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Will You Trust Bioware Again?


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I lost trust in Bioware when they sold out to the EA devil.


DA2 and ME2 .... well .... lets just say I didnt exactly buy SWTOR because "Bioware made it." It was 99% "OMG a modern story-based Star Wars MMO" and maybe 1% hoping Bioware would go back to its roots with quality gaming.

Edited by MasterKayote
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Relationships, like games (although I object to this analogy) never pay off in that sense. There is no endgame. When your relationship ends or your gaming ends you dont look back thinking: well that was a waste of time (I certainly hope not anyway). You continue the 'relationship' while it is fun and worthwhile. At any moment where you are playing a game or are in a relationship that does not make you happy....get out of it! This is where the analogy ends for me though, because a game is in no way as committed as a relationship. Im quite curious how you would translate 'you know what' to a game...


A game is in essence a total waste of time with no payback or whatsoever. There is only the instant gratification of having fun. You should not play a game you dont like because you think in the long run it will become fun...or wait for changes that will make the game fun for that matter. There is plenty of other games to try out and (unlike many relationships) you can come back whenever you want.


BW will never make this game bad on purpose or anger you on purpose because that will go at the cost of job satisfaction and $. That you can trust. BW cannot break up with you. Nor would they want to because it costs them money. Atmost they can make a promise on the website and not keep it. Yes, that would make me trust them less, but would not affect my playing the game (unless it would mean the game is no longer fun). Nor would it affect me playing another BW game because in the end...they want my $ and that is why i trust them to make good games.


I won't really contribute anything worthwhile with this, but I'd just like to say, good post.

Edited by Trenter
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I'm not sure I trusted them to begin with really. I'm not a huge fan of their games. I do feel let down though, I'm just not sure whether I was let down by the game, or my expectations. If I'd read between the lines I might have had a better idea of what this game is. I expected it to be the be all and end all of star wars games, a game set in a huge galaxy, one that I could explore on foot or in a ship. I expected worlds teeming with other players, cantinas filled, groups easy to arrange. I expected to have all my star wars, and all my gaming needs here.

Turns out I was very wrong, but I think I have to take some of the blame too.

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Man. You have no idea. I left WoW to play DCUO. I left DCUO to play this game. I was talking so much trash on SOE. Saying they couldn't coordinate a game right and they were clueless about pvp. And that if Bioware was given the rights to the DC characters they would've made a great game like they were doing with Star Wars...


boy was I wrong.


Blizzard sucks.


SOE sucks.


BW sucks.


Here I come Guild Wars 2. Don't let me down. I've been hurt in the past.




All the major game companies suck to you. I am sure it is they with the problem and not you.




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A lot of us bought this game believing that Bioware would come through with a great game. Plus it was Star Wars. Then we started seeing the warning signs within a few weeks of launch:


-No high-res textures

-Realizing that the Hero engine SUX on MMOs

-Too many servers not enough "concurrent population"

-No World PvP

-Individual instanced planets not conducive to a "grand-scale MMO feel"


Some of the other warning signs came later, and were bearable although irking:


-Taking too long to implement ranked PVP

-Taking too long to implement server transfer

-Taking too long to implement LFG/LFD tool


You are forgetting the disappointments that accompanied the major patches. 1.1 seriously broke Ilum with the spawn camping. It took them forever to rework the RNG in battlemaster bags. 1.2 they pulled rateds and deprecated Ilum.


Lately, especially, it seems the patches are breaking game systems that used to work fine (though to their credit, they attempt to resolve the most severe ones asap, albeit with varying levels of success). Matrix cubes, smuggler/agent cover mechanic, GTN interface. The annoying sound bug that wasn't a problem until 1.2


I have to say that I really really enjoyed Dragon Age Origins, but couldn't stomach more than 1 run through of DA2. Whereas I would have rushed out and bought DA3 if I liked DA2, I think I will wait to see some reviews first.


As for this game, I like it quite a bit, and I really hope BW gets it together and starts releasing the features and content (without so many bugs) that we're looking for before the player base is a bunch of rerolls clustered onto a dozen servers. Basically I'm worried the subs won't cover the cost of development.

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I am sure every single person in this thread will buy Mass Effect online ;)


I would'nt. I loved Mass Effect 1 and 2..played 2 all the way thru twice. And Dragon Age . But after watching a pre-launch video of DA2, I had this feeling it was going to suck. Which from what I read, it did. I have not bought Mass Effect 3, as I heard the ending in it sucked. Glad I did'nt. TOR in it's present state is good if you want to play it as KOTOR 3 and can get to max level before the free 30 days is up. ;)

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Why do people grind gear and valor in an MMO? Simple. Because end-game is supposed to be competitive, and there's the element of needing to be adequately geared to run certain content. NOBODY enjoys the act of grinding. It's really brutal actually. We grind because we have a "sense of urgency" that we need to get this piece of gear or else we can't do this raid, or we will get steamrolled in ranked PVP.


In other words, grinding is the price you pay in advance for the promise of benefiting later upon the occurence of a future event (the payoff).


Hmm, I won't say anything about this being a rather, ahem, selective view of what MMOs are about, but I will point out there's a certain oddity to this logic. After all, the "payoff" in MMOs is usually an update and level cap raise that totally invalidates all that effort you put into gear grinding at the previous level cap.


How does that make any sense? I mean, you know it's going to happen, so why bother grinding?


As to the OP, I do still somewhat trust BW, but I don't have the same amount of confidence in them that I used to. Actually my trust faded with ME2 and DA2, which I thought were far poorer games than their prequels, and suggested to me that BW have fallen into some kind of design-by-focus-group pit of hell. OTOH, DAO and ME were masterpieces, so there's always hope (I was quite fond of Jade Empire too, and of course the older games).


I expected "KOTOR with mates" for SWTOR. What it is is "potentially KOTOR with mates", but the "with mates" part seems to be a bit under-par. When you can find people to play with, the grouped content is fun - needs more polish, but basically fun. But so many people seem to be stuck and unable to find people to play with these days. I myself, the other day, on a server that back in January was rocking, am now finding it a struggle to group.



Edited by gurugeorge
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Rule of thunb never trust any large corp. They will always do you wrong in the long run.. I will continue to buy Bioware products, does not mean I trust them to look out for my best interest. Bioware has not broken any trust with me, they delivered the game thye promised, it just needs allot of work../shrug Edited by kevlarto
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MMO type game? Yes. Single Player? Most likely no...Despite the Horrible Mass Effect 3 ending and the lack luster Dragon Age 2 ( I did not think it was as bad as everyone says it...but it was nowhere near Dragon Age Origins quality)


I give Bioware the benefit of the doubt...at least for their future single player games...

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MMO type game? Yes. Single Player? Most likely no...Despite the Horrible Mass Effect 3 ending and the lack luster Dragon Age 2 ( I did not think it was as bad as everyone says it...but it was nowhere near Dragon Age Origins quality)


I give Bioware the benefit of the doubt...at least for their future single player games...


I trust them. Why wouldn't I? Trust isn't the issue. I don't think they are doing anything "wrong" and they aren't stealing my money.


My FAITH in their products fell immensely after the ME3 debacle.


I still have faith in their SWTOR team but we need to see action soon.

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If they'd got SWTOR out of the door with all (or most) of the issues mentioned in the OP sorted and:


- RvRvR (al la Rift or GW2 style WvWvW)


- A JTL space game


then SWTOR would have been a completely different thing, it might have been something rivial WoW in sub number. :(


Hardly. If WoW has proven anything, it's that PvPers are a minority. I know you refuse to believe this (most PvPers do), but "real" PvPers do not play MMOs, they play FPS and RPG games where things are equal. The only people interested in MMO PvP are those looking to exploit gear and class imbalances that are inherent in all MMOs.


Should they add these things you suggest? Sure, it won't hurt anything and would boost subs. Would it bring in 8 million players? No. PvPers are not large enough in numbers (in the MMO genre) to support a game. If they were, the landscape would be covered with successful ones.

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I trust them. Why wouldn't I? Trust isn't the issue. I don't think they are doing anything "wrong" and they aren't stealing my money.


My FAITH in their products fell immensely after the ME3 debacle.


I still have faith in their SWTOR team but we need to see action soon.


I think the problem with that statement is that hundred of people 2 months ago said that, and they continue to say that. At what point do people in general feel like their needs are met and turn to what they want to see in the game rather than what they think should be in the game.

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Quite honestly. NO I will never trust BW again. That is not to say I won't ever play or get a game from them ever again. But with the amount of shady acts that BW has done through the entirety of this game. To the amount of failed updates and patches. Not to mention the current silence on transfers and the current state of the game.


NO. BW is I think the worst MMO company I have experienced in 10 years. Even RIFT a no name company provided better, quicker and less bugged out content and updates than this game has. I played Rift for 2 months and there was more involvement from their dev's to try and fix their game than this.... This.... THIS freakin in action and silence that BW has been doing for 5 months.


I honestly feel like BW has lied to us since the conception of this game all the way through to launch and its current state.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVEVHhx0WPk lets listen to good ol james @ about 1:20


This game is all lies and all hype

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That's 240 hours THAT CUSTOMER decided to spend playing a game, for a cost, because the cost was worth it to them. No game is a "serious time commitment" beyond whatever the customer decides to do with their time.


Yeah under false pretenses.


You keep on about how its a business relationship and I'll grant you that.


Only in online games can companies get away with business practices such as not delivering on written promises they make in public.

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Me neither. I paid for an entirely different game than this one.


We know. The one you created in your head despite the information that was given. This is the issue with many around here. Not much Bioware can do about that.


The game you created in your mind doesn't exist, and never will, because the production costs would be endless and the development time would be decades.

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How is it imaginary? The only difference between a competitive game and IRL sports or other competition is that one is done online...the other is done through some physical medium.


Hint: money.


Respect is imaginary because no-one cares about it except you. People who take MMO pvp seriously always amuse me.

Edited by Karkais
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honestly you guys are barking up the wrong tree, Bioware designed the game YES but it was under the tight scrutiny of EA, Historically EA has NEVER had any success with any of its MMORPGS like it or not it is not their specialty


I won't speak for everyone, but most assumed that BW had enough wiggle room to create something great with SWTOR. That may not be true, and we see that now. I honestly think they're not putting enough resources into it. Like some one else mentioned, Rift came out of no where and for the most part, it runs circles around SWTOR in terms of bug fixes, talking to the devs and getting feedback. If Trion can do it, why is BW having such a hard time?


I honestly can't hope to answer that last question, since I'm not in the biz.

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Does anyone want to bet that the OP and those that agree with him continue to go through drive-thru windows that repeatedly mess up their order, yet are losing "trust" over a video game.
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