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Coruscant Space Port on World Map


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I know I must be doing something wrong, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to get this to appear on my world map. I've tried shuttling to/from the Republic Fleet, entering on the Esseles, and generally wandering around the entire complex.


Any hints/tips/ideas on what to do to get this to appear on the World Map?

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I don't understand what you are looking for, Coruscant is a different planet than the space station you are on after you leave Tython or Ord Mantel.

if you are trying to get to Coruscant and you found the way to the Esseless you were very close to the shuttle to Coruscant, make left turn before you enter the flashpoint and there is a shuttle there.

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I'm in the same boat. All of Coruscant except the space port and I can't discover it no matter where I go. Maybe it is because I went the the Essles the first time? Has anybody figured this out, it is really frustrating.


Edit: Just to be clear, the issue is that we can't trigger the discovery for the section of map just south of the senate tower area on the map for Coruscant. I'm 99% sure this area is the spaceport, but I have walked across every inch of it and it hasn't been revealed on the map.


Does anybody have a complete map of Coruscant, or is this bugged out for everyone?

Edited by DRayX
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I have seen screen-shots of people who have surveyed Coruscant, but they may have been from beta. Has anybody here ever been able to finish the Coruscant map, in beta or otherwise? I really hope this issue is addressed, but I'm guessing it is relatively low priority since not being able to complete the map is not showstopping, and several of the current bugs are. Anybody here who wants to see a fix for this should submit an in-game ticket about this issue as I have a feeling that BioWare is better at reading those than reading these forums since it actually goes on some sort of support queue. Edited by DRayX
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I couldn't get it to unlock when I was playing the beta but then I only got half way through Coruscant when that happened.


I'm in the same boat though, I've surveyed all the maps on all planets except Coruscant so far.


I was wondering if it perhaps gets completed much later in the game? I was also thinking if it perhaps only clocks depending on class? My character is a Jedi Knight.

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