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The Fatman's destiny...


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The Fatman now has a lot of ppl that rerolled and when the transfers/merges begins it can face your end.


If the ppl that already has toons on Fatman can't bring your toons from other servers to it, so... the server will die.


Do you guys agree?


Make The Fatman your home now! :D:D:D

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If people who reroll on Fatman in hopes to move thier higher level toons when transfers happen are in for a big surprise lol.


You can bet money that, that Fatman will NOT be on the list of servers that people will transer too. Unless people want to wait on hour queues to play. But if people were patient in the first place, then there would be no merger/transfer issues in the first place.

Edited by stineo
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I'll try to get my two level 50's I left on my dead server (darth malak) to "the fatman" ... free transfers won't be possible but I'm pretty sure paid transfers will be available after the free transfers take place.


I'm pretty sure when transfer are available you might see more populated servers probably for a month or two then people will demand more content, ranked WZ, etc ... then again more people will unsub due to frustration, boring, other games (gw2) or back to their old games (wow, rift, etc) ... and then the only populated server will be "the fatman" again.. so I won't take any more chances... "the fatman" is oficially my home and I plan to stay :p ... I was an old school wow player (vanilla) and honestly (even when I talked $%& about BIO) this is the game for me, this game is what I always wanted and as long as I can afford it I will keep playing.

Edited by RobertoThePot
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I'll try to get my two level 50's I left on my dead server (darth malak) to "the fatman" ... free transfers won't be possible but I'm pretty sure paid transfers will be available after the free transfers take place.


I'm pretty sure when transfer are available you might see more populated servers probably for a month or two then people will demand more content, ranked WZ, etc ... then again more people will unsub due to frustration, boring, other games (gw2) or back to their old games (wow, rift, etc) ... and then the only populated server will be "the fatman" again.. so I won't take any more chances... "the fatman" is oficially my home and I plan to stay :p ... I was an old school wow player (vanilla) and honestly (even when I talked $%& about BIO) this is the game for me, this game is what I always wanted and as long as I can afford it I will keep playing.


If transfers can coax some people off of The Fatman to other servers, then they may allow paid transfers there after a time. Not sure as I would expect you to be able to even pay to go there at the very start.


At least you understand that you may need to pay for this. When Bioware releases transfers and the Fatman is not allowed for free, these forums are going to explode in wrath by those who, naively, believed it would be allowed.


Since they haven't really said, all this is speculation on my part, but I'd wager that the Fatman will not be eligible for free transfers to it, but most definitely people will be able to transfer off if they wish.

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Actually the opposite will happen. Once transfers/mersgers become available, the Fatman will NOT be one of the destination servers to transfer too. They will be targeted by BW as one where ppl might want ot transfer off to another low pop server. With a modest fee of course. Then everyone and their grandma will want off Fatman.
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The Fatman now has a lot of ppl that rerolled and when the transfers/merges begins it can face your end.


If the ppl that already has toons on Fatman can't bring your toons from other servers to it, so... the server will die.


Do you guys agree?


Make The Fatman your home now! :D:D:D


I already did. :) Just abandoned my other characters. I won't pay to move them so they will just fade away when the server shuts down.

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If the ppl becomes afraid of the fatman's death, some ppl will transfer even your main character to others.


If someone is already playing on Fatman, what the problem to bring his toons to Fatman? Is the same slot... I can't play with 4 toons at same time...


I never got queues anymore... I'm worry about it...

Edited by masterbason
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I rerolled fatman the other day. I left 3 level 50's, a lot of legacy, and multiple level 30 and 40 toons behind. I WILL NOT give greedy bioware anymore of my money to transfer a toon because they broke their own game. They should have merged servers weeks ago.


There are too many other games out there for them to be so narrow minded to think that they have the best product. They should have learned from previous mistakes of other MMOs.

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i left my french server ( 10 dudes in the fleet at 8pm..) and my full stuff PvP main character, legacy etc etc...in order to make a new hope in the fatman..waiting for a merge "in my home"


it was a very good idea! a new beginning with people !


it's the only server in wich we can say that swtor is a MMO ... :(

Edited by Thaladan
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I rerolled fatman the other day. I left 3 level 50's, a lot of legacy, and multiple level 30 and 40 toons behind. I WILL NOT give greedy bioware anymore of my money to transfer a toon because they broke their own game. They should have merged servers weeks ago.


There are too many other games out there for them to be so narrow minded to think that they have the best product. They should have learned from previous mistakes of other MMOs.


I agree with you....


Doesn't make sense pay for something that isn't a player responsibility.

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I rerolled fatman the other day. I left 3 level 50's, a lot of legacy, and multiple level 30 and 40 toons behind. I WILL NOT give greedy bioware anymore of my money to transfer a toon because they broke their own game. They should have merged servers weeks ago.
First, nothing was "broken." Second, if you want to transfer your existing characters when the functionality is available, you might want to consider something other than an full server. There are many alternatives that boast thriving populations that likely will be available when transfers are made available.
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You realize a healthy server should not see queues except when new content is dropped, right? The behavior being seen on the Fatman is actually the best-state a game server can attain.


No... in fact.. IMO I usually like the server really really FULL with at least short queues... cuz I like to see a lot of ppl! It's MMO! c'mon!

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The Fatman will be available as a paid for destination transfer.


I hope that will be an option for ppl that doesn't have any toons in Fatman Server.


For someone that does have a toon on Fatman, I guess that should be free.

Edited by masterbason
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BW's best move (IMO) is to have paid transfers to FATMAN...it gives BW an influx of cash, and "allows" those from other servers to bring their geared 50 to play...(Trick will be legacy (which should just be changed to a serverwide thing...you unlock on one server you can use those benefits on any server...)
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I'll try to get my two level 50's I left on my dead server (darth malak) to "the fatman" ... free transfers won't be possible but I'm pretty sure paid transfers will be available after the free transfers take place.


Send me a message if you ever need to run stuff =P Psisniper / Psiovertake on Darth Malak

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