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When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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Lots of servers = spread population

Lots of servers = more $$$

Less servers = less $$$ being spent

Less servers = more populated servers

More populated servers = more customer satisfaction

More customer satisfaction = less unsubscribers

Less unsubscribers = more $$$


Merge servers.

Thank you.

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i would like to help bioware figure this out:


determine server merges which minimize renames and maintain a tolerable average latency.


this will require that you have the players ping other servers in order to get this info.


once you find the ideal pairings after one iteration, repeat the process until you have a sustainable population, meaning server cues are no longer than 30-45 min for high pop events (like tat rak plauge).

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I agree wholeheartedly. This is an URGENT issue and if Bioware doesn't fix it soon, the problem will only get worse as more people drop because they can't find groups. When I started groups were easy to find and fun. Now, it's nigh impossible. Most planets now have 6-8 people logged in in prime time. Very sad. We need mergers, and we need them soon.



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I'm not a complainer but I have to admit, I log in excited to play to play, and there's not many people on my server. I also think server transfers are extremely important to this game right now.


I'm not sure what Bioware themselves sees for numbers that assures them or what not, but i don't think that's what's important. There are a lot of people who want to play this game but don't really have many people to play with, so are getting discouraged. Regardless of what the numbers are currently showing, I don't want to see my server become dead empty on weekends because of the domino effect of people not logging on.


I think Bioware should offer server transfers to any server right off the bat.

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And your proof is? What makes you think GW2 wont be as buggy or have similar community issues as well, bearing in mind that its already F2P.


Common sense? Any MMO that releases alway takes a few people away from the rest. Fr example, TERA is full of ex TOR players. D3 is too, (yes I know it's not an MMO) and GW2 will take players as well,

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They need to do this! I was on Alderaan as a 32 Vanguard yesterday. I got nerfed by 3 level 50's rolling around with nothing better to do. They waited on me to re-spawn so they could do it again. I was the ONLY republic guy on so I couldn't even call for help. This is redic. Healthy game? My ***! I wish I could transfer now...BUT what happens to my legacy? Have they talked about that yet?
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This thread needs to die. Seriously.


There will be transfers. There will not be mergers. Some servers may lose their entire population to transfers and be closed, but they will not be physically merged with another server.

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This thread needs to die. Seriously.


There will be transfers. There will not be mergers. Some servers may lose their entire population to transfers and be closed, but they will not be physically merged with another server.


I hope that once the wave of transfers are over, the remainder will be merged.

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(My thread was closed and I was asked to participate in this thread... so rather than rewrite what I've previously stated, following is the response that related more to server merges. This is a tad out of context and discusses transfers to some degree but the main point was an objection to starting with server merges.. so here goes)


I know plenty of people are concerned over a current lack of server transfers and I am glad people are just as concerned about /how/ they are implemented.


I realize there is a real danger of server merges in the near future. I consider that a danger because I am one of those people who care deeply about character identity. The problem with merges is you stand the chance of losing not only your character identity but also your legacy identity. I put a lot of time and effort into building backgrounds, character concepts, and all of that. When servers merge, there are conflicts and BioWare then has to decide how to resolve the character identity conflicts and that is virtually guaranteed to upset / satisfy people on a 1:1 ratio which doesn’t make things much better for BW.


Honestly, I couldn’t care less about an extremely temporary and meager +4 endurance crystal. I couldn’t care less about the very short early access. Launch was right over Christmas and, with a family, I had very little time to play over the holiday anyway. The one thing that prompted me to take a leap of faith and pre-order the game was the chance (for the first time – for me) to have a real chance at choosing the names I want. Funny how the one benefit to pre-ordering I looked forward to the most had nothing to do with what BW was offering.


Anyway, whether or not you care about character or legacy identity, I do. Again, it was the primary reason I pre-ordered. To merge servers would be to not only force people to the same servers and still not addressing the issue of friends getting together, but you also run the risk of forcing players to lose their character / legacy identity. In other words, it really wouldn’t help people like me all that much.


I like the idea of open and free transfers, of course. If I choose to leave a server and go to another any risk of identity loss would be on me. After all, I’m making that choice. It’s a much easier pill to swallow in that case.


(I removed the rest of the post as it related directly to server transfers and not server mergers)


Edit: I accidentally left out the point that it makes more sense, imo, to let us do the server transfers so we can at least consolidate our toons on one server and can hopefully make that server the ones where the majority of our freinds play. Then, look at the numbers and see where the fat needs to be trimmed and start merging those servers. The difference is you give us a chance to consolidate and then, if you think server merges are the answer, we at least have all our toons together and are at least on the same server as our friends. It seems to me those are the primary issues and you should allow us to solve those issues before creating new issues (that would arise from mergers).

Edited by InnerPieces
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I'm concerned about the plans for server transfers and am left wondering (more from previous experience in games with population issues) how they think the current system will help even remotely.


The crux of the problem is that they will likely limit transfers from high-pop to low-pop servers, or in their "ideal" case from low-pop to low-pop servers. The problem is that nobody in their right might would take a roll of the dice to go from an existing high-pop server to a low-pop server and potentially be stuck where the rest of us already suffering no low-pop servers are. On the flip side, why would anyone move from their established low-pop server to some arbitrary low-pop server that is going to have the same issues they already have?


As an example, for myself - I have 8 repub characters on a low-pop server. I have some friends on a server that would be arguably higher-pop than my current server. Out of ALL of the servers on the list, that server is realistically the only server I would ever consider moving my characters to. Would they consider moving to my (lower-pop) server? Hell no - they have an established guild and know their environment. Conversely, would I consider going to some other arbitrary low-pop server if I can't go to my friends' server? Hell no! Why would I leave a server I am established on and at least know the regulars that are on that server?


The only way to resolve population issues on the low-pop servers is forced server merges or the ability to transfer to your server choice. Realistically, the latter option isn't feasible as it would mean everybody fighting to get transferred over to one or two servers, leaving the former the only viable option.


Of course EA/Bioware sees dollar signs in this fix, as they have already said there will be PAID character transfers to the server of your choice. Now honestly, this option is an affront... a huge slap in the face to those of us that are established on low-pop servers. Why are we getting punished when we already pay about $15/month for a title that isn't capable of maintaining its community? We're already PAYING for it... and we're suffering because of lack of planning and, well - the almighty dollar.


I like the game, really I do, but come on - throw your community a bone Bioware.

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Dear Bioware,


Server merges with optional server transfers are probably the better route. With that being said, things like queues for PvP warzones are taking forever, and I find that server transfers won't benefit from that, whereas a server merge would.


I'm a patient person but having to wait for 20 minutes for a queue, on a server that's not as dead as others (yet), is not fun. Server transfers might only encourage people to leave our server to higher population ones. They have every right to do so of course, but merging more dead servers into other ones would seem the better route.


I feel as though the reason the majority of people are leaving is because PvP is very lacking, and game update 1.3 is mostly a PvE update, so I don't see this helping in the long run aside from people just wanting to check the update.


I am the type to stick around, but even I'm getting kind of bored...

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If BW doesn't do server merge, I can see we have to face bunch of dead servers filled with unsubbed people's characters. They don't pay anymore but BW has to keep those people's characters. Running graveyard servers for unsubbed people isn't financially efficient anyway. And even BW starts free transfer, some people will stay for various reasons. And they end up with "unsubbed". Even unsubbed people come back, they see empty graveyards.... and quit again. Only sour experience is in there.

So I hope big server marge will be happened after free transfer. Maybe 1 month later of free transfer or so. Then BW should start paid transfer after that.


like some people mentioned, I was the only one player in the fleet last night before I go to sleep.(I didn't take a pic because it happens often on my server... lol but :() I guess it's common situation on lots of servers.

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I’m curious why no one wants to address the real issue with server merging: loss of character and/or legacy identity. To some, a name is just a means to an end. To others, a name carries with it the weight of reputation, hours or weeks of planning, and well, mainly reputation. So, when two (or more) servers merge, what happens to those with the same name? Clearly they must be changed but then how do they decide who gets to keep their name? Is it level, who was on the server first, the amount of time played, whether or not anyone pre-ordered, etc?


The last (of many) straw with Blizzard and I was when the GMs literally took the name of one of my characters and gave it to someone else. The reason given was that I hadn’t played the character in a long time. I was never asked if I was willing to give up the name. I was never asked if I intended to play the character again (who was level 47 at the time). This was all after 4 years of playing. That was the last time I ever logged in. I called customer service and after no reasonable resolution, I decided I would never knowingly give Blizzard another dime. I haven’t and I won’t. I know it sounds absurd, but it’s a true story.


I guess I could say if Bioware merges servers and it in no way affects my account or my characters then I would be okay with that. However, if it’s not affecting me negatively it’s likely affecting someone else negatively and that hardly seems fair when this is not an issue we players created in the slightest. Why should any of us be penalized for improper planning on the part of Bioware? I understand nerfs and mechanic changes. If, however, my account or characters are altered as a result of a server merge, they can add one more cancellation to the list.


I sincerely hope they can find a way to remedy this concern before doing anything rash. I'd be interested in reading other thoughts on how to remedy this concern because, for once, I'm at a loss.

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As the leader of a previously 200+ active member guild, it truly pains me to see the low population levels and to read the forums in hopes of an answer, only to see the same quote from Bioware staff stating that character transfers are coming early summer. Pretending that everything is just fine as the first wave of layoffs hit is not going to make us feel reassured. We have your posted numbers and access to the abundance of web articles reporting on SWTOR's downward spiral. Pretending there isn't an elephant in the room won't make us stay. You should be on high alert listening and taking action on what your players, that provide you with funding, are screaming out for and taking action immediately. Comfort us with information rather than trolling us with canned responses.


You need to do server mergers right now. Not sometime early summer. We would even accept more detail on why you are not notifying servers that they will be offline temporarily and they will be moved to this server, exporting the character database, importing to the new servers database, and bringing them both back online. I don't care which server merges where. We need a more precise deadline so we can know if it is worth waiting or not.


My guild is down to 75 members and a good percent of those aren't even active anymore. This is not from my lack of trying. I honestly loved this game and it really hurts to be basically forced to unsub because it is getting depressing logging on to my once great progression guild full of fun and active members. Now its a ghost town and there isn't even a pool to recruit from anymore. I am scrambling to plug the holes as players leak from our server and unsub. Trying to comfort my remaining guild members who feel the way I do is becoming even more of an uphill battle. It is just getting depressing, so as much as I loved playing this game... it is just that, a game. There are plenty of other games out there to play. I unfortunately will have to go play them rather than pay 15 dollars a month plus guild website and guild vent fees to upkeep... this black hole (ironic how you named the new content).

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Server transfers will kill the guilds on the underpopulated servers and that will be the end of a load more players.


Unless they sort the population problems soon, "early summer" will come about and sign the final death warrant for many guilds and servers.


My subscription expires in August, I shall not be renewing unless they merge servers quickly as I really do not want to be about when all the x-server transfers start getting announced "x has left the guild" times 50.

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Server transfers will kill the guilds on the underpopulated servers and that will be the end of a load more players.


Unless they sort the population problems soon, "early summer" will come about and sign the final death warrant for many guilds and servers.


My subscription expires in August, I shall not be renewing unless they merge servers quickly as I really do not want to be about when all the x-server transfers start getting announced "x has left the guild" times 50.


Well, the only piece of solid information we have received is there will be server transfers and not server mergers. There are no more 'if's' to consider on that point.


I don't understand in the slightest how transferring more people to your underpopulated server will kill the guilds on your server when it will give you a larger pool of people to recruit from. It might even bring larger guilds in to merge with and give you more numbers that way. I'm not trying to argue and please don't think I am criticizing you. It occurred to me you might not have thought of it that way and I am only trying to help.

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Please BW.. Be smart and increase the number of character slots before the server transfers..


Would'nt that just lead to people creating alts all over the place on other servers for name stealing? Thereby exacerbating any potential name problems we are going to have?

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Would'nt that just lead to people creating alts all over the place on other servers for name stealing? Thereby exacerbating any potential name problems we are going to have?


Very true. The name issue is the straw that will make or break the camel's back for some of us. Of course, immediately after the dust settles, the character slot thing should be addressed. I suspect 1.4, perhaps. That way, they can get the micro-transactions down with the server transfers and start charging us for additional character slots (not fact, just strongly felt opinion as to how it will go).

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I’m curious why no one wants to address the real issue with server merging: loss of character and/or legacy identity. To some, a name is just a means to an end. To others, a name carries with it the weight of reputation, hours or weeks of planning, and well, mainly reputation. So, when two (or more) servers merge, what happens to those with the same name? Clearly they must be changed but then how do they decide who gets to keep their name? Is it level, who was on the server first, the amount of time played, whether or not anyone pre-ordered, etc?


The last (of many) straw with Blizzard and I was when the GMs literally took the name of one of my characters and gave it to someone else. The reason given was that I hadn’t played the character in a long time. I was never asked if I was willing to give up the name. I was never asked if I intended to play the character again (who was level 47 at the time). This was all after 4 years of playing. That was the last time I ever logged in. I called customer service and after no reasonable resolution, I decided I would never knowingly give Blizzard another dime. I haven’t and I won’t. I know it sounds absurd, but it’s a true story.


Same thing happend to me but at War and AoC. I did love both games, even tho they were horrible in performance and full of bugs.

But when they gave my chars new names like "xjgrogh" then I cancelled my acc as well. The name is for me very important, I dont name my chars after a movie star or food like so many others do. Because of that losing the name is not acceptable, especially since I am not guilty that some players didnt join a healthy server at the start.


At Eu we had like 10 heavy servers and the others were medium or light at release. People should had gone to the heavy ones and not the light.

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As the leader of a previously 200+ active member guild, it truly pains me to see the low population levels and to read the forums in hopes of an answer, only to see the same quote from Bioware staff stating that character transfers are coming early summer. Pretending that everything is just fine as the first wave of layoffs hit is not going to make us feel reassured. We have your posted numbers and access to the abundance of web articles reporting on SWTOR's downward spiral. Pretending there isn't an elephant in the room won't make us stay. You should be on high alert listening and taking action on what your players, that provide you with funding, are screaming out for and taking action immediately. Comfort us with information rather than trolling us with canned responses.


You need to do server mergers right now. Not sometime early summer. We would even accept more detail on why you are not notifying servers that they will be offline temporarily and they will be moved to this server, exporting the character database, importing to the new servers database, and bringing them both back online. I don't care which server merges where. We need a more precise deadline so we can know if it is worth waiting or not.


My guild is down to 75 members and a good percent of those aren't even active anymore. This is not from my lack of trying. I honestly loved this game and it really hurts to be basically forced to unsub because it is getting depressing logging on to my once great progression guild full of fun and active members. Now its a ghost town and there isn't even a pool to recruit from anymore. I am scrambling to plug the holes as players leak from our server and unsub. Trying to comfort my remaining guild members who feel the way I do is becoming even more of an uphill battle. It is just getting depressing, so as much as I loved playing this game... it is just that, a game. There are plenty of other games out there to play. I unfortunately will have to go play them rather than pay 15 dollars a month plus guild website and guild vent fees to upkeep... this black hole (ironic how you named the new content).


I feel your pain. My guild had about 175 toons on it, now we realistically have about 15 people who will log on some what frequently. our guild has been completely gutted in the past 2 months. The damage is drastic, and significant. It's also very contagious.

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I guess BioWare won't do server merges, because they are afraid of the bad reputation that has (almost every videogame website will then write the game is dying).


That ship sailed over a month ago. Every gaming website is already writing that TOR is dying.

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eve online) because they know when they **** up and can actually admit to it unlike these clowns ...)


Um... you are talking about the same EVE Online that I play where the devs never admit to a problem unless a 3rd party website outs them? I mean, c'mon now... :) What makes EVE so much better is they have the king of all end-game content: Conquest oriented PVP. But as far as admitting when they make a mistake? I'm trying to remember the last time that happened without a major customer explosion to drive it.


They also don't have the usual 'server population' issue that other games do because it's a single-shard game where everyone plays on the same 'server' (yes, I know it's not a single server but it is a single shared 'shard').

Edited by TaramCaldar
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