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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Smuggler needs a buff.... Badly...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hy guys...


I didnt read all the posts here...but..one thing is for shure...it´s the Scoundrels who need a buff..might be smaller..but they need it...not slingers..they are fine and do a lot of damage as they are very balanced in PVE and PVP..but Scoundrels?..for god sake!....this class have been killed since1.1..and in 1.2 they just neutralize it!..its necessary for a guy who plays this class whatever spec he or she chooses to do something good and get some good classifications in WZ...either your skills with mouse or keyboard, your hands and eyes and so...you have to play like there was no World tomorrow if you know what i mean....when i see other classes like snipers and Marauders with just some few attacks dealing lots and lots of damage and your dead in seconds...something´s wrong here...and yes..im not a nooby here..i play pvp with my Scoundrel since when game started..and yes..i love those days when i did 5k plus crit damage and with 3 or 4 shoots i killed a guy and now i dont..ofc at that time i even my self admit that they were OP..but now?..only those who are on same side as i can understand it and feel how weak we are..and very vulnerable...so...ive got to change dramatticaly my way to play and im proud to still playing these days my class when i see guys here that just quit playing them and run off to more op classes like snipers and marauders..those guys YES!!..are trully cowards and ppl who dont deserve any respect...About PVE..i might say for my self that ive been good..no problems so far...but like ive said before..all depends from each other style of play and skill..so.....


i only wish that Bioware could rebalance and make classes more playable and after all and more important..all classes are at the same level..no one is more than other..because this ruins the game and make ppl quit or either always running and refugee in op classes while they are available..and this is not the spirit of this game..we are all here to have some fun and not having fun for the losses of others...


Cheers guys and have fun! :cool:

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Hy guys...


I didnt read all the posts here...but..one thing is for shure...it´s the Scoundrels who need a buff..might be smaller..but they need it...not slingers..they are fine and do a lot of damage as they are very balanced in PVE and PVP..but Scoundrels?..for god sake!....this class have been killed since1.1..and in 1.2 they just neutralize it!..its necessary for a guy who plays this class whatever spec he or she chooses to do something good and get some good classifications in WZ...either your skills with mouse or keyboard, your hands and eyes and so...you have to play like there was no World tomorrow if you know what i mean....when i see other classes like snipers and Marauders with just some few attacks dealing lots and lots of damage and your dead in seconds...something´s wrong here...and yes..im not a nooby here..i play pvp with my Scoundrel since when game started..and yes..i love those days when i did 5k plus crit damage and with 3 or 4 shoots i killed a guy and now i dont..ofc at that time i even my self admit that they were OP..but now?..only those who are on same side as i can understand it and feel how weak we are..and very vulnerable...so...ive got to change dramatticaly my way to play and im proud to still playing these days my class when i see guys here that just quit playing them and run off to more op classes like snipers and marauders..those guys YES!!..are trully cowards and ppl who dont deserve any respect...About PVE..i might say for my self that ive been good..no problems so far...but like ive said before..all depends from each other style of play and skill..so.....


i only wish that Bioware could rebalance and make classes more playable and after all and more important..all classes are at the same level..no one is more than other..because this ruins the game and make ppl quit or either always running and refugee in op classes while they are available..and this is not the spirit of this game..we are all here to have some fun and not having fun for the losses of others...


Cheers guys and have fun! :cool:

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Sup lads and gents i currently have a lvl 21 Smuggler (Gunslinger) who frankly seems very underpowered compared to other classes of the same level. I'm aware that you would prefer more of a mathematical example (Bioware) but i dont know how im going to do that... What i do know is that the smuggler is one of the most underplayed classes (most probably because of how underpowered it really is). When I play that class I feel extremely weak in war zones. For example the other day I was in a war zone and i was up against a lvl 13 Sith Marauder. It was one on one and it took an absolute eternity to kill him... I was level 20 at the time (a whole 7 LEVELS HIGHER!) so I shouldn't of had too much of a problem. Defensively I barely took any damage... He could barely touch me but my offence was terrible. Even in PvE against lvl 17 Rakghouls on Taris it takes awhile to kill them at lvl 20, making it hard as hell to level due to low dps... I am loving the class and love the story but it feels really hard to play... I have to be massively over lvled to do missions that other classes could do at the recommended level. It would be great to even get a bit of a damage buff and to see more people playing the class. Any thoughts on the subject would be Super, Greatly, Apreciated.

Thanks. :)


Gunslingers and their sniper counter parts are actually the more powerfull classes. Compared to other dps classes they actually get front loaded with their heavy hitting abilities pretty early on.


Scoundrels are the ones who need a tune up. Why back blast is on a 12 second cool down while Jedi shadow shadow strike has zero cool down is beyond me. Same goes for operatives and sith assassins.

Edited by Phlem
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I'm new to MMO's this is. (...) So yer any other useful feedback would be great rather than yelling at me and pretty much calling me an idiot. I kind of know what I'm doing but all I'm asking for is some help on how I'm going to get back on track. :)


It would've worked in your favor to actually mention the fact that you are new to MMOs and its mechanics in your initial post. That way I and possible other people were aware that you were a beginner and I might've adapted my response appropiately.


However, naming your thread 'Smuggler needs a buff.... Badly...' and then coming up with pretty much no valid argument and actually showing more or less that you have not that much of a clue what you're talking about, which is perfectly fine when you're a beginner, doesn't exactly give a positive impression of yourself.


Therefore I assumed you were another whiney troll, thinking no fault is theirs and it's all because of someone/something else. That is the reason of the snarky tone.


In the future I would recommend you to just search for guides, as there are plenty (instead of blatantly assuming you know everything and because it's not working out as you'd please, it is not working properly at all and ask for a buff) does give the wrong impression.

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