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[Guide] Reverse Engineering


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Pretty sure RE is either bugged or nerfed. I have RE'd probably 30 level 41-ish Artifice greens in the last 2 days and not a sinlge upgraded schematic. In the past it's never taken more than 10 and usually far fewer.


With previous patches I also sometimes would go a day or 2 without seeing any upgrades. Then suddenly it started working again. Which proves it's all about being lucky.


It was to be expected that something with a low chance of success would be considered broken every time it doesn't work. In SWG the same thing happened with the droprate of rare holocrons, every single patch people would say something broke them, when in truth the droprate was just very low.


But I got several blue upgrades last night, so it's definately NOT broken.

Edited by Rhaphael
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This post has been edited due to a mistake on my end and now reflects the correct information. My apologies!


First off, thank you for a great guide. It helped me out a lot.


If ANYONE has been able to reverse engineer a Redoubt Immunity Module earpiece and come up with a Veracity Immunity Module, PLEASE let me know. I would like to be able to make one SOOO BAD for my tank and this would at least coincide with the OPS list that there should be one that can be made from Redoubt.


<EDIT> I found one on the auction house last night! Awesome! I can actually make this once I get lucky enough to RE and get the schematic ... So, veracity immunity module exists!


So far, here are my results when it comes to cybertech and earpieces:


I am using level 49 earpieces as my examples...

You start out with...

Immunity Module (green item)

(+45 Str. +72 End, +20 Defense, +27 Surge)


It then reverse engineers into the groups as you listed, all now being blue quality items...

Redoubt Immunity Module

(+45 Str. +72 End, +55 Defense, +27 Surge)

Critical Immunity Module

(+45 Str. +72 End, +35 Critical, +20 Defense, +27 Surge)

Overkill Immunity Module

(+45 Str. +72 End, +35 Power, +20 Defense, +27 Surge)


Redoubt Immunity Module (blue item) reverse engineers into discovering these new purple quality items...


Exactitude Immunity Module

(+45 Str. +72 End, +40 Accuracy, +60 Defense, +27 Surge)

General's Immunity Module

(+45 Str. +72 End, +40 Presence, +60 Defense, +27 Surge)


This is as far as I have gotten. Upon discovering the third new purple, I have now reverse engineered over one hundred Redoubt Immunity Modules(blue) in hopes of getting your listed Veracity Immunity Module so I could have Defense AND Shield Rating on one earpiece but it's not happening.


I have yet to test further into your other groups, since I am a tank and was focusing on the best earpieces possible for my class and it has taken me nonstop long hours of work to get this far, but as I delve deeper into the other groups, I will gladly edit this post or repost to keep you updated into my findings in the world of reverse engineering Cybertech.


Again, thanks a mil for your post and list so far and please take into consideration my findings and edit your list where you feel needed and have the time to do so!

Edited by bobbyk
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Im 100% positive Redoubt -> Veracity (Shield+Def) works for biochem implants.


Awesome! So it is simply a matter of the OPS list being correct as far as BIOCHEM, but not correct as far as cybertech.


Good to know! Unfortunately the OP will have a lot of work on his hands to update and reflect these findings... that is, if he wants to do so ;D

Edited by bobbyk
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Bobbyk: You must have read or transcribed your earpieces wrong to the forum post. For endowment, if it was from redoubt then you would have a the higher stacked defense and you're actually missing the stacked surge you gain from discovering that recipe. And you have crit on it which is from the T1 crit prefix.


For your listed exactitude, you're missing your stacked defense. It is 60 defense as it has a similarly stacked T2 defense mod similar to your General's.


I have discovered 25+ artifact earpiece recipes and this guide has been spot on. While I don't have the Immunity Module with Veracity, I do have the Vanguard tank version of what you are looking for (Veracity Galactic Combat Module +45 Aim, +72 Endurance, +40 Accuracy, +27 Shield, +60 Defense) I am currently RE'ing for a specific blue earpiece to try and get a specific artifact recipe, but so far I've gotten 4 recipes which I have already proc'd 3-4 already learned schematics on 100+ RE. But have 6 recipes of exactly what I wanted and some good ones, and a few bad ones (I hate presence). It is disheartening at times, but keep at it.


Something to think about though is surge is pretty useless for a tank, the lvl 47 earpiece Nerve Dampening Module has a few less main stats, but has accuracy instead of surge.


TL:DR; This guide has been 100% right on the millions of credits I've sunk into cornering the earpiece market and unless you have screenshots proving that you've listed the endowment and exactitude accurately in your previous post, I'm assuming you are wrong.

Edited by donmoocao
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Just wanted to drop in and acknowledge this thread as a great source of information and feedback.


We're actively monitoring it for your posts and comments.


As I mentioned before, we are working on improving and extending crafting and reverse engineering and your comments in threads like this one are very useful to us.


-- Georg

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But I got several blue upgrades last night, so it's definately NOT broken.


I haven't had any trouble getting blues, but I haven't managed to get a single purple since Tuesday/Wednesday's update.


I HAVE however, been getting a lot more augment slots, for what that's worth.

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I have currently crafted about 55 Overkill-Arch-savent boots at a cost of over 2.5million credits and nothing, its got 4 stats, end, will, power and alacrity. Does anyone know for sure that this can go into a Vehemence for say or is that it? i cant justify spending any more on this as im already going to be at a loss selling crafted items esp when pvp items will almost be as good if not better..


For what its worth they should have a RE cap so people cant spend 10 million credits on getting a recipe but it not drop and someone else doing it on their first go.

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Ok I think I got something here.


I crafted the green Carbon Fiber Belt and reverse engineered it and got the blue redoubt carbon fiber belt.


Then I reverse engineered the blue Redoubt Carbon Fiber Belt and got the purple Veracity Carbon Fiber Belt [superior].


I have critically crafted the purple Veracity Carbon Fiber Belt [superior] and recieved a purple Veracity Carbon Fiber Belt [Mastercraft]. This has an augment slot.


Should I continue to reverse engineer the purple Veracity Carbon Fiber Belt [superior] ?? Is there any solid confirmation that anything can be gained from it?

Edited by Nickter
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Well my character must be bugged then. I know I am not the only one because when I first started noticing I seen other people bringing up the topic on the forums & in game.


Now its been over a week or two and i grinded out to 400 & have yet to pop a blue schematic on any item over lvl 30.


That just seems a bit buggy don't ya think? That all armorning, mods, droid parts, ear pieces...the last pops i got for them were at lvl 29-30...and none since.

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It's funny you should mention a chart....


I have one that I have just completed, ready for release to the masses....




I've run it past Sleign, and you should see a link in the first post soon. It covers what is known at this point, and a little bit of what is likely, though not confirmed. I have tried to add some notes to help, but it isn't really meant to be a complete replacement of this guide.


I'll be updating it as new information is learned.


I've been MIA a little bit these last few days but I wish you had PM'd me to let me know that you finished it so I could have jumped on and added it to the guide earlier. It's now linked in a place of prominence right at the top of the guide, highlighted and everything, like it deserves to be. It's really some amazing work you did on this. Thank you so much, this is awesome.

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Oh, what the heck. I whipped this up for my own use, but someone else might find it interesting.


SW:TOR Deconstruction Worksheet


If I wasn't so frustrated with RE right now this would be so useful. I'm on Republic side and have a lot of good T2 recipes for earpieces, but the problem is they rarely sell. I have over 25 recipes and I sell maybe 1-2 a day. I wish crafters could get something worthwhile and not easily outclassed by PvP or dailies.

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Just wanted to drop in and acknowledge this thread as a great source of information and feedback.


We're actively monitoring it for your posts and comments.


As I mentioned before, we are working on improving and extending crafting and reverse engineering and your comments in threads like this one are very useful to us.


-- Georg


This is enough for me to subscribe for another month, but please do everything you can to change the system towards complexity and viability and not simplicity.

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Just wanted to drop in and acknowledge this thread as a great source of information and feedback.


We're actively monitoring it for your posts and comments.


As I mentioned before, we are working on improving and extending crafting and reverse engineering and your comments in threads like this one are very useful to us.


-- Georg


Wow, I don't know how I missed this when I posted earlier, I must have just been that excited about seeing LoneStranger had completed his flowchart.


But, wow, thanks a lot Georg, that means a great deal. I'm so glad that the posts here are helping not only the community, but also helping you guys to keep your fingers on the pulse of the community.


I was hoping, since you're keeping tabs on us here, you might be able to answer a few questions for us?


1. The missing Redoubt Tier 2 prefix for +Defense and +Alacrity, is that being missing a bug or intentional?


2. Is it intended that Vibroknives and Shotguns seem to have no reverse engineering schematics, and if so, what is the thinking behind that?


3. Is orange armor supposed to be able to receive an augment via critical crafting, and if so is that currently happening in game? If not, can you shed some light on why not?


4. Is it currently possible in game to craft Legendary items? You don't have to tell us how, but knowing if the possibility is there would be cool.


5. Is it intentional that the game sometimes tries to teach a player a schematic he or she already knows when reverse engineering, resulting in an error message and a missed opportunity to learn a new schematic?


6. Is it possible to learn new schematics by reverse engineering items that are already Artifact quality when learned from the trainer or dropped schematic? (For example, crafted Rakata gear)


Those are the most important questions I think we have right now, and it would be so great if we could get answers to a few or all of them!


Thanks Georg!

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Was wondering if purple quality items can be RE into custom items so say you like how a low lvl piece of gear looks you RE it enough and it becomes custom and you can use it the rest of the game?


Nope, custom gear is found via Underworld Trading.

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New FAQ question:


13. How do I discover Custom items?


You can discover Custom items via Underworld Trading missions or buying the schematics from other players. You cannot discover Custom items via reverse engineering.


Also, I removed the chat bug as this is fixed as of 1.1.

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