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Allow us to remember the skills


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In GW2, releasing this year, we'll be able to craft, drop the profession but still retain all the knowledge learnt. So when we go back to that profession all the schematics we learnt will be there. There will be a cost but its still a great system.


This BADLY needs implementing in SWTOR. My Commando is currently an Artiface. He's also now stuck being an Artiface forever. Why? Because before 1.2 I paid the stupid price to get the 250k schematic for the Magenta Crystal (That now actually has crap stats compared to the ones on the PvP vendor). If I drop the profession, I lose the knowledge of the magenta schematic. This is makes crafting even more worse than it currently is.


We need the GW2 model or retaining knowledge and we need it very soon.

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Or they could, you know, NOT do a really stupid idea like this. May as well just remove the limits and allow every character to have all the skills at once. There goes the market. Everybody can just make everything themselves, so who the heck are you gonna sell to? Way higher competition to to sell to whatever percent decided to ignore it completely.
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In GW2, releasing this year, we'll be able to craft, drop the profession but still retain all the knowledge learnt. So when we go back to that profession all the schematics we learnt will be there. There will be a cost but its still a great system.


This BADLY needs implementing in SWTOR. My Commando is currently an Artiface. He's also now stuck being an Artiface forever. Why? Because before 1.2 I paid the stupid price to get the 250k schematic for the Magenta Crystal (That now actually has crap stats compared to the ones on the PvP vendor). If I drop the profession, I lose the knowledge of the magenta schematic. This is makes crafting even more worse than it currently is.


We need the GW2 model or retaining knowledge and we need it very soon.

So, your keeping up a profession that you dont use so that you wont lose a schematic that in your words, "That now actually has crap stats compared to the ones on the PvP vendor"?


Just drop Artiface, or make like 20 crystals and then drop it. 250k credits, while a good sum, is nothing when stretched out between now and when you quit the game.

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Or they could, you know, NOT do a really stupid idea like this. May as well just remove the limits and allow every character to have all the skills at once. There goes the market. Everybody can just make everything themselves, so who the heck are you gonna sell to? Way higher competition to to sell to whatever percent decided to ignore it completely.


Someone who doesn't understand the concept. The ability to drop and go back to the previous profession would have a high cost price, that would combat people constantly dropping.


Making 20 magenta crystals isn't possible unless you can get a group together to kill the Force Ghost 20 times.

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The only way I could see this workiing:


Is they allow you to keep the schematics of a crafting skill that you learned even if you change skills but when you do you are unable to make those items since your skill is not in that crafting area now. If you change back to that skill then those schematics would be available but only those schematics.


If you don't have that crafting skill then you should not be able to craft those items. Saving the schematics are fine but you should not be able to craft those schematics if you do not have that skil.


I.E. If you are now sythnweaving you should not be able to craft Artifice items.

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The only way I could see this workiing:


Is they allow you to keep the schematics of a crafting skill that you learned even if you change skills but when you do you are unable to make those items since your skill is not in that crafting area now. If you change back to that skill then those schematics would be available but only those schematics.


If you don't have that crafting skill then you should not be able to craft those items. Saving the schematics are fine but you should not be able to craft those schematics if you do not have that skil.


I.E. If you are now sythnweaving you should not be able to craft Artifice items.


This is the way it was done in SWG. You could drop a trading profession and pick up another. Any learned schems were still there but unuseable until you swapped back to that profession. Very nice if you learned hard to get shems. I support a change to this system. Also you could swap to any trader profession from your current profession and still be your current level. IE levels capped at 90 for combat and trade professions. If you wanted to swap to another you went to a profession counseler and swapped to the prof you wanted. Combat could swap to a trader prof but had to start at lvl 1 and grind it up, same for a trader going to combat. But it just cost credits to swap from 1 trader prof to another and you started your "new" prof at whatever current level you were at, same for the combat side. Each swap cost you more credits. So if you swapped alot your cost would be really high. At the beginning of each month you lost 1 "tick" from your "swap count", ie if you had swapped a total of 10 times at the start of the month you went down to 9 ticks and so on.

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Someone who doesn't understand the concept. The ability to drop and go back to the previous profession would have a high cost price, that would combat people constantly dropping.



I could sort of see this working as long as:

1. VERY high cost, probably more expensive than actually redoing/purchasing it all. However you save all the time it would take to retrain/relearn/refind.

2. Be optional. If you want to switch and lose everything, that would still be free.

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The thing is, if you consider 250k for the magenta schematic to be very high then there is no way that you'd be happy with the sort of price this would have to cost to make it so that people didn't just swap back and forth almost freely - definitely north of 1m credits. To be honest, now that we can trade freely within a legacy there is no need for this at all, just make the other crafting skill on an alt and have both.
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People already swap back and forth freely. That's what's with the rediculous prices for lowbie mats on the GTN. You don't think level 20 players are paying those prices do you? That's where all the money from the dailies is going.


I personally wouldn't have a problem with letting people "respec" back into a craft they abandoned, for a price based on their level of research they previously attained in that field. But it shouldn't be free for people to do, and it should be more expenssive than regrinding the skill. Just so that the price of lowbie mats on the GTN would drop to something that is reasonable for a lowbie players to pay.

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Making 20 magenta crystals isn't possible unless you can get a group together to kill the Force Ghost 20 times.

Well, there is a much higher chance of you being able to get a group together to farm the ghost than Bioware adding this in the game (its also totally in your control).


Its a nice thing to ask for, but I cant imagine this being added to the game for at least a year or two. You can either continue to be anywhere from slightly annoyed to HULKSMASH on this issue, or just drop it and choose a profession that you feel is more beneficial to your character so that you can move on.


There also seems to be technical limitations in that there is a hard cap on how many schematics you can have.

I’d like to allow any gear to reverse engineer for discoveries, but there’s a limit to how many recipes players can acquire. We’re looking at ways to improve that and apply systems more universally, but it’s not currently possible.
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Interesting, but not really neccesary.


I too bought all three magenta recipes and now find them useless. I am still keeping artifice. And this change won't get me my creds back.


As mentioned with the legacy system you can easily have an alt with each skill and freely send stuff back and forth.


I would much rather BW spend time and money on other problems than this.

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Isn't this idea kind of moot because of how alts work? I have a main with Artifice, but I have an alt with Cybertech. My main can give me crystals and enhancements, while my alt can give me armoring and mods. I'd spend just as much time grinding my alt's crew skills as I would grinding out NEW skills with a main, wouldn't I?
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Isn't this idea kind of moot because of how alts work? I have a main with Artifice, but I have an alt with Cybertech. My main can give me crystals and enhancements, while my alt can give me armoring and mods. I'd spend just as much time grinding my alt's crew skills as I would grinding out NEW skills with a main, wouldn't I?


It could be useful when making the bind on pickup items, mostly the rakata gear from trainers or some dropped schematics in hard mode flashpoints and operations. But there are other solutions to this. If the devs are unwilling to make these items bind on equip, perhaps they could make them bind on legacy. That way I as a player could make use of them when equiping alts.

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I do not think this is a good idea, OP.


I think choices should have consequences, and what you are suggesting would be too hard to balance in order to not have too much of an effect on the current crafting system.


We need to rely on each other in order to get all the gear; that is the point of MMO crafting in my opinion; I craft some things for profit in order to buy things other people have crafted.


It adds flavour.


I got a really cheap augmented double bladed lightsaber on the GTN yesterday - I got all giddy when I purchased it.


If I could have crafted everything myself I would have missed out on this experience :)

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