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Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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No, recount and similar other addons just spawn filth and elitism. If someone is really concerned about who is pulling their weight then when combat logs are added, that person can parse those


There are too many simple minded folks who use recount for DPS numbers and then set their mind to a particular number regardless of situation.


WoW is that way >.

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NO WAY! There a few things which messed up wow:


-incompetent patcher team -> nerf, buff, nerf again, more epics, nerf more, buff -....-


-dmg meters -> elitism everywhere. every noob thinks high numbers are all, they even removed supporters from wow because no one saw their use besides dmg


-public stats / website -> kick if not achievement x + gear lvl 203902, gearcheck in ...... bah


-how to raid addons -> they cry cuz of easymode but use addons which tell them how to play


-macros -> makes easymode really easy, at the end blizz can't balance the game cuz there are no addon users and addon pros. have fun balancing what can't be balanced.


-dungeonfinder -> killed the social factor on servers and turned everyone into an epic zombie with manners way below monkey standards

Edited by squiek
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A big hell no from me as well. The only game I ever played that allowed parsers was Rift, and I couldn't believe how bad that game was for that reason. (that and the macro support) It completely turned me off of that game and quit as soon as I hit 50. I have always played mostly pvp in games, or pvp centric games and you learn who is the good players over time as well as learn to better yourself by trial and error and a bit of research.
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I'm on the fence about this, but leaning towards no.


I've been in games with them, and they've been so integral, especially in determining quality of players in raids, that i think they're almost essential.


And i don't think they hurt regular grouping much, because even the average player is better than no player or a companion. And it helps identify the slackers and moochers.


And finally, it helps in personal development when you can see with hard data what you're actually doing.


But i would like to try a game on the scale of SW:TOR without it and see how it goes. When you have parsers and everybody is focused on the highest numbers, then you start losing support classes because they have to do high DPS too.


In the end i don't think you need counters to know who is a good player and who is a bad player. All it really does is slant the game towards 'all about the numbers', creates elitism and makes everybody a min-maxer. As a min-maxer myself since pen and paper gaming i understand the appeal, but this game will be bringing in a lot of people who have never played MMOs, or even computer games, period, and counters would make it less inviting for newbies.


I just love the atmosphere of the game atm, where it's about the story and character development, i would hate for it to turn into numbers.

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So you want everyone to kowtow to yours instead? A huge number of people are against DPS meters, just as many as who are for it probably.


The system would be bloated by it in that it would be ingrained deeply into the mindset of every player from then on. Even if there were the best players on the server not using the dps meters it wouldn't matter because it would be tainted by those who only care about DPS levels and not about player intelligence or skill in reading the changes in the fight. It happened on WoW, it would happen here.


No one has to kowtow to anyone. That's the point of free will. Form your own guild if you don't like how other guilds run.


But your other posts indicate you aren't really serious about having a discussion, just laughing at and insulting people who disagree with you.

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My answer is "YES"


I sincerely hope Recount becomes part of this game. Perhaps bioware could make stat tracking enabled or disabled. So when people are advertising LFM they could indicate whether or not their group is stat-tracking-enabled or stat-tracking-disabled. People who don't want to be scrutinized over their stats could choose to only join groups that have stat tracking disabled.


There is always a way to implement a solution that appeases most, if not all, players. Just because the WoW version of stat tracking through addons created stress doesn't mean Bioware can't "do it better"


In my experience as a raid leader, recount helped solve problems, and it reduced time wasting. And I don't care if you consider this a "game" and "not a job"...I play this game in my free time, and if you are going to waste my free time by doing pisspoor dps (causing wipes due to dps burns or whatever), then I would like to be able to identify you and not include you in MY free time anymore. (or help you improve, if you're emotionally able to take constructive criticism)

Edited by DerrickRayder
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I pretty much made my position clear in another addon thread about this but my viewpoint would be that I don't really care what tools others use until people start to abuse it. That to me includes discrimination based upon a few DPS here etc. because frankly, I can remember when none of these things existed and it was more important to enjoy the game and perhaps more importantly be able to play it without assistance or pure numbers e.g. cope with a surprising change in an encounter and know what to do. A tool doesn't change that need, and I worry when I see most people in favour act as though it's a gauge to kick or deny players, instead of helping them.


Support? Not per se; consider this an abstention if you like. I feel no burning need to deny others the tool; I can judge them on their ability to use it/be jerks, not the tool itself.

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Just work in addons and be done with it. Each time a new game comes along, Devs are heavily anti-addon and forget why people love the system in the first place.


The problem with not having significant combat data available is it also lessens the potential complexity of encounters. The less information available to the player, the more straightforward things have to be in order to be doable.


Nevermind UI customization for things like tanking nameplates. Still baffles me that you can move the chatbox but absolutely no other part of the UI, making moving the chatbox entirely pointless since it will always be interfering with something else.

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First comes the damage meters, then the damn gear score, threat meters, giant raid tells, healing meters, ect, ect, ect. No, No, No.


Thats why I left wow to begin with. Its so much more enjoyable to be able to just play whatever class I want, whatever spec I choose, without people telling me I cant comes cause x spec doesnt do enough damage. Or this class cant heal well enough. Or this tank isnt good for this fight, or sorry, your GS is too low, you must suck, ect, ect. For once, my actions can determine my worth as opposed to theorycrafting and gear score. Its also nice to actually have to pay attention durring a fight rather than waiting for a giant raid warning to tell me whats coming next.


The only addition to this games UI that is needed is more hotbars, and the ability to move them around as we see fit. That is it. Most of the other stuff I might want is already built into the game. If i have to go back to staring at meters, and stressing myself out over .8DPS im not going to stick around. Ill go back to enjoying single player RPGs like I have done for the last few years.

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I love recount. I wouldnt suggest a kick of anyone for their dmg output unless it was so low that it was almost afk and/or causing the group to fail.


I love it for the fact that I can monitor my own progress with gear and speccing to get an idea of whether changes in my gear or spec are providing a loss or gain in dmg output


I like to see how on par I am with others my level to know if I am doing better than the majority, even with, or if Im slacking and need to reassess my setup.


* I do agree with others that 3rd party would be fine as BW has more pressing things to address prior to add-ons. I also dont mind the idea of it only displaying your own numbers and being non postable.

Edited by dirtyv
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No, absolutely not. Recount is a great tool, but nobody uses it correctly. Argue all you want, but 9 times out of 10, you will be judged by the numbers that your group sees on their screens, rather than watching you play themselves.


Stopped DPSing the boss to help take aggro off the healer? Kicked for low DPS.

Stopped DPSing to CC or kite mobs around, thus increasing group survivability? Kicked for low DPS.

Stopped DPSing to backup-heal? Kicked for low DPS.

Stopped, or reduced DPS for raid awareness; to call out mechanics of the fight to increase group survivability? Kicked for low DPS.



Recount should stay the hell out of this game, forever. I don't want its filth infecting SWTOR like it did with WoW. Useful tool, but nobody will use it correctly and all players, just like in WoW, will be judged on their numbers. Every time.

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Hell to the NO.



Creates drama and disrupts the community, check out the WoW forums and go to the Damage Dealing section, see how many kids are raging on that forum because their DPS meters shows them middle of the pact.



I'm glad many don't want that garbage tool in this game

Edited by Neeseek
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I'm for Personal, Advance Class-Specific damage meters. Instead of showing how much damage the group is doing, show how much damage/healing YOU are doing, and have it compare to reccomended "benchmarks" for certain areas.


Example: Sorcerer does, say, 3500dps for a boss fight, and when the fight is over have a meter pop up showing him how much he did, and (most importantly) how other sorcerers across the server/game (without mentioning names) did or are expected to do on the same fight. Maybe show the avarage and the highest DPS done for the fight he just did.


This way you don't have people linking meters 24/7, you give players a goal to work towards, and it also gives players a constant challenge in trying to be above the benchmark set.

Edited by Detzu
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No, absolutely not. Recount is a great tool, but nobody uses it correctly. Argue all you want, but 9 times out of 10, you will be judged by the numbers that your group sees on their screens, rather than watching you play themselves.


Stopped DPSing the boss to help take aggro off the healer? Kicked for low DPS.

Stopped DPSing to CC or kite mobs around, thus increasing group survivability? Kicked for low DPS.

Stopped DPSing to backup-heal? Kicked for low DPS.

Stopped, or reduced DPS for raid awareness; to call out mechanics of the fight to increase group survivability? Kicked for low DPS.



Recount should stay the hell out of this game, forever. I don't want its filth infecting SWTOR like it did with WoW. Useful tool, but nobody will use it correctly and all players, just like in WoW, will be judged on their numbers. Every time.




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I loved Recount in WoW. I am a theorycrafter who enjoyed changing my spec/gear/rotations based on feedback from meters. I also used to run a semi-hardcore raid team, and it was invaluable in giving me an idea of what was happening across the raid.


That all being said, I am perfectly fine if there is never a meter in SWTOR. I've seen it used as a tool of jerkitude too many times. Meters are only part of the story, but many people seem to act as though it is a license to be a jerk.

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No, absolutely not. Recount is a great tool, but nobody uses it correctly. Argue all you want, but 9 times out of 10, you will be judged by the numbers that your group sees on their screens, rather than watching you play themselves.


Stopped DPSing the boss to help take aggro off the healer? Kicked for low DPS.

Stopped DPSing to CC or kite mobs around, thus increasing group survivability? Kicked for low DPS.

Stopped DPSing to backup-heal? Kicked for low DPS.

Stopped, or reduced DPS for raid awareness; to call out mechanics of the fight to increase group survivability? Kicked for low DPS.



Recount should stay the hell out of this game, forever. I don't want its filth infecting SWTOR like it did with WoW. Useful tool, but nobody will use it correctly and all players, just like in WoW, will be judged on their numbers. Every time.


^^This X infinity. If Bioware want to drive the masses away from this awesome adventure then recount will get the nod. Personally I say let recount burn in Hell where it belongs.

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Yes and for everything there is not a single reason not to have it. It's good for leveling up in order to cut down rotation, its also good for tanking to get a bigger pool of data in order to maximise talents. Its also crucial for raiding, and dungeons for obvious reasons.


Also I like looking at bars and doing theorycraft.


Every bad reason you can think that will come out of a parser is allready existing by having people saying what ever the bad reason is just like with everything else. Its the people who abuse it, not the tool that abuses itself.



Edit: And I want all the data, not just "damage over all" that you can throw out the window and have a personal DPS meters. Im talking about actual information not just the e*****flexmaterial.

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