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Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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You are missing the point I think.


It makes the game a lot easier. I realize you guys want to look everything up, follow a spread sheet and be done with everything as fast as possible. I just want to know why I guess.


It's a lot more satisfying if you do it yourself, you only deny yourself accomplishment by trivializing everything.






Exactly! It's supposed to be SO easy to be perfect! That's the majority of the game right there, why use a tool to do it for you? It makes a huge difference in terms of difficulty. If it made no difference you wouldn't care!


Its the players who dissect a game and its most mundane core levels (numbers) who are the theory crafters who inspire websites like mmo-champion, yearly conventions like BlizzCon , annual unofficial and official tournaments STUFF LIKE THAT that keeps players LONG TERM interested in a game.


For ANY of that to happen you MUST cater to Hardcore Elitist Raid types.....I know you dont like them but fact is, the big $$$$$$$, MTV2, G4 commercial TV SPOTS, YOU GET IT YET?!?!?! ALl that Stuff follows the Hard Core Raider Guilds......I am telling you from personal experience.....they are giving this game about 90 days from launch and if it doesnt deliver, many of them are gone and this game will lose $$$$$$ support, content and a future.

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For ANY of that to happen you MUST cater to Hardcore Elitist Raid types.....I know you dont like them but fact is, the big $$$$$$$, MTV2, G4 commercial TV SPOTS, YOU GET IT YET?!?!?! ALl that Stuff follows the Hard Core Raider Guilds......I am telling you from personal experience.....they are giving this game about 90 days from launch and if it doesnt deliver, many of them are gone and this game will lose $$$$$$ support, content and a future.


I disagree that it is necessary. There were no shortage of elitist people in EQ believe. Some of them went on to design WoW!


WoW popularity has little to do with addons.

Edited by Gohlar
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Used it for years.


You want the game to tell you how to play. It's like getting a hint. You feel you cannot play without the game literally showing you what to do.


I don't get it. Why are you in such a hurry to be done with the game?


Recount does not tell you how to play.


Fact: in my days of Raiding in WOW I learned more from reading Blogs like: Resto4Life, Treebark Jacket, Plusheal and a ton of others(a lot of reading....A LOT OF READING lol) than from any Addons. I honestly don't know where people get the idea that an addon makes you a superleet player from. They provide information. The actual Work is up to you. Only 3 Addons in the history of WOW(2 very very early in it's life and 1 late Wrath of The Lich King) have crossed the "Playing the game for you" Line and that's out of thousands.


The other thing is that I have no intention of Raiding in SW:TOR. I cannot Raid or I would be in WOW. I am actually thankful that I can't or I wouldn't be able to play SW:TOR.


I am just trying to get people to understand who will make or break this game. I am trying to make sure this game becomes as good as WOW by avoiding the missteps Rift made when the Macros and Addons Topic came up. Their fence-sitting killed that game.

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Coming from EQ it's strange to me to see so called "hardcore" players ask for tools to make things easier for them. I mean WoW was just pathetic after a while with recount and dbm, but I guess figuring it out yourself is too much work?




It doesn't. Make it. Easier.


It is a tool. To show you. Your damage.



It is impossible to have difficulty if you have no comprehension of your skill level. You can't have a goal to achieve when you don't have a way to measure your progress.



Lack of goals, lack of progress, lack of improvement- that's what you call 'more difficult.'




And I'd like to return to my previous point: Why do you want to fight something that doesn't affect you? Your way ****s me over, my way doesn't affect you at all. Stop trying to convince me to play the game YOUR way.

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If you want this game to succeed you MUST cater to the 15% that you claim reach end content/raid/want to know their % its those 15% that the other 85% and spending their $$$$ and time to try and be like that will keep this game alive..


Your quote about not wanting to play a game that tells you what to do, where to go and when to do it......are you F*ing kidding me....no game has ever directed you where what and when to go MORE than this game except for maybe Warhammer Online.........ANOTHER Bioware game.



Maybe math is irrelevant, but I'm guessing that listening to the 85% majority of the revenue base makes more sense to shareholders than listening to the 15% minority who can't let go.
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Honestly, I have to question the motive behind anyone who is against a recount. Do people realize there is a sizable portion of any mmo game who have no idea what they are doing?



They will dps or heal at 10% of what they are expected of. They waste everyone else' time and cause needless frustration.



Not only does recount identify them, they also tell people they have a problem. You can't fix a problem if you don't know it exists.

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No way of telling!?


I use my brain!



What do you mean? You read the flytext over the course of a fight? Every detail? You keep track?


Then you fight something else doing it differently and, again, compare?



You do this over the course of HOURS and DAYS to have a large enough sample to truly know which is better?

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