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Have you seen this?! VIP-PvP


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I saw this this thread under my server group forums and I was amazed by this idea and video. Basically it sounds like these guys are hosting their own world pvp events in a way that combats the Hero engine, lag, etc. Plus this is just a good idea because ilum is currently worthless.


This is the trailer they posted, click here. :eek:


They discuss briefly the VIP mechanics and how that's all going to work here. What do you guys think? Should BioWare implement some type of mechanic like a VIP system?


Thanks for spreading the word Liviticis. We have high expectations that this new system will be a success. Although there is no "in-game reward" (Commendation, Valor XP, etc.) players will still participate because it's fun and they want to build the "Jung Ma" server community. We are humbled by the positive and encouraging feedback that video/ idea has received. We encourage all players of SW:TOR to think of ideas and fulfill their gameplay experiences where the developers failed. Sandbox isn't impossible in this game.


If there are any players in here who have any questions, comments, or concerns please let me know.


Thank you.

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RP is not my thing, but the worst part is that it's a planned event that both sides know about.


And warzones are an improvement over this?


I love this and hope to see something similiar on the Fatman soon. Open world is the best and only true hardcore pvp.

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I can't believe this, I thought I was D.O.N.E. with this game, and I found myself rolling up a fresh toon on this server because of this thread.


Edit: DPS this time instead of a healer. If BioWare wants DPS to be king, DPS it is.

Edited by adrockcafe
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I can't believe this, I thought I was D.O.N.E. with this game, and I found myself rolling up a fresh toon on this server because of this thread.


Edit: DPS this time instead of a healer. If BioWare wants DPS to be king, DPS it is.


If you're playing an Imperial feel free to hit me up in game, whisper "Cruise". :ph_cheers:

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"Surprise! We're playing a new PvP scenario!"

"We are?"

"Yes. And we just won!"

"Eh wha?"

"PWNED! L2P newb!"


Bwaaahaha. Love it.


Also, as mentioned, it IS sad that the devs aren't doing jackall to help out the pvp community. I mean, I guess I can see doing an occasional pve event, but come ON, pvp is where it's at. Always has been. Every single modern mmo player expects to see some great pvp in any game they invest time in. And for those of you who say, "blah blah it's a story mmo with pvp as an afterthought"...yes that may be true, but that doesn't mean they didn't make a BAD decision by walking that path.


Lightside vs. Darkside...what better backdrop for pvp does one need? Sweet f'n video! Well, except for one thing: REPUBLIC FO' LIFE, YO. Screw the imps.



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The video reminds me of the world PVP we had on my server in SWG with raids on faction bunkers, etc. Very cool, very fun. It's good to see a server with an active group doing what they can to hold it together and build it up as well, something a solid server needs.
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Great video. Great concept.


Jung Ma has a lot going for it. With the TOR-Talk guys orchestrating this VIP-PvP event and The Royal Guard hosting a 4v4 match, I think it is doing pretty well.


TRG too strong!


Awesome stuff. I'll definitely have to check that 4v4 thread out too; it seems playing on Jung Ma legitimately pays off.

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Very impressive stuff. Shame it take the community to put together stuff like this when the best BW can come up with is a plague that just annoys most of my server.


Hell in the old days of MMOs a GM would come along every so often and spawn a world boss or something in a major town for laughs. At least they did SOMETHING mind you.


So much in the SW universe could be used, so many cool ideas from other games. Get with it BW before there is no one left to be interested anymore.

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How is this a bad thing? If both sides didn't cooperate to set this up, it would just be a really weird surprise party (or maybe Calvinball).


"Surprise! We're playing a new PvP scenario!"

"We are?"

"Yes. And we just won!"

"Eh wha?"

"PWNED! L2P newb!"

My opinion of planned mass pvp sever events wont change. It has been done on death wind corridor (now a dead server), and it quickly died. It was a lot of fun the first time though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxT8GRzlPok

What planet are you from? A planned event ensures a turnout, fairness, and organization. Players can get the most out of an event when other players are there.

The planet I'm on is called rubi-ka.

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Very impressive stuff. Shame it take the community to put together stuff like this when the best BW can come up with is a plague that just annoys most of my server.


Hell in the old days of MMOs a GM would come along every so often and spawn a world boss or something in a major town for laughs. At least they did SOMETHING mind you.


So much in the SW universe could be used, so many cool ideas from other games. Get with it BW before there is no one left to be interested anymore.


We need more sand in the box.

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What made you smart?


Fronteria I just want an explanation to why you think mass open world pvp organized by a swtor fan site and server community can't work or be viable? You're naysaying the idea with no justification or argument. It doesn't make any sense and it's really funny. Plus, this isn't the first event they've hosted on the jung ma server...the players on that server have been doing this since launch.

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awesome video. I must say I miss such events even tho I am by now way a role player.


Just wondering why "pvp" community is unable to make such events even when they are whining about lack of open world pvp. Guess "pvp" players only care about gear grind not about real fun of good fights. So no rewards, no fun?



Some of the best pvp I have been in was player created. Why is it so hard for players to go out and pvp on their own. I for one don't always need a "reward" to have fun. IMO players now are too lazy.




Should put these quotes into my signature. On my server (PvP), people do not PvP because they like and enjoy. They PvP because they think that is cool. That is why they spend 24/7 grinding their gear and then 3 months crying there is nothing left to do :p.

Duels only happen when someone wants to prove he is "the pvp God" and opponent is "newb".

Sad times when people don't play the game for fun, they play the game to feel better!

Anyway, this idea is super! Nice job, JungM server.:) I feel like transferring my character to your server :).

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The world boss "Server L'ag" stun them all till unsub :rak_03:


The lag will supposedly become less of an issue with this new VIP plan, because it encourages players not to zerg and spread out. Here's what tortalk said:


Secondly, the V.I.P. mechanic will encourage players on both sides to spread out across the two planets. Some players will have to stay back and defend their own V.I.P. while other players are going to try to assassinate the enemy V.I.P. Ultimately, this mechanic encourages players to spread out and be less of a zerg. When there’s less of a zerg, that means there’s a better frame-rate.

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Thanks for spreading the word Liviticis. We have high expectations that this new system will be a success. Although there is no "in-game reward" (Commendation, Valor XP, etc.) players will still participate because it's fun and they want to build the "Jung Ma" server community. We are humbled by the positive and encouraging feedback that video/ idea has received. We encourage all players of SW:TOR to think of ideas and fulfill their gameplay experiences where the developers failed. Sandbox isn't impossible in this game.


If there are any players in here who have any questions, comments, or concerns please let me know.


Thank you.


This sounds like a great idea.


Me and others have been talking on/off-again about some guild vs guild pvp but it never gets organized (and now most have left) so It'd be great to hear from you on how it goes.


And if there is one suggestion I may make it's this: Keep up the good work.

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This sounds like a great idea.


Me and others have been talking on/off-again about some guild vs guild pvp but it never gets organized (and now most have left) so It'd be great to hear from you on how it goes.


And if there is one suggestion I may make it's this: Keep up the good work.


Thanks for the positive feedback, TOR-Talk is definitely here to stay. I also want to make it clear that no matter what, if this event goes great or if it goes sour; our staff will continue to trouble-shoot for issues. Then we will try our hardest to find a solution to those issues. The events we host are experiments, we live and learn from the outcomes. I have full confidence that this event will be successful, I simply can't wait.


Jewa_taken what server are you on? I know for "Jung Ma" we plan of hosting a Guild vs. Guild tournament in the future. But there are also events like "The Royal Rumble" and Kar’tayl Oya’karir coming up quite soon.


The Tribus and Reign guild(s) do "Galactic Roams" quite a lot too. Basically a Joint-Guild operation where Imperials seek out Republic players and occupy their bases. The Alpha Company guild goes out on Republic patrols as well, defending Republic strategic objectives. This is a lot of the norm on the "Jung Ma" server.

Edited by Bertolli
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