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Anyone else is having trouble with a Light Sith Warrior?



I thought my character would be striving for peace so in Nar Shaddaa bonus series I gave a peace speech during "Spread the Word" quest. Then I went to Taris and contributed to its destruction. Makes me feel like a hypocrite. I'd skip it, but it's the main questline for that world with a decent story.


Also, on Taris there was a quest where you had to kill the a jedi master who trained nekghouls. The dark choice was to kill them all (duh), but the light choice was convincing them that there is more power in dark side so they should join the Empire and learn the ways of the Sith. I simply don't get how helping the dark side is a light choice.



There were other examples that totally broke my immersion. As I level I find myself refusing more and more quests that contradict with what my character believes in. I was initially skeptical about dark side warriors because they seemed like 1-dimentional "Ah, I'll Kill you all ! ! !" type of characters, but now I feel like my light warrior is even worse.

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Light side for the Empire seems to be much more about being lawful rather than being necessarily good if one were to look at it D&D alignment terms anyway. Conversely the lightside for the Republic seems to be much more about good in general and/or promoting the ideals of the Republic. There are exceptions of course - undermining the Empire on Korriban by telling the captive Jedi what is being done for real gets you lightside points - so take all of this with a grain of salt.
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Silly enough, I had the exact opposite problem as the OP. ;)


My warrior started as a big fan of the Empire, you see. And IMO the Dark options for a warrior were often working against the Empire so you could engage in some tasty but pointless slaughter instead. Light Side usually seemed to be about saving lives, at least to me.

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Silly enough, I had the exact opposite problem as the OP. ;)


My warrior started as a big fan of the Empire, you see. And IMO the Dark options for a warrior were often working against the Empire so you could engage in some tasty but pointless slaughter instead. Light Side usually seemed to be about saving lives, at least to me.


I found a lot of the more tactically sound decisions to be light side, granted I found that out after selection seeing has how I turned off the alignment indicator. You saved lives but they in turn would spread panic, fear and news of what the Empire had done, which was nice and would probably work better long-term towards the goals of the Empire.

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You just aren't playing an Empire Warrior right. LS choices aren't goody two shoes.


Even the LS choices for the Empire typically weren't goody-two shoes, I found they were often more tactically sound or at the very least less raving homicidal maniac. Granted some of it I had to head canon a bit, for example:



When you after Jaesa's parents on Alderaan, the LS choice is to not kill them but to send them to Dromund Kaas, where you could keep them as essentially hostages or have Baras torture them until Jaesa feels their torment. I ended up head canoning that as keeping them around to ensure good behaviour or surrender on her part, and that their continued existence was dependent on her actions.



I did end up fairly neutral by the end of the class story mainly because some of those dark side choices made a lot of sense too.

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i have a light side sith warrior and i'm really enjoying it,you are "lawful evil",you do things that saves life but spread word of the power of the empire,words of fear,of destruction,more people fear the empire,more people respects you and you can show everybody that you are different from the rest of the sith making people change their minds about what we are,confusing them,i love being a light side sith.
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Being a light Sith I decided to keep Jaesa light. Now, she talks like she is still a jedi (why?) and that she will help me reform the Empire. So far I've only been acting as a puppet of some Jedi-hating Lord or Darth. I haven't really seen much "reforming" and I'm already lvl 41.

Edited by Apollone
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Look, even though you're LS, you're still a Sith and you're still in the Empire, so you will still follow the Empires directives. The difference will be whether you kill your enemies or capture them, or execute your subordinates for failure or chastise them.


That's it. Oh, and the occasional mocking of the Jedi.

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Look, even though you're LS, you're still a Sith and you're still in the Empire, so you will still follow the Empires directives. The difference will be whether you kill your enemies or capture them, or execute your subordinates for failure or chastise them.


That's it. Oh, and the occasional mocking of the Jedi.


The mocking of the Jedi are sooooo worth it. That and the reactions you get when you don't kill someone for fun. They're always like.. "what?!"

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The mocking of the Jedi are sooooo worth it. That and the reactions you get when you don't kill someone for fun. They're always like.. "what?!"
Best one IMO is where you're taking Jaesa's parents.

"I'm offering a peaceful solution here Jedi, why are you so eager to fight?"

"I, um, well, you see, hrrmmmm......"

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Chapter 2 is a rough time for purely light-sided Sith. It gets easier later on.


And I do feel one can play a LS Sith that is not merely pragmatic, but strives to be a decent person.


How? I didn't find that the case at all... It seemed as if I had less and less choice to spare people or to do some work for peace.



For instance in our class storyline on Corelia we decimate the Jedi to get to Baras' plant, when we could have just turned her in...


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How? I didn't find that the case at all... It seemed as if I had less and less choice to spare people or to do some work for peace.



For instance in our class storyline on Corelia we decimate the Jedi to get to Baras' plant, when we could have just turned her in...

Corellia is tough in particular. But the galaxy is at war again (and it's probably not entirely your fault) and your duty is to fight for the Empire. This will occasionally entail killing Jedi, because they're often enemy combatants.



On Belsavis you get to work with a Jedi and even choose to part with him on good terms. On Voss you get multiple opportunities to aid the Voss that you come into contact with. On Corellia, there is admittedly nothing you can do about the Jedi, even if you try to settle it peacefully. And yes you do work for the Emperor, but like Palpatine, he's charismatic and good at hiding from everyone just how evil he actually is. On Voss you can even suggest to him that since the war is his fault, perhaps the galaxy is better off without him. His response is that he seeks to make things tranquil in the galaxy or something like that (which is technically true, even if there's no way you can know what he's really talking about).


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How? I didn't find that the case at all... It seemed as if I had less and less choice to spare people or to do some work for peace.



For instance in our class storyline on Corelia we decimate the Jedi to get to Baras' plant, when we could have just turned her in...


You mean, this one?


Starts about 10:40, watch and see what you missed :cool:


Heavy class quest spoilers on that channel.



Edited by lordofdamornin
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Ok im no where near completeing the SW class story, but im a Llight sided SW. My question is, Did they make the end of the story pointless and meaningless for the LS SW? I mean, we all know what happens in the future, so knowing that, did our light sided sith warrior make any lasting changes or impressions on the empire? This thought just came to me a bit ago and it kinda bums me. Ya im a playing a good guy with a bad attitude,, but its like is it all meaningless, am i wasting my characters time being good?..


With out spoiling anything for me, help me with this guys..

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Ok im no where near completeing the SW class story, but im a Llight sided SW. My question is, Did they make the end of the story pointless and meaningless for the LS SW? I mean, we all know what happens in the future, so knowing that, did our light sided sith warrior make any lasting changes or impressions on the empire? This thought just came to me a bit ago and it kinda bums me. Ya im a playing a good guy with a bad attitude,, but its like is it all meaningless, am i wasting my characters time being good?..


With out spoiling anything for me, help me with this guys..

I don't know. It might be revealed in the next SWTOR book, but I'm hoping it won't, and it'll leave some things ambiguous.



I do not, however, believe that the SW, regardless of their alignment, would serve the Emperor if they knew what he was planning. For that matter, very few Sith would serve him if they knew what he was planning.




You mean, this one?


Starts about 10:40, watch and see what you missed :cool:


Heavy class quest spoilers on that channel.



Crap, I didn't realize that there was a dialogue path to do that. Dang, I really would've liked to know I could've done that.

Edited by Crimson_Paladin
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Ok im no where near completeing the SW class story, but im a Llight sided SW. My question is, Did they make the end of the story pointless and meaningless for the LS SW? I mean, we all know what happens in the future, so knowing that, did our light sided sith warrior make any lasting changes or impressions on the empire? This thought just came to me a bit ago and it kinda bums me. Ya im a playing a good guy with a bad attitude,, but its like is it all meaningless, am i wasting my characters time being good?..


With out spoiling anything for me, help me with this guys..


Since this is an MMO (meaning, no save/load option really), you will end up in the same place at the end, with a very similar ending no matter what you did on the way there. Not exactly the same, but similar.


That said, some things on the way there are very different. I chose Light Side (and filmed it) primarily because I was pretty sure that Dark Side would be a lot of wanton killing of people, just because. With Light Side, Bioware has to *try harder* to make the sequence just as good. In a lot of cases, the sequences are better, in my opinion, because of it.


The Inquisitor, on the other hand...I just can't go Light Side with it, for the same reason I couldn't go Dark Side with my Consular. My Jedi Knight, though... :cool:


I hope that answered your question.



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I toyed around with some light-side early in the game. I found it to be more like evil lite. I would giggle every time the toon would harm or slay someone and be awarded light-side points for it. Seriously, when you choice is between "Torture Him" and "Kill Him Quickly", the latter gets you light-side points. Somehow, I think a morally good person would find a third option, but I understand the limitations of the genre.


Anyways, yes, light-side sith are only light-sided in a relative sense.

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