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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Date Night!


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Alrighty, it's pretty clear there are a lot of inventive minds here that probably spend way too much time thinking about their companions. Not that I would know anything about that ;) So what would be some great date nights for the various pairs? Current in-game locations, potential new places...etc etc....


F!Smug & Corso - A night out dancing, definitely. Some little hole in the wall.

F!Troop & Aric - I want a night in, gosh darn it!! And more FTB time!!

F!Troop & Aric - And a night out to the Dealer's Den to sample some whiskey.

F!BH & Torian - Hunting expedition on the wild tundra of Hoth followed by some Mandalorian home cooking.

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smug and corso.... any bar with a mechanical bull

agent and vector - a shuttle to the middle of nowhere, beautiful natural landscape, stargazing, and nobody else around for miles

hunter and torian - hunting, definately. also a little sparring

blizz- anywhere blizz takes you will be magic

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Alright so I guess I can come up with some for the romances I have done.


JK & Kira- JK's ship.....this couple really doesn't need any other location >.>

SW & Vette- I really have no ideas with this one. I just have trouble visualizing this pairing even with my LS SW. x_x

JC & Nadia- I feel like they would go to a museum and then stare up the stars at a park while discussing philosophy.

SI & Ashara- A romantic picnic on Tython likely followed by running for their lives when a Jedi happens upon them.

RT & Elara- Trooper dragged to the medical seminar that Elara mentions in one of her post-romance emails followed by a fancy dinner at one of Coruscant's fancier restraunts.

BH & Mako- Sadly not far enough along yet to get a good feel for this one yet.

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i'd say a nice picnic with vector... but..well..ants and all that... he'd insist they shared thier food with the ants >.>


lmao...I haven't even met Vector yet and this made me giggle.


Personally, I just want to be able to have a girls' night with Risha and Akaavi. We can get girly drinks and talk about emotions!

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JK & Kira- JK's ship.....this couple really doesn't need any other location >.>


Am I the only one who thinks that when you send all your other companions off on missions, you and your love interest are spending time alone on the ship together? (Or some cases, spending time together in every room of the ship... *cough*)

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Am I the only one who thinks that when you send all your other companions off on missions, you and your love interest are spending time alone on the ship together? (Or some cases, spending time together in every room of the ship... *cough*)


No you are not.

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Am I the only one who thinks that when you send all your other companions off on missions, you and your love interest are spending time alone on the ship together? (Or some cases, spending time together in every room of the ship... *cough*)


No, no, you're not the only one... I think that Galaxy Map has seen a fair amount of "action" on my SW ship.... :D

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Am I the only one who thinks that when you send all your other companions off on missions, you and your love interest are spending time alone on the ship together? (Or some cases, spending time together in every room of the ship... *cough*)



*just sent out the crew, minus vector, and logged crez off sitting on her bed >.>*

hell, we honeymooned on belsavis.... kinda fun sneaking off into empty jail cells


LOL, I think the exact same thing. That, and the captain's chair...


and poor lokin..if he knew what we did on his lab tables and in his kolto tanks...

Edited by Crezelle
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LOL, I think the exact same thing. That, and the captain's chair...


Granted, on my SW's ship, it's only when Quinn's off duty... Man's gotta get a full work day in apparently... :D



FemTrooper and Aric: I can see them finally hitting up that restaurant he mentions in one of his letters.

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Am I the only one who thinks that when you send all your other companions off on missions, you and your love interest are spending time alone on the ship together? (Or some cases, spending time together in every room of the ship... *cough*)


Considering that some of the romancable comapnions such as Elara have conversions where they send the other crew members off the ship to do stuff so the two of you can be alone, I think the developers had this in mind as well.

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No, no, you're not the only one... I think that Galaxy Map has seen a fair amount of "action" on my SW ship.... :D


Entirely true!


FemInquisitor, Talos Drellik (you know you want to) - Special Sith-only-access pass to some restricted wings of Naga Sadow's tomb. He would be on cloud nine. I think seeing his sheer happiness would fully offset the fact that the Inquisitor won't get laid that night. (Unless she physically pries him off the nearest ancient Sith statue to drag him back to the ship.)


FemWarrior, Quinn - Similarly, special access to someplace like the top observation deck of the Citadel tower. Isn't that restricted unless you're on official Sith business? Yup. My Sith Business is giving you a good meal with the best possible view of the city. Come on.


Male Agent, Kaliyo - Drinks and dancing. Drinks extracted from the private reserve of the greatest crime lord on whatever planet we're on. Music courtesy of the crime lord's estate's sound system. Dancing done in the nicest room we can find once we've finished gunning down the guards.

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Considering that some of the romancable comapnions such as Elara have conversions where they send the other crew members off the ship to do stuff so the two of you can be alone, I think the developers had this in mind as well.


makes sense to have everyone out when you shut off the gravity generators >:3

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My little tauntaun pet jumped up on the galaxy map during a ftb scene once. It was awkward.


Yeah... pets are annoying that way.... It's like they're trying to get your attention at the most inopportune times. Needless to say, it doesn't usually end well when a pet is being annoying when my SW is getting it on.

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Granted, on my SW's ship, it's only when Quinn's off duty... Man's gotta get a full work day in apparently... :D


I always picture my fem!Warrior having to Force Pull the datapad out of Quinn's hands before he takes the hint to stop working, and relax once in a while. (Of course, her idea of relaxation might not be his...)


Yeah... pets are annoying that way.... It's like they're trying to get your attention at the most inopportune times. Needless to say, it doesn't usually end well when a pet is being annoying when my SW is getting it on.


Hey, there's another excuse to get rid of excess companions when you want alone time with your love interest... "Take my Orokeet for a walk... NOW." XD (And you know how pets love to stare during such awkward moments...)

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I always picture my fem!Warrior having to Force Pull the datapad out of Quinn's hands before he takes the hint to stop working, and relax once in a while. (Of course, her idea of relaxation might not be his...)




Hey, there's another excuse to get rid of excess companions when you want alone time with your love interest... "Take my Orokeet for a walk... NOW." XD (And you know how pets love to stare during such awkward moments...)


my dog...would try and wedge herself between my bf and i for make out time...

" durr hurr you two are having fun with whatever it is your doing,...so i want fun too!"

bf's cat... wil try and walk all over us.... and meow....

and then as for annoying pets watching...imagine the killiks

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my dog...would try and wedge herself between my bf and i for make out time...

" durr hurr you two are having fun with whatever it is your doing,...so i want fun too!"

bf's cat... wil try and walk all over us.... and meow....

and then as for annoying pets watching...imagine the killiks


I'm trying not to think about the hive mind there... it's creeping me out....


Soo... back on topic...


I can totally see Vector, Lokin and my IA going out to have a guys night out with the whole theatre-opera type thing. Mostly because I play my IA as an educated sort.


Vette, LS Jaesa and my female SW might go shopping or something and if my SW is feeling especially mean, she'll drag Quinn along and turn him into a packhorse. :D He's not allowed to open his mouth to speak for any reason during said shopping trip.


My JC and Iresso, for some reason I just see the two of them hunkering down and watching a holovid or something together, especially that one he mentions in his letter. Or I can also see her playing a strategy game with Tharan for more intellectual stimulation.

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I'm trying not to think about the hive mind there... it's creeping me out....


Soo... back on topic...


I can totally see Vector, Lokin and my IA going out to have a guys night out with the whole theatre-opera type thing. Mostly because I play my IA as an educated sort.


Vette, LS Jaesa and my female SW might go shopping or something and if my SW is feeling especially mean, she'll drag Quinn along and turn him into a packhorse. :D He's not allowed to open his mouth to speak for any reason during said shopping trip.


My JC and Iresso, for some reason I just see the two of them hunkering down and watching a holovid or something together, especially that one he mentions in his letter. Or I can also see her playing a strategy game with Tharan for more intellectual stimulation.

my agent lets lokin and vector have thier time alone; it's good to see him socialising with someone other than her.


kaliyo and her... yeah... shes lucky IA trained her to handle rough nights out. what happens in nar shadaa... stays on the holonet forever

Edited by Crezelle
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Alrighty, it's pretty clear there are a lot of inventive minds here that probably spend way too much time thinking about their companions. Not that I would know anything about that ;) So what would be some great date nights for the various pairs? Current in-game locations, potential new places...etc etc....



...I spend way too much time thinking about my companions. :o But its Aric, how can I not? And as far as a date night, I think I like that idea of a night in. Yes, I like that idea a lot. :D

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Male Agent, Kaliyo - Drinks and dancing. Drinks extracted from the private reserve of the greatest crime lord on whatever planet we're on. Music courtesy of the crime lord's estate's sound system. Dancing done in the nicest room we can find once we've finished gunning down the guards.


Ok, that image was the greatest. :D:D:D


So I suppose I should contribute to this thread. Hmm...I can see Corso and my smuggler going out for a night of dancing - heck maybe we'd even take Gus along too just for laughs. If "companion dance" is any indication, Gus is a surprisingly good dancer! :p Whenever I'm waiting for my husband's character to come meet me, I pass the time dancing with Gus. We've gotten pretty good at it. I think Corso is even a bit jealous.

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