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So ive narrowed it down to 3


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Let me preface this post with: I made a post yesterday asking if my legacy would be carried over to the server I choose to reroll on but I was temp banned for having a username which violated terms of service. I believe that thread was deleted so I apologize to those who did respond for your efforts were for not.


So regardless if my legacy transfers i decided that continuing to play on my sever ( Gardens of Talia ) was not an option when at peak time yesterday my fleet had an all time low of 2 people. Ive narrowed my descision down to three servers: Fatman, Jung Ma, and the Swiftsure.


1. Fatman- Now im hesitant to roll on fatman only because it seems like thats where hordes of lost players are migrating to. And I can only imagine an anti-immigrant sentiment will begin to build up when que times begin to effect peoples playtime.


2. Jung Ma- I have heard good things about this server. I just have on question: what is the main difference between rppvp and a regular pvp. I mean, I know what roll playing is but are there any key differences I should be aware of before making a decision.


3. Swiftsure- My last option, swiftsure, was chosen because it seems to have the second highest population next to fatman as far as USEAST pvp servers are concerned.



So if you guys could help me choose a server I would greatly appreciate it (also if any guilds have formed from low-pop server refugees I would be looking to join).


PS - This will be the ONE AND ONLY time I reroll to a different server, if my new home becomes a barren wasteland like the last, before server mergers, im outtie 5000. digz?


Thanks in advanced for replies.

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Let me preface this post with: I made a post yesterday asking if my legacy would be carried over to the server I choose to reroll on but I was temp banned for having a username which violated terms of service. I believe that thread was deleted so I apologize to those who did respond for your efforts were for not.


So regardless if my legacy transfers i decided that continuing to play on my sever ( Gardens of Talia ) was not an option when at peak time yesterday my fleet had an all time low of 2 people. Ive narrowed my descision down to three servers: Fatman, Jung Ma, and the Swiftsure.


1. Fatman- Now im hesitant to roll on fatman only because it seems like thats where hordes of lost players are migrating to. And I can only imagine an anti-immigrant sentiment will begin to build up when que times begin to effect peoples playtime.


2. Jung Ma- I have heard good things about this server. I just have on question: what is the main difference between rppvp and a regular pvp. I mean, I know what roll playing is but are there any key differences I should be aware of before making a decision.


3. Swiftsure- My last option, swiftsure, was chosen because it seems to have the second highest population next to fatman as far as USEAST pvp servers are concerned.



So if you guys could help me choose a server I would greatly appreciate it (also if any guilds have formed from low-pop server refugees I would be looking to join).


PS - This will be the ONE AND ONLY time I reroll to a different server, if my new home becomes a barren wasteland like the last, before server mergers, im outtie 5000. digz?


Thanks in advanced for replies.


I believe the top 3 servers are 1. Fatman 2. The Harbinger 3. Canderous Ordo. Just thought I would let you know in case that would influence your decision.

Edited by Tuscad
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I believe the top 3 servers are 1. Fatman 2. The Harbinger 3. Canderous Ordo. Just thought I would let you know in case that would influence your decision.

I play Imp side on canderous ordo. It's dying fast. Very fast. Fleet pop at peak times was around 250 last month, now it's barely 125.

You can blame me a little, I quit.

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I play Imp side on canderous ordo. It's dying fast. Very fast. Fleet pop at peak times was around 250 last month, now it's barely 125.

You can blame me a little, I quit.


Why is the only basis for a thriving server, the number of people on fleet??


I have a 31 Agent I rolled on Harbinger, I've been to Fleet TWICE in that time span and both times I was there less than 5 minutes...soon to be a 3rd once I finish up chapter 1. I never go there, lots of people don't go there.


Anyone leveling won't be on the fleet, only people who are bored or trying really hard to get a FP group.


Judging a server's "life" by the number of people standing around bored on the fleet is a POOR way to do it.

Edited by JediZenn
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Dude check out TORSTATUS.NET. I came across this site and used it to find my new PVE home. Turns out that Jedi Covenant is the top PVE server now. It was funny because I decided to bail on all my previous characters and start brand new with no legacy and very little hope. Just me and my little Taun Taun and guess what I kept seeing in Gen Chat on Korriban? Other refugees just like me asking if this server REALLY is always busy and if people suck and this that and the other. no exaggeration...there must have been 10 others including me that jumped ship from one server to Jedi Covenant. If Bioware won't merge the servers, then by god we will form a refugee tent city on Jedi Covenant.
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Judging a server's "life" by the number of people standing around bored on the fleet is a POOR way to do it.


^^^ This.


But, when its someone just lazily grabbing the easiest number they can use to proclaim "omg, the game is dead!" it won't matter. Can't reason with the unreasonable.

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Dude check out TORSTATUS.NET. I came across this site and used it to find my new PVE home. Turns out that Jedi Covenant is the top PVE server now. It was funny because I decided to bail on all my previous characters and start brand new with no legacy and very little hope. Just me and my little Taun Taun and guess what I kept seeing in Gen Chat on Korriban? Other refugees just like me asking if this server REALLY is always busy and if people suck and this that and the other. no exaggeration...there must have been 10 others including me that jumped ship from one server to Jedi Covenant. If Bioware won't merge the servers, then by god we will form a refugee tent city on Jedi Covenant.


On behalf of the Jedi Covenant community, I welcome you all. :)


Btw, you're among hundreds of rerollers over the last month. I've talked to about a hundred of you guys and all of them loved so far the server.

Edited by Sammm
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I play Imp side on canderous ordo. It's dying fast. Very fast. Fleet pop at peak times was around 250 last month, now it's barely 125.

You can blame me a little, I quit.


I can't bring myself to blame you for anything. We all do what we have to.

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Go to Jung Ma, I highly reccomend that server based on their maturity, and number of good and nice guilds, really, theres some people on jung ma that don't really RP and just go there to have a mature environment/troll-free environment.
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So I've done some of this math, the results are here... (updated yesterday).




How I got the numbers is detailed here:

Population Estimates for the Top 20 US Servers



Here is the roll call of the top 30 servers worldwide... and their theoretical 24 hr average population over the last two weeks.


The Fatman (PvP US East) Population ≈ 2160

Tomb of Freedon Nadd (PvP EUR English) Population ≈ 1424

Jedi Covenant (PvE US East) Population ≈ 1200

Dalborra (PvE APAC English) Population ≈ 1110

The Jedi Tower (PvE EUR German) Population ≈ 1080

Master Dar'Nala (PvP APAC) Population ≈ 1080

The Harbinger (PvE US West) Population ≈ 990

The Red Eclipse (PvE EUR English) Population ≈ 940

The Swiftsure (PvP US West) Population ≈ 930

Gav Daragon (RP PvE APAC) Population ≈ 920

Canderous Ordo (PvE US East) Population ≈ 860

Drooga's Pleasure Barge (PvE US West) Population ≈ 850

Ajunta Pall (RP PvP US West) Population ≈ 730

Huntmaster (RP PvP EUR French) Population ≈ 710

The Ebon Hawk (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 700

Lord Adraas (RP PvE US East) Population ≈ 700

Jung Ma (RP PvP US East) Population ≈ 690

Mantle of the Force (PvE EUR French) Population ≈ 660

Nightmare Lands (PvE EUR English) Population ≈ 640

Kissai Caste (PvE EUR French) Population ≈ 620

Dune Bantha (PvE EUR English) Population ≈ 600

Vodo-Siosk Baas (PvE EUR French) Population ≈ 600

Kessel Run (RP PvE EUR French) Population ≈ 600

Vanjervalis Chain (RP PvE EUR German) Population ≈ 600

Zakkeg Beast (PvE US West) Population ≈ 590

Battle Meditation (RP PvE EUR French) Population ≈ 590

The Progenitor (RP PvE EUR English) Population ≈ 590

Mind Trick (PvE US East) Population ≈ 580

The Shadowlands (PvE US East) Population ≈ 580

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Why is the only basis for a thriving server, the number of people on fleet??


Because when it comes to the real meat and potatoes, that being endgame, people don't want servers full of people who want to level alts. They want servers full of people who want to run content at level 50.

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