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No cross server lfg. THANK YOU BIOWARE!!


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Excellent choice on your part. Single server lfg is going to be more than adequate with the server transfers coming.


Funnily enough ... people said almost exactly the same regarding same-server LFG systems some months ago.


Don't put too much faith into the 'server transfers coming' until you actually know the scale and implementation of same.


I've never subscribed to the 'it ruins the community' notion and was very ..... surprised .... that Bioware didn't put it in back in the development days. Just goes to show that hindsight is 20/20 but listening and planning early can save a lot of grief.

Edited by xandax
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Excellent choice on your part. Single server lfg is going to be more than adequate with the server transfers coming.


They just don't know how to make one, that's all. Their single-server LFD is a notch better than what they have now, which is Stone-Age.

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I'm split on this debate.


Cross server LFG is fast in cases like SWTOR where the servers are facing low population.


Buuuut at the same time I is nice to keep fighting with the same people so when I see "Oh that is Fixer he is a healer!"


So in some terms the server is more connected but in others, like some players on my server I don't really care for so I don't enjoy their company so I would be fine not ever having to group with them,

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Good luck finding a group during off peak hours. Transfers or no.


Yup. Off peak hours. Lower level content during Peak hours. Basically every problem other MMOs had with a single-server LFD and these servers carry fewer players too.


They're buying time. They're desperately trying to make one right now. PR wise they can't say that. They have to pretend everything is going according to plan.

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Excellent choice on your part. Single server lfg is going to be more than adequate with the server transfers coming.


You use the word choice like it's a deliberate move on Biowares part even though it's not and until I see what they actually muster up with server transfers.. I think cross server LFG and Warzones will still be beneficial for players as a whole.

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Is LFG better than No LFG? Yes


Your argument is invalid.


Actually, his argument is completely valid in that LFG at off-peak times (and for sub-50 content) is actually not better than no LFG. The result will be the same. No group.

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Actually, his argument is completely valid in that LFG at off-peak times (and for sub-50 content) is actually not better than no LFG. The result will be the same. No group.


Can you queue up and go off and solo some content? Yes


Is this better than spamming General "LF2M - Blah blah blah"? Yes




You're all acting like children.




Get over yourselves, use what is provided or kindly shut up and find something else to play.

Edited by JediZenn
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A few months ago I would have agreed that no x-server for LFG tool would be a good thing.


Now.. Sorry, but at this point, any queue system that isn't x-server might as well be left out of any updates until it is x-server. I don't need some fancy tool to tell me that the 10 other lvl 50 people don't wanna do anything.


Transfers are not an adequate solution at this point, 2 months ago maybe, now we need mergers.

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Is LFG better than No LFG? Yes


Your argument is invalid.


If the result is the same, then more effort/resources put in for the same result is not better, no.



How is that a no? We are getting a LFG tool where none existed, so its obviously a yes. Try again?


Aaaaannd... there's already a LFG tool in the game.

Edited by xandax
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Excellent choice on your part. Single server lfg is going to be more than adequate with the server transfers coming.


Wrong. Single server, regardless of transfers, will not be enough. Once xserver warzones are in place, xserver LFG will follow suit.


Just be patient (those of us looking for an xserver LFG), it's coming.

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Can you queue up and go off and solo some content? Yes


Is this better than spamming General "LF2M - Blah blah blah"? Yes




You're all acting like children.




Get over yourselves, use what is provided or kindly shut up and find something else to play.


That's a pretty toxic attitude - "shut up and find something else to play." :(


That aside, we're actually asking BioWare for something they said they want - more players in more group content more often. We're asking BioWare to realize that, while Single-Server LFG will help some, it won't completely solve the problem. Even after servers are right-sized.


If BioWare really does want to achieve their goal of more players in more group content more often, they're either going to have to fix the engine (both client and server side) so it can support probably 5-10 times more players at peak (so off-peak has enough players to support grouping) or do what their competition has done and implement cross-server.


You see posts all over these forums of people leaving because, ultimately, they don't feel like they're getting a true MMO experience. There are different flavors of this but that's what so many complaints boil down to.


I enjoy this game. I'd like to keep enjoying this game. To do that, I need fewer people to "shut up and find something else to play" as you put it, so I need BioWare to fix the problems in the game.

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They do need merges and cross server queueing eventually, but only after all the individual transferring sorts out and population stabalizes by personal preference. Aka, they're doing it right.


Mergers are not coming. They are messy, complicated, cause more problems than they are worth, and are bad publicity outside the game (more than a few angry forum posters are able to generate).

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Is LFG better than No LFG? Yes


Your argument is invalid.



Is it easier to have a cross server queue pop or a same server one? I want to be able to jump in, do some FPs or WZs quickly when ever I feel like it. Same server queues rarely provide that. Sure, it's better than spamming, bit that still doesn't make it acceptable.

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Is it easier to have a cross server queue pop or a same server one? I want to be able to jump in, do some FPs or WZs quickly when ever I feel like it. Same server queues rarely provide that. Sure, it's better than spamming, bit that still doesn't make it acceptable.


Do you want to quickly jump on and run a FP with someone you'll never see again who proceeds to roll NEED on your gear despite being the wrong class? And you have ZERO recourse you can take against that person?


You want this? Cause I don't. X-Server LFG makes this the norm.

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