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Everything posted by Space_Chicken

  1. Yeah, or maybe somewhere on Tython, I mean after that conversation where she goes there she's all "OMGGGGGGGGG that was awesome =DDDDDD". I don't think there are any museums on Tython though :/
  2. Hmm. I'm going to say, from a storyline point-of-view, the Consular's Nadia is the worst companion. Spoilers ahead for the class story.
  3. Favourites: SW - Jaesa SI - [Not Played] IA - [Not Played] BH - Blizz JK - T7-O1 JC - Toss-up between Qyzen and Nadia Smuggler - Bowdaar Trooper - M1-4X Least Favourites: SW - Quinn SI - [Not Played] IA - [Not Played] BH - Torian Cadera JK - Rusk JC - Tharan Smuggler - Corso Trooper - Aric
  4. Wait how do you turn it off? I just minimise mine all the time.
  5. @ All the "herpa derpa you obviously bought power levelling" people, I don't think he did (obviously I could be wrong, but I don't think so). I levelled to 35 on my SW before choosing Juggernaut, and the lack of talents & AC abilities was noticeable, but was not as big a hindrance as people are speculating it is. Obviously it would get harder as the levels get in to the 40s, but if you're good enough I'm going to bet that a good player could do it. Voss/Corellia probably wouldn't be easy, but I'm betting they're doable if you've got the skill. Personally I did the main Class + World arcs for each planet and the space dailies, the fact I was underpowered only started to even show around late Alderaan. So I believe that he got this legit :/
  6. That's a bit harsh, many people enjoy romance novels & romantic movies. Do you think "hmmm should I even consider being friends with this person, as they obviously can not find any affection IRL or are obsessed with sex?" when someone goes "Ooh, I really liked [a romance novel/movie]! I liked how X was and Y developed, and I liked Z a lot too."? I'm willing to bet you don't. Some people enjoy romance novels. Some enjoy romantic movies. Some enjoy romance sub-plots in video games. Some (like you) seem to want to keep romance in the real world, but that's no reason to generalize every single person who likes fictional romance. Anyway, to the topic at hand. I played through the MConsular romance on my main and liked it, although it felt sort of rushed seen as you only pick up your romantic interest after Belsavis, meaning you get a tonne of affection from dialogue choices so after 1 planet you can grind off nearly every companion quest one after another. But I'm interested to see how it develops through further content patches & expansions. I played the SW Jaesa romance on my alt and liked it as well, DSJaesa seems to be pretty much the complete opposite of Nadia [MConsular romance] personality wise, and it was fun to get to see an emotional side to someone who's pretty bloodthirsty and crazy.
  7. Jedi Consular: 8/10 , not too many seem to enjoy it as much but I found it really good Bounty Hunter: 6/10, I found Act 1 the best, but they're all pretty good ^_^ Sith Warrior: 7/10, I didn't like Act 1 too much, but I thought it picked up afterwards.
  8. Think he means the quest on Coruscant when you get the final Noetikon, and they plant the dud one that sends you to that white area where you get asked 3 questions. Only part that I found bad was that I answered all 3 right and the guy was still like "AHA! It still weakened you!" even though I got out fine
  9. I've finished the Consular storyline and have now have a Bounty Hunter at 25 & I prefer the Consular story. The BH is cool and all, being this gruff mercenary out to make credits and rack up some kills, but I prefer the "Good Guy Jedi" feeling of the Consular more. You're out to help people because you're a nice guy. You're not after power or prestige, you just seem to genuinely like helping out, and I like that
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