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Server Transfers and Guilds


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I would like to preface this with stating that I have not read the few thousand post in regards to server transfers. Forgive if I mention something old.


Everyone has been worried about server population (the lack there of) and being able to move to a higher pop server. I am sure the all of the players and Bioware agree to this. I can appreciate that Bioware is working on the technicalities of it and will have it available for us within a month or two. However, I have not heard or seen anything in regards to Guilds in this.


Let's take my guild for instance. I run about 200+ registered members and anywhere between 8-23 people online at any given time. The Republic Fleet on my server has anywhere from 4-37 people on at any given time. As you can see, for LvL 50 characters playing the game, my guild is a large majority of it. That's great and all, whoop-de-do on my part. The issue I am going to be running into is when the transfers actually hit. I know that my server will be one of the ones to go completely dead due to everyone moving off of it. I then have two options to go with my guild.


Option A: Stay on the server and have my guild as the sole population on the server.

Option B: Move to a new server once transfers are available


The obvious problem with Option A is well.......................................the whole server pop issue, derp.


I am resigned to Option B. Not so bad of an issue in regards to population. Now the question becomes, how do I get my entire guild moved AND the guild bank?


Moving guild members isn't so much of an issue with the MOTD and guild website, however I would like a simpler auto-move for guilds available.


The bigger issues comes when you take into account the amount of creds we have put into the guild bank and all the items we have there. Sure you can withdraw everything, but what happens you have purchased up to the 7th bank tab? Are all those creds just poofed and gone?


TL;DR There has been no info in regards to Guild Bank functionality transfer with server transfer. Some guilds that will be transferring have invested quite a bit into it. Give us a solution!

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This is a very good question. Considering guild bank is an investment and there are items in there which take a lot of time to accrue.


What about guild name? It is possible to have conflicting guild name :(

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They have not yet announced how they will address guild transfers.


Now, if they use Rifts approach, or something similar, it will work fine. It's a bit of a nuisance, but it works well and does not require any reinvestment into guild features. Basically, the guild trasfers with the guild leader, as do all guild assets. Guild members get an in game notice the guild leader has moved, and to what server, and they are deguilded. They transfer to the same server as the guild leader, and the leader does reinvites until eveyone is restored to guild membership.


The only downside is if your guild leader is a real tool, he could pull the guild and take off somewhere without discussing and communicating with the guild and leave you all looking at your navels. That has happened in Rift, but really....it was only a matter of time before that guild leader gave you the shaft anyway.

Edited by Andryah
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I also am a guild leader of a guild that is around 300 people and we are part of an even larger group that has guild on Republic and Empire on multiple servers http://www.theoldergamers.com It would be very nice for them to let us know in advance what they are planning for server mergers, or failing that transfers that could allow for guilds to move as well.
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They have not yet announced how they will address guild transfers.


Now, if they use Rifts approach, or something similar, it will work fine. It's a bit of a nuisance, but it works well and does not require any reinvestment into guild features. Basically, the guild trasfers with the guild leader, as do all guild assets. Guild members get an in game notice the guild leader has moved, and to what server, and they are deguilded. They transfer to the same server as the guild leader, and the leader does reinvites until eveyone is restored to guild membership.


The only downside is if your guild leader is a real tool, he could pull the guild and take off somewhere without discussing and communicating with the guild and leave you all looking at your navels. That has happened in Rift, but really....it was only a matter of time before that guild leader gave you the shaft anyway.


This seems about the only feasible way to go about it. Only problem will be with the guild name.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope I'm wrong and they've been thorough and added the ability to transfer guilds over, but my expectation is that you will need to recreate your guild on the new server you're moving to, and have your guild members move there separately.


As to Guild Banks, can't someone like the leader of the guild (or everyone who has placed items within it) just remove your items and transfer them over to the new server with your guild? Then you buy the new guild bank and place your items into the bank.


I'm not sure what the big deal is short of the costs of replacing the guild bank itself and however many tabs you had. It might be reasonable to expect a reimbursement of those funds, then again, it might not.

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I hope I'm wrong and they've been thorough and added the ability to transfer guilds over, but my expectation is that you will need to recreate your guild on the new server you're moving to, and have your guild members move there separately.


As to Guild Banks, can't someone like the leader of the guild (or everyone who has placed items within it) just remove your items and transfer them over to the new server with your guild? Then you buy the new guild bank and place your items into the bank.


I'm not sure what the big deal is short of the costs of replacing the guild bank itself and however many tabs you had. It might be reasonable to expect a reimbursement of those funds, then again, it might not.


Moving the items and recreating the guild wouldn't be a major issue. The issue is the guild tabs.

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I am hoping that they allow the option of packing up the guild bank and I like the Guild Leader has moved to said server would you like to move there thing. I mean we didn't pick the servers we are on. Please address these issues SOON. there is a lot of time and money involved here.
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Excellent post. This needs to be addressed and actually answered. Even if the answer is "definitely not (yet)".


Also, the whole guild leader moving, guildies following is a nice thought, but what if there's a limited number of transfers per server...?

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