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Interesting tweet I just saw from Stephen Reid...


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Not only that, but here he is today hoping that people using twitter get banned for spam. ANY TWIT CAN TWITTER him...only Bioware CUSTOMERS can post here!


Hey. Thats how adults handle things.


When confronted with people on the intarwebz, we always make our best attempt at going to a higher authority to solve the confrontation for us.


Much like it was in grade school.


Yes. Adults.

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Developers of almost every game have talked about features that never make it into the game. It doesn't make them deceptive or liars, it's just that things change during development.


Peter Molyneux, who created the Fable games, is infamous for this type of thing.


That's like saying it is ok for this to happen: someone goes into McDonalds before close and orders a shake and someone starts to make it, but it takes awhile and the clock strikes midnight and everyone tells the person to get out and closes the store without giving them their shake.

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You do know that Peter Molyneux is also no longer working for the company that he made the fable games with, right?


Theres probably a good reason for that, part of it may be his lack of credibility.


It's not a lack of credibility... it's just that he always talked about things he wanted in the games as if they were going to be there.


One famous story is about a tree. He said that in the early stages of the game you could plant a tree, and as the game progressed you would see the tree grow until it was very large by the end of the game, because the course of the game spanned a decade and more. He was very excited about it but it never made it into the game, so it's always used as a cautionary tale of what to say and what not to say.


Not everyone has learned this lesson, as you can see, if a developer talks about things during development that do not make it into the game, they are branded liars.. and thats just not fair.

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Hey. Thats how adults handle things.


When confronted with people on the intarwebz, we always make our best attempt at going to a higher authority to solve the confrontation for us.


Much like it was in grade school.


Yes. Adults.


How sad, but it's true.

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That's like saying it is ok for this to happen: someone goes into McDonalds before close and orders a shake and someone starts to make it, but it takes awhile and the clock strikes midnight and everyone tells the person to get out and closes the store without giving them their shake.


I never said it was ok.


But it's the reason why developers keep info very close to the chest these days.

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That makes no sense, why would the teacher hit you for actually doing homework?


why would you blast/flame a dev for giving as much info as his company allows. Unless you are being sarcastic the point is if the devs do what we want we still smack them.

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Transfers which won't really fix the problem of unpopulated servers unless they're going to do something unprecedented (free transfers are normally from old crowded servers to new fresh servers, so it will be interesting to see how they entice people to transfer without killing off already unpopulated servers), and a LFG tool that will be essentially useless because it won't be cross-server so if you're on a dead server still..well it will be about as useful as Legacy.


No surprise they aren't talking, I'd play that one close to the vest as well.

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That's like saying it is ok for this to happen: someone goes into McDonalds before close and orders a shake and someone starts to make it, but it takes awhile and the clock strikes midnight and everyone tells the person to get out and closes the store without giving them their shake.


Except the developers always say "things are subject to change"


So in your scenario, the mcdonalds employee would have told you that chances are you will not get your shake, but they will try.

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Not everyone has learned this lesson, as you can see, if a developer talks about things during development that do not make it into the game, they are branded liars.. and thats just not fair.


The public is going to take what they want from any announcement and run with it. It's pretty fair to assume that not everyone is going to have the same reaction to news as the person next to them, it doesn't matter how cheery it is for person A, person B might have a legitimate reason to be upset about it.


It's really not your place to decide whether it's fair or not for the public perception to be what it is, but to be honest with you, it would probably be in their best interests to stop posting these kinds of things on twitter, and wait for them to be more concrete when they finally post them here.

Edited by Celebrus
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The public is going to take what they want from any announcement and run with it. It's pretty fair to assume that not everyone is going to have the same reaction to news as the person next to them, it doesn't matter how cheery it is for person A, person B might have a legitimate reason to be upset about it.


It's really not your place to decide whether it's fair or not for the public perception to be what it is, but to be honest with you, it would probably be in their best interests to stop posting these kinds of things on twitter, and wait for them to be more concrete when they finally post them here.


But then people cry and scream for answers. It's a catch-22.


So the best answer they can give is what they have been giving... but people can't/won't accept that.


I am satisfied with what they have told us so far... transfers are the priority, they are working hard on them and will have them available soon.


Good enough for me.

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I'll tell you "exactly" whats going to "Happen". If the company continues to develop their MMO this way, they will continue to get the same results. If they continue with the same course in customer service, they'll get the same customer loyalty.


-400,000+ pts so far

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TOO LITTLE TO LATE............... both were needed months ago....................


Both WERE needed months ago, I agree. But late is better than never mate. This plus 15-30days free to people on those servers, would go a long way in helping revive the game while they release real CONTENT...because sadly, the lack of 50 content is why we need the transfers to begin with...

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You are a glass-is-half-empty kind of guy.


Instead of 'too little too late', I say 'better late then never.'


What about when Never becomes late?


Edit: I am saying that by the time they do it, the results will be the same as if they had never done it. Most of the survivors are already moving to Fatman.

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You are a glass-is-half-empty kind of guy.


Instead of 'too little too late', I say 'better late then never.'


I expect more out of a payed subscription MMO game in 2012. My glass is half empty and half full.

For some, it is too little too late. With Diablo 3 and Tera Online out there, it makes it even harder to hold to the "better late than never" mindset.


Just my $0.02.

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Hello everyone! My name is Eric Musco and I, along with Brooks Guthrie are happy to bring you episode one of the official Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ podcast, “Rocket Boots”. You can listen by using the embedded player, by downloading and listening on your preferred MP3 player, or check it out on our


In this episode, we sit down with Daniel Erickson and Damion Schubert to talk about what we saw in Game Update 1.2 and what we can expect as we look forward to Game Update 1.3. Also, David Bass stops by to tell us about how things went at PAX East and share some of our convention plans for the rest of the year. If you have any questions or comments about the show, feel free to let us know in this forum thread.


Thanks for listening!


Read more.


Arymono: When will character transfers be available for everybody?


Dallas Dickinson (Senior Producer, Live Services): We will be rolling out our Character Transfer Service in early summer. First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice. We know everyone has more questions about character transfer, and we’ll reveal more details closer to the launch date.


Lovarboy: Will we get dual spec with Game Update 1.3?


Daniel: Unfortunately, no. Game Update 1.3 is being kept a bit leaner to get the Group Finder and the next stage of Legacy in the game as fast as possible. After that we’ll be returning to some bigger updates and we’re hoping dual spec makes it for the next one.


No, that's not it.


As we said, we'll have more details to share closer to launch. Between Group Finder and a Character Transfer Service, our plans are designed to allow more players to play together more often.


This is what we do on a daily basis here in the office. Our community representatives give us daily reports on top issues and we investigate them and bring them up to our development team. When we have a solution or some information to post, we make sure to update any major forum threads related to the issue.



I suggest checking out our patch notes, community blog, news site, weekly Q&As, Weekly Dev Track Summary Blogs, Weekly Patch Notes Updates, and of course, here in General Discussion, to name a few places.


Of course, our general policy is to not talk in detail about specific features until we are 100% sure that it is on its way. You can imagine what would happen if we gave a specific date, months in advance, only to come up against an unforeseen obstacle that causes us to delay a particular feature. This is why you'll see many replies by us and our developers that simply say "soon".




We have a dedicated social media team monitoring our official Facebook fan page and answering comments, questions, and concerns over on our official Twitter account.


You can also find the SWTOR community team members on Twitter by checking out this list.


Finally, we've been fairly active over in the SWTOR subreddit on Reddit.


I hope that I've helped in addressing your concerns, but please let us know if you still have any issues.


Yeah. The devs never communicate. Ever. At all. They've never given answers to questions on several different outlets in an effort to get their messages and answers out to as wide an audience as possible. I don't like the answers they give either sometimes, but they are answers. Just because you don't like the answers, it doesn't mean the devs are "talking in code" or "ignoring their playerbase."

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You are a glass-is-half-empty kind of guy.


Instead of 'too little too late', I say 'better late then never.'


Nope, I am a consumer that hopes when I buy something it's neither half full nor half empty. I want something filled 100 pct.

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I expect more out of a payed subscription MMO game in 2012. My glass is half empty and half full.

For some, it is too little too late. With Diablo 3 and Tera Online out there, it makes it even harder to hold to the "better late than never" mindset.


Just my $0.02.


It is what it is... if it's too late for some, it's too late.


I still say, though, that it's still better than them not doing it at all. I see it as a positive sign that they are trying to do everything they can to make it a great game.


Should this have been available sooner? Sure... but it wasn't. But it's coming... and hopefully the people who couldn't/wouldn't wait will eventually make their way back to the game.

Edited by OmegaMayhem
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I see it as a positive sign that they are trying to do everything they can to make it a great game..



If they were doing everything they could to make it a great game then we should have had Transfer/Merger and LFG Q's in along time ago. We won't even get into the things we were told that were coming in 1.2 (just to keep people here) and not given.

Edited by Etilrellim
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It is what it is... if it's too late for some, it's too late.


I still say, though, that it's still better than them not doing it at all. I see it as a positive sign that they are trying to do everything they can to make it a great game.


Should this have been available sooner? Sure... but it wasn't. But it's coming... and hopefully the people who couldn't/wouldn't wait will eventually make their way back to the game.


As I stated in a later reply, it is going to be increasingly difficult to come back with titles like Diablo 3 and Tera Online available currently. The bridge has been burned for me, my wife and my son. It will be hard to get us back to play this game. Not only because of the lack of urgency, but because of the system performance issues as a whole. (Hero Engine + Bioware code = seriously flawed)


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVED this game, but the direction they've gone in just isn't worth my money to continue with the lack of entertainment it provides. Unfortunately.

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