and they end up on some slow shuttle back to the ship after escaping and a ration kit turns into an impromptu romantic moment.


Ah heck, now I have to write that out. :D

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Oh! Oh! For any LI, I would want to hack as many computer systems as it takes to get the processing power to crunch star maps and locate the one place in the galaxy where the nearest brightest stars would spell out my lover's name. And then just take 'em there and hold the ship in place for a while.


(Easy: Mako, Kira. Middling: Pierce, Vector. Difficult: Andronikos. So...nicknames, then?)


Because if you're going to be sappy, may as well go on a galactic scale.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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Jc & Nadia in a museum discussing philosophy prbably most relaistic one i have read yet.


Yeah, or maybe somewhere on Tython, I mean after that conversation where she goes there she's all "OMGGGGGGGGG that was awesome =DDDDDD".


I don't think there are any museums on Tython though :/

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My IA would take kaliyo to an asteroid fill it with explosives then blow it all to hell......... After i would jettison people she hates out of the Airlock and we would watch them freeze and suffocate....... Edited by Zanderwright
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My IA and Vector would go to a Scandinavian spa, the kind with cold plunge pools, and hot tubs and saunas and steam rooms. They would get one of those couples massages, body wraps, facials, mani and pedis. Shiloh would be in heaven and Vectors senses would be going crazy, not to mention he would love each experience. After their spa day they would hit the Symphony and then desert at a fancy bistro.


Something for all the senses.



Also I want to do that IRL with my hubby.....

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Just came back from a local italian fetival, and figured heck i bet an ethnic festival might be up vector's alley. I mean an open minded diplomat who finds cultural things fascinating. The senses are assailed by the smell of street venders with all sorts of food, the blaring of regional music in foreign language, the milling of thousands of auras, all emitting happy vibes. Traditional costume and dances. awesome food and drink. traditional sprts and games. I'm sure he would find it quite pleasant.
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Just came back from a local italian fetival, and figured heck i bet an ethnic festival might be up vector's alley. I mean an open minded diplomat who finds cultural things fascinating. The senses are assailed by the smell of street venders with all sorts of food, the blaring of regional music in foreign language, the milling of thousands of auras, all emitting happy vibes. Traditional costume and dances. awesome food and drink. traditional sprts and games. I'm sure he would find it quite pleasant.


How was the street festival anyways? Didn't make it out there myself.


Oh hmmm... I could see Nadia (JC) and even the SI taking Talos with her to one of those too.

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How was the street festival anyways? Didn't make it out there myself.


Oh hmmm... I could see Nadia (JC) and even the SI taking Talos with her to one of those too.


17 city blocks of people, vendors, food, music, and interesting things. suposed to be an italian festival, but they had EVERY kind of nationality setting up pandering food and wares. They had people in roman gladiator armor with mock weapons having battles, forget what type of weapon they used, theyre made of like a cloth tape over a frame used in LARPs and renfair fights. hella fun to use with friends.


im quite exhausted after that, but sadly nothing happening on my guild. booo i need things to do XD

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