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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Your own personal 'head canon'...


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My Human Scoundrel is actually quite loyal to the Republic, as opposed to the actual Smuggling Illegal Stuff thing. She flies from planet to planet helping the Republic rebuild and saving lives, then slipping away in the dark of the night.



When I was deputized by Miel in the Class Mission, I treated that as the singular most important event in her life. Not just an excuse to join in for a single fight, my Scoundrel is actually a legit Lawman now, and continues to serve under this commission as a Deputy, even after Miel's death. Nowhere was it ever said that this commission was just for one fight, nor was it revoked, so I consider it still in full effect.



Approaching every world with an Old Western Sheriff attitude, she looks to clean up every town she's in, break a few hearts, then head on her way once she's no longer needed. Quick with a pistol, sportin' a cowboy hat, and ready to bring those no good varments to justice.




My Mirlian Jedi Knight, in contrast, I went to painstaking lengths to get the perfect appearance on a Body Type 4 Mirilan, so he can look pretty accurately like a Gamorrean. Tack on the right headpeice to cover the mouth and we've got a match. I insist that he actually is a Gamorrean, sent to train after a Jedi Master slaughtered much of his tribe of ruffians but took pity on him as a young, misguided, force-sensitive child. His heritage has been hard to overcome, however, and he tends to err on the Dark Side repeatedly, but still valiantly holds his alligience to the Republic and the Jedi Council, in the traditional Just-Following-Orders fashion of a Gamorrean. And the obnoxious voice he has assigned to him obviously is some form of translator or droid, because even if he could speak Basic as a Gamorrean, he would never sound that whiney and nasal.

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My Human Scoundrel is actually quite loyal to the Republic, as opposed to the actual Smuggling Illegal Stuff thing. She flies from planet to planet helping the Republic rebuild and saving lives, then slipping away in the dark of the night.



When I was deputized by Miel in the Class Mission, I treated that as the singular most important event in her life. Not just an excuse to join in for a single fight, my Scoundrel is actually a legit Lawman now, and continues to serve under this commission as a Deputy, even after Miel's death. Nowhere was it ever said that this commission was just for one fight, nor was it revoked, so I consider it still in full effect.



Approaching every world with an Old Western Sheriff attitude, she looks to clean up every town she's in, break a few hearts, then head on her way once she's no longer needed. Quick with a pistol, sportin' a cowboy hat, and ready to bring those no good varments to justice.


This is the best idea I have ever read. I love it.

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In the back of my mind I always say that my IA is force sensitive. It bothers me that he can fight Jedi and Sith, and from time to time he actually visibly dodges their saber swings.


So he's a bit of a pre-cog... in the spidey-sense kinda way. Otherwise his wrist darts and blaster fire would be blocked and dodged and wouldn't have made it as far as he did.

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Just rolled Minxy the Agent on Giradda lol, she is only level 2 because I need to go do chores. I expect to start levelling her this weekend....she's already got attitude, too. :D


Woohoo, add meh to your FL (Elly'ria)! I won't be on this weekend (Guild Wars 2 beta happening) but I'm on and off throughout the week when I'm not raiding on Sanctum.


Crez just helped me get my legacy yesterday. :) Also, don't get to close to her Vector. :p I didn't have my Vector yet, so when she was distracted I would stick my face on Vector's chest and inhale his pheromones. *whistles*

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Woohoo, add meh to your FL (Elly'ria)! I won't be on this weekend (Guild Wars 2 beta happening) but I'm on and off throughout the week when I'm not raiding on Sanctum.


Crez just helped me get my legacy yesterday. :) Also, don't get to close to her Vector. :p I didn't have my Vector yet, so when she was distracted I would stick my face on Vector's chest and inhale his pheromones. *whistles*


Oo....that's a good way to end up scattered throughout the galaxy. No touching one's Vector...or Quinn...or Corso...or especially Doc. Um...what were we talking about again?

Edited by Eanelinea
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Oo....that's a good way to end up scattered throughout the galaxy. No touching one's Vector...or Quinn...or Corso...or especially Doc. Um...what were we talking about again?


ohh i let her. i kinda owe vector one for voss


i mean..it's not cheating if it's your OTHER husband.... ?


that, and she couldn't keep an eye on hers in the cargo bay with me while she steered the ship.... even hyperspace travel takes days on end >:3


squee... you 2 can party up with your vectors out..and i can power you thru on the side with mine out... vectors EVERYWHERE. pheremone overload.



From the PTS 1.3 notes:





....you just made my day double happy......

social x will mean something again... i'll have both dance bombs....

i'm known on my server for endlessly dancing naked on the fleet. i always have at least 2 stacks of sparkle powder on my toon's person at all times. i have silenced genchat flame wars by making people shut up and dance " i have sparkle powder and i KNOW how to use it". My poor chiss is too brain damaged to realise how ooc it is for her race.. but whatever >:3



now..all i need to feel complete is my sexy heal giggles. seriously. sending out all those probes to playfully instigate wet T shirt battles, feeling all good at kissing boo-boos better, Secret Agent Blue Booty is all about loving sexy heals, and the giggling just made it that much more epic.

Edited by Crezelle
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My Mirlian Jedi Knight, in contrast, I went to painstaking lengths to get the perfect appearance on a Body Type 4 Mirilan, so he can look pretty accurately like a Gamorrean. Tack on the right headpeice to cover the mouth and we've got a match. I insist that he actually is a Gamorrean, sent to train after a Jedi Master slaughtered much of his tribe of ruffians but took pity on him as a young, misguided, force-sensitive child. His heritage has been hard to overcome, however, and he tends to err on the Dark Side repeatedly, but still valiantly holds his alligience to the Republic and the Jedi Council, in the traditional Just-Following-Orders fashion of a Gamorrean. And the obnoxious voice he has assigned to him obviously is some form of translator or droid, because even if he could speak Basic as a Gamorrean, he would never sound that whiney and nasal.


I really like the idea of a Gamorrean force-user doing his best to follow the Jedi code as he's been taught, something completely at odds with his nature. It must be fun to approach the quests from this angle.


I suppose you could ignore the voice altogether and lump it in with all the other "gameplay" aspects (like ability costs and near-instantaneous lightspeed travel--or the fact that Gamorreans aren't a playable species, for that matter). Presume your character is speaking Gamorrean. Gamorreans in-game have no trouble communicating with other species, and seem to understand Basic just fine.

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My Female Twilek, Nimeera on Khoonda, is made up to look as close to how I have Vette customized at the moment and is meant to be one of my warriors children. If we get more char slots, or didn't have to two factions on one server, for HK 51, I was planning on making a sith bounty hunter who was born force insensitive and left Korriban like Kira did. Another was going to be a sith consular/shadow who disagreed with the Sith code and Vette secretly sent to my current JK to be raised and taught to be a Jedi. I also planned to create a miralukan Sith sorcerer. Or maybe a Jugg, I kind of wanted my siths daughters or adopted daughters to be the mirror or opposite classes of their parents( the one on jaessas would either be sorcerer or Jugg and the one on Vettes side would be an assassin.) Edited by GarrickBlackSun
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Woohoo, add meh to your FL (Elly'ria)! I won't be on this weekend (Guild Wars 2 beta happening) but I'm on and off throughout the week when I'm not raiding on Sanctum.


Crez just helped me get my legacy yesterday. :) Also, don't get to close to her Vector. :p I didn't have my Vector yet, so when she was distracted I would stick my face on Vector's chest and inhale his pheromones. *whistles*


Will do! I still need to gain about 28 levels to get my own Vector, but Crez should not fear, my heart belongs to Sir Grumpypants Kittycat....so her Vector will be safe! :D

Edited by Taalbert
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Will do! I still need to gain about 28 levels to get my own Vector, but Crez should not fear, my heart belongs to Sir Grumpypants Kittycat....so her Vector will be safe! :D

haha was hopin youd be on today, im on my baby war nemian atm

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'd love to hear more stories!


Tell me everyone.....what's your personal 'head canon'.





Glad to see you resurrected this thread! I hope it stays on-topic. I posted the following in a different thread, but it fits just as well here.


DS Jaesa gets a bad rap as ‘psycho-girlfriend’ or worse on the forums, not entirely undeserved. I suppose I ought to tag the following with spoilers, as it involves her companion quests:

You do get options in her conversations to tell her to be less crazy-impulsive-bloodthirsty, and that being a Sith isn’t all just ripping out entrails. She doesn’t like them (you lose affection) but they are there. Depending on how you handle certain situations, she does learn a bit of self-control, and this is shown in her companion dialog. Regardless, her conversation preferences (kill everything!) and ‘battle emotes’ don’t change, and the latter are pretty over-the-top. Limitations of the medium, I suppose.



Varrel (my SW) is/was a teacher, though, and took the apprentice aspect of her as a companion seriously. He shaped her into the perfect weapon, like a katana or a trained bird of prey. Not psycho, but still deadly, and especially deadly in the wrong hands. In my head canon for them, she’s a dark Galatea to his Pygmalion.

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I started a Knight, and I've been working with her a lot more. But since I am writing a long fanfic and a lot of the stuff I've come up with is in it, I don't want to post too much and ruin it! I hope people will read it 'cause so far I like how it is turning out. :)


Her name is Kanaya and she is a human. She is pretty young and she had Meyali Cardani as her master. She was excited at first because Meyali is very beautiful and a master duelist; however, she is also a horrible person who treats her family like complete crap. Meyali reveals a ~horrible secret~ to her padawan and Kanaya leaves to share this secret with Ayang, my smuggler, and there is a lot of adventure in space! Hooray!


At some point I want to actually try playing Meyali...I want to figure out exactly why she's such an awful person. I think a lot of it is that she feels like her Force connection means she has no choice but to be a Jedi, even though she doesn't really want to. So now she's very bitter and self-centered.


My SI, Meenah, was a slave together with Ayang so that's how they are connected. Meenah is kind of insane. She has a good heart though and is LS.


Still trying to figure out my agent, Vriska. The class just...isn't inspiring me. :(

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Sith Inquisitor spoilers...


My light side Sith Sorcerer, Xaborn, had two sons with Ashara Zavros: Jesserk and Keito. Both were found to be force-sensitive so Xaborn began training them both. He wanted them both to grow up and help the Sith Empire not be so...evil. At first, both sons used their power in a controlled way and tried to be good people, like their father. However, Khem/Zash and Xalek both saw the potential in Keito. He was more arrogant than Jesserk, and had a more open mind. Khem/Zash and Xalek both told Keito the dark side was stronger, he'd have more power and freedom, etc (one of the few things Khem and Zash agreed on). Keito began to use his power freely and questioned Xaborn's teachings. Whenever Xaborn's ship was on a planet, Keito would go off exploring...and harm animals with his dark power. Keito soon decided to run away to Korriban and be taught by one of Thanaton's old followers in the ways of the Dark Side. Xaborn did not like this. Not one bit.


Jesserk attempted to stop Keito but was quickly defeated by Keito's superior abilities. Xaborn confronted his son and defeated him. Keito said he wanted to kill his father and become a Sith Lord. Xaborn decided to end the threat by severing his son's connection to the Force.


Keito, angry at his father, ran away. He snuck aboard a ship headed for Nar Shadaa, where he saw Xaborn's old friend...Andronikos Revel. Revel decided to look after Keito as a favor to Xaborn. He taught Keito how to use a blaster, etc. After being arrested for assaulting a member of his father's cult, Andronikos sent Keito to Hutta to join his friend's team for the Great Hunt...


Meanwhile, Xaborn knew the corruption of the Sith was no place for his son, Jesserk. He sent his son to a Jedi Temple, where he trained to become a Jedi. Jesserk eventually was sent to Tython and later became a Jedi Sentinel.


Edited by Shotgonius
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