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Adding/Replacing Crew Members


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To replace or not to replace, that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous companions, or to take up arms against a sea of conformity....


In short: When we get new companions would it be better to add to the crew or replace members?


Personally, I would love to replace members. It would let us permanently get rid of the occasional bits of pointless/infuriating who grace our ships, and build a crew that is not identical to the crew of every other member of our class (we really only need 1 dps, 1 tank, and 1 heals so there's a lot of wiggle room). Plus it would give us really interesting decisions to make and drama!


Who goes? Who stays? How do you get rid of them???


Choice 1: I'm so sorry, it's been a great run, but I met someone new....

Choice 2: End of the line, don't let the door hit you on your way out.

Choice 3: Click...click...boom.


Gone Without Question:

Skadge (I'm forseeing explosions...lots of pretty explosions.)


Never Going to Be Replaced:

Blizz (cause omg cuteness)

Jorgan (well...obviously ;))

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To replace or not to replace, that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous companions, or to take up arms against a sea of conformity....


To boot, to kill! And by a kill to say we have ended the irritation and thousand natural "wtfs" a poorly fitted NPC is heir to...'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.


As ever, we won't get to see permanent companion removal. It'd be interesting to keep a limited crew on the ship, five at a time. (Hear that, Doc? We really could remove the boring people to make room for prettier, more exciting people!) Then have to do a small questline or conversation or whatever to switch up the active crew.


Let's see:

  • Corso: It's not you, it's me. Let's just part on good terms, kid, because you don't want to see my bad ones.
  • Bowdaar: Are you still here? Door's that way.
  • Quinn: Every time I send you to craft, and you say "If you think that's the best use of me," I mentally reply "I think the best use of you is a Reaver-style hood ornament, so shut up and move. Dear." If I could do the hood ornament thing...
  • Ensign Temple: I really, really think you need to go find a tutor who's willing to give you all this, er, private instruction. I won't be that guy for you. Just...don't step any closer...yeeeah, let me find you a transfer.


I'm keeping my Knight's crew forever.

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hmm, some are a tough call, here's what I got so far on the classes where I have all the companions.



Nadia: I don't care if you're my padawan, get off my ship!



Broonmark: I'd like to get rid of the muppet and maybe replace him with a different muppet.

Quinn: He stays and gets to sleep on the couch until a new chapter arrives and we sort out the mess that was Ch. 3.



Tanno Vik: You're nice and all but get off.



Kaliyo: She stays for the casual "friends with benefits" relationship with my agent.

Temple: *shudder* Please go away I barely know you and I don't really want to anymore.

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vector- you will have to pry him out of my agen'ts cold, dead, blue hands

kaliyo- keep your friends close.. and your enemies closer. plus her and i have some sort of backwards bromance frenemies thing going on.

lokin- i want to keep an eye on him. you know when he shows his hand, that its gonna be cool.

scorpio- it would be against every fiber of my LS agent's being to let her free into the galaxy

temple- yeah.. she goes. i'm gonna miss pretending to be peppermint patty with her



torian- NOBODY touches my femhunter's favourite toy.

mako- hell naw, shes who hooked me up. shes a total bro.

blizz- just try and take him away. i dare you

gault- ugh you can have him

skadge- i'll pay you to take him off my hands

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To boot, to kill! And by a kill to say we have ended the irritation and thousand natural "wtfs" a poorly fitted NPC is heir to...'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.

Brava! Well done!!

Quinn: Every time I send you to craft, and you say "If you think that's the best use of me," I mentally reply "I think the best use of you is a Reaver-style hood ornament, so shut up and move. Dear." If I could do the hood ornament thing...

I'm going to have to roll a SW one of these days just to see this guy for myself. The love/hate thing he has going on is remarkable.

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With deep apologies, this is what was what my brain was doing while I was trying to make dinner:


on the aforementioned topic of killing companions


To boot, to kill;

to kill, perhaps for all, ah, there's the rub.

For in that perma-death what plot may come

when content patches roll to us again,

must give us pause; there's the respect

that makes calamity of so long a game!

For who would bear the creepiness of Skadge,

The captain's wrong, the farmboy's saccharine,

The pangs of screwing up Jaesa's recruit,

The insolence of Khem Val and the spurns

That patient player of these companions takes

When he himself might blessed silence make

With a [Kill] option? Who would plot holes bear,

To torture logic trying to RP,

But that the dread of content after death,

The undiscover'd patches from whose bourne

No dev notes yet have come, puzzles the will

And makes us rather bear those ills we have

Than fly to others that we know not of?

Suspense, then, will make cowards of us all;

and thus the native hue of execution

Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,

And killing sprees of sweet imagination

WIth this regard their currents turn awry,

And lose the name of action. - Soft you now!

The fair Kaliyo! Nymph, in thy orisons

Be all my sins remember'd.


Kaliyo: Shove off. And do not tell me you used up the last of my Corellian whisky to compose that.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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To boot, to kill! And by a kill to say we have ended the irritation and thousand natural "wtfs" a poorly fitted NPC is heir to...'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.


With deep apologies, this is what was what my brain was doing while I was trying to make dinner:


on the aforementioned topic of killing companions


To boot, to kill;

to kill, perhaps for all, ah, there's the rub.

For in that perma-death what plot may come

when content patches roll to us again,

must give us pause; there's the respect

that makes calamity of so long a game!

For who would bear the creepiness of Skadge,

The captain's wrong, the farmboy's saccharine,

The pangs of screwing up Jaesa's recruit,

The insolence of Khem Val and the spurns

That patient player of these companions takes

When he himself might blessed silence make

With a [Kill] option? Who would plot holes bear,

To torture logic trying to RP,

But that the dread of content after death,

The undiscover'd patches from whose bourne

No dev notes yet have come, puzzles the will

And makes us rather bear those ills we have

Than fly to others that we know not of?

Suspense, then, will make cowards of us all;

and thus the native hue of execution

Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,

And killing sprees of sweet imagination

WIth this regard their currents turn awry,

And lose the name of action. - Soft you now!

The fair Kaliyo! Nymph, in thy orisons

Be all my sins remember'd.


Kaliyo: Shove off. And do not tell me you used up the last of my Corellian whisky to compose that.

I... I think I love you.

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Id like a legacy system where you can mix and match companions amongst your "family", sort of a "friend of a friend" thing.


It would also help the player optimize crew skills.


Itd also be nice to be able to buy droids useing existing chasis in game that can fill the roles of any crew member that was either not recruited, killed, or who abandons you so that those possibilities could be written back in the game, but the player not be left high and dry with a hole in his squad.

Edited by thepilk
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As much as some companions annoy the piss out of me (yes, I'm looking at you Mako, touch Torian and DIE), or who scare me and my character (Scorpio, please to be keeping your thoughts to yourself, thanks.) Or even who go way against my characters' light sidedness (Skadge, we can't kill everyone in the galaxy, it'd become boring fast), or who make me raise an eyebrow at the things they say/do (Kaliyo, really, go get laid, take a breather, stop shooting your ex lovers in the face)


I could NEVER get rid of anyone. I need them all. They're my crew, they're my family, and they stay. I will gladly have 10, 15, even 30 crew members walking around and bumping into each other. Dude, in the cutscenes they make your ship look 100000 times bigger than it is. (Why hello thar end of Smuggler class story, that there ship is HUGE!)

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Now, why can't I just replace all of my companions with just Jorgans? I could handle having 5 of those on each character. One to do the cooking, one to do the dishes, one to blow sh*t up, one to clean my guns and polish my boots, etc etc.....


There aren't many of my companions that I would replace....maybe Skadge? I haven't given that fat useless blob much of a chance yet, I have only used him once - for the class quest where I *had* to use him. Not sure that I would get rid of him though. I kind of like his sarcastic comments when you send him off on crew missions. :rolleyes:

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A different view from my BH - Skadge and Gault can stay, the rest of the wimps can drop dead.


Mako - "Yes we are the bad guys I've done almost nothing but assasinate people since we met - if you can't handle it get lost."


Blizz - "No I won't help those nice people unless they have lots of cold hard cash."


Torian - "Who gives a ......... about honour, get back to high school you loser."


On the other hand - Kaliyo, Andronikos, Dark Jaessa - them I could find a place for, maybe even Risha.

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Now, why can't I just replace all of my companions with just Jorgans? I could handle having 5 of those on each character. One to do the cooking, one to do the dishes, one to blow sh*t up, one to clean my guns and polish my boots, etc etc.....



now 5 vectors... hmm... wake up to the harmonic chorus of " good morning, agent~! "

the empire might as well surrender if that happened...cause i'd never leave my ship.

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Gosh - can you imagine if you did have five Vectors? You would never get any missions done! Well, maybe some sort of missions would be done, but if it were me I don't think I would be making saving the republic my priority. :eek:
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Gosh - can you imagine if you did have five Vectors? You would never get any missions done! Well, maybe some sort of missions would be done, but if it were me I don't think I would be making saving the republic my priority. :eek:


easy. use one, once hes spent send him out to do diplomacy while you work on the next one, and have a rotation going.


the real reason my agent took up biochem... *ahem* "vitality" enhancing stims and adrenals


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lol, doubt youd need that. felines are known for a fast cooldown


*blush* There really is so much I could say right now, but I will refrain and try to keep this forum PG-rated. :o

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*blush* There really is so much I could say right now, but I will refrain and try to keep this forum PG-rated. :o


hahaha. i watched too much discovery channel back in the days when they actually did show all those shows the bloodhound gang song goes on about.

as for back on topic... i'd prolly switch temple with mako. or LS jaesa. could you imagine having LS jaesa's talent at your disposal?! i could keep a better eye on lokin and kaliyo.

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