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Nerf Marauders - PVP Video


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This video was made over the final 2-3 days of completing my War Hero set. I run 31/5/5.


The begging of the video is mostly 1v1 against Sorcerers/Sages and bad Marauders/Sentinels with 1v2 and 1v3's mixed in here and there. After the first song there are two longer sequences of me just running wild in voidstar and huttball. The last 2 minutes is me camping Eomak who constantly AFK's war-zones.


I make mistakes. I obfuscated a Sorcerer. I have recently unbound my "s" key. I over use my defensive cool-downs for the videos sake. I'm ignoring objectives. Most of my opponents have very little skill and I should probably work an extra assault into my rotation before my annihilation in order to get maximum damage out of Juyo Mastery.


Anybody who tells you that rage is more burst dps is flat out wrong and needs to watch the second fight in the video. That Sage goes from 18k HP to 0 HP in a bout 5 seconds. That Sage also has 0 expertise, yes you should buy recruit gear.


I hope you enjoy the video. I had a lot of fun making it.

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Damn not available on mobile


Don't worry it's nothing impressive... it's like pre 1.1 smash video's where you saw level 50 mara/juggs in some pvp gear destroying lowbies and undergeared people easily. Basically what it is.

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Impressive numbers, yeah. War Hero really is that superior to other gear I guess. It's unfortunate that none of the fellows selected for this video know how to counter a Marauder effectively.
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EVERY SINGLE PvP video will be the same thing, a guy who is all round a bad player editing in the times he finds some under geared underskilled person who is worse them he and he shows you that he can win against them.



No PvP video will show you that most of the time they lose or they get stomped, they simply want to stroke their e-peen by making it look like they are good when they are not. You can see by his play hes actually really bad at his class, hes simply showing you what happens when he finds the people worse then him.

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EVERY SINGLE PvP video will be the same thing, a guy who is all round a bad player editing in the times he finds some under geared underskilled person who is worse them he and he shows you that he can win against them.



No PvP video will show you that most of the time they lose or they get stomped, they simply want to stroke their e-peen by making it look like they are good when they are not. You can see by his play hes actually really bad at his class, hes simply showing you what happens when he finds the people worse then him.

Lots of jealousy in this forum. I'm open to any criticism you might have. I'd also love to view your videos.

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Meh. I watched most of the video. If you're seriously asking that they nerf marauders then I think this video doesn't really demonstrate the need for that. I have a DPS guardian that can put up very similar damage numbers vs people with gear. Look at a lot of the people you were fighting. They didn't even seem to be attacking you. I guess if you edited the video to show yourself fighting some of the worst PvP'ers I've ever seen in my life then congrats. The funny thing is that I hate it when people say that anyone who does well in PvP must be playing against really bad players. But I mean... you made a video of it and the people you're playing are REALLY bad!
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Does this video include any clicking of abilities?


If yes - lolz


If no - I may watch later




LOL no. I back peddle a bit. I didn't realize s-keying was even bad until recently. I don't really notice a difference in my play since taking it off but I guess I'm more mobile.

Edited by acis
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Meh. I watched most of the video. If you're seriously asking that they nerf marauders then I think this video doesn't really demonstrate the need for that. I have a DPS guardian that can put up very similar damage numbers vs people with gear. Look at a lot of the people you were fighting. They didn't even seem to be attacking you. I guess if you edited the video to show yourself fighting some of the worst PvP'ers I've ever seen in my life then congrats. The funny thing is that I hate it when people say that anyone who does well in PvP must be playing against really bad players. But I mean... you made a video of it and the people you're playing are REALLY bad!


No I'm not calling for a marauder nerf.



The title is meant to be ironic. The point of the video is to showcase that the people being destroyed by marauders, the ones coming on the forums and complaining about our class needing a nerf, are terrible players in general. I actually picked on fotm reroll marauders as much as possible in order to show that it's not an extremely powerful class that everyone can instantly 1 shot kill everything.


I figured people were smart enough to get that but I guess sarcasm and irony don't translate well to the internet. The majority of the responses I've gotten are 'OMG *** UR KILLIN BADDIES U TARD WE DONT NEED A NERF ALSO UR BAD'

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No I'm not calling for a marauder nerf.



The title is meant to be ironic. The point of the video is to showcase that the people being destroyed by marauders, the ones coming on the forums and complaining about our class needing a nerf, are terrible players in general. I actually picked on fotm reroll marauders as much as possible in order to show that it's not an extremely powerful class that everyone can instantly 1 shot kill everything.


I figured people were smart enough to get that but I guess sarcasm and irony don't translate well to the internet. The majority of the responses I've gotten are 'OMG *** UR KILLIN BADDIES U TARD WE DONT NEED A NERF ALSO UR BAD'


so what you are saying is marauders shouldn't be nerfed because you show how bad most marauders are in the fact that a bad player can beat undergeared bad players simply because you sat in PvP and were handed loot?

Edited by Hizoka
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so what you are saying is marauders shouldn't be nerfed because you show how bad most marauders are in the fact that a bad player can beat undergeared bad players simply because you sat in PvP and were handed loot?


No. Close though. A lot of those players are geared well. What they are ALL lacking is skill. The point of the video is to show that, yes, to someone who has little to no skill, marauders look like they need a nerf.


That's a bold statement saying I sat in warzone and was handed loot. I have never afk'd a match. Whether running a premade or solo q'ing I'm doing my best in every game to secure a win. Towards the end I decided to have some fun and just kill things for once. I don't think you could be full War Hero at this point without winning a large portion of your matches. And bad player? You call me bad but you make absolutely no comment about why I'm bad, just bad. Bad is running around on forums saying things like....


"this is why so many marauders are bad. thats WAY too much strength. I do over 1700 DPS on boss fights and only have 1505 str. Power is the best stat once you have 25% BASE crit. Its such a shame..." - Hizoka (bad marauder)


Strength provides crit AND damage. Power provides .03 higher damage per point compared to strengths damage. Here's where I think you got confused. The amount of crit% you get from strength is on a different diminishing return from the amount of crit% you get from critical rating. I'm guessing you were either told incorrectly or just assumed they were the same and got confused (you seem to do that a lot). The thing is I actually did the research before I made my gear decisions. The DPS increase from power is only > the DPS increase from strength once you are at 3970 strength or higher, that's when the diminish on the added crit is so bad you would want to stack power over strength. This of course is all assuming a high surge rating of 75 percent or so.


The DPS change isn't great. It's almost negligible but we're talking about min/maxing here and running around on forums calling people bad without knowing *** we're talking about aren't we?

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The DPS change isn't great. It's almost negligible but we're talking about min/maxing here and running around on forums calling people bad without knowing *** we're talking about aren't we?


see you again prove your ineptitude, you see a .03 damage increase an educated person sees a 15% greater increase in raw damage over strength. Its not about the DR on crit, its more about the DR on surge and the fact that crit is inherently a terminating stat. Crit being a terminating stat means you will ALWAYS need more of it to see the same increase, that has NOTHING to do with the stat itself also having a diminishing return. The reason i did not go into all of that before is the people smart enough to know that already know it and the people not smart enough to know it will never understand it.


Its easy to assume you have no clue what you are talking about when you prove it by saying, one stat being 15% stronger then another is a negligible difference.

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see you again prove your ineptitude, you see a .03 damage increase an educated person sees a 15% greater increase in raw damage over strength. Its not about the DR on crit, its more about the DR on surge and the fact that crit is inherently a terminating stat. Crit being a terminating stat means you will ALWAYS need more of it to see the same increase, that has NOTHING to do with the stat itself also having a diminishing return. The reason i did not go into all of that before is the people smart enough to know that already know it and the people not smart enough to know it will never understand it.


Its easy to assume you have no clue what you are talking about when you prove it by saying, one stat being 15% stronger then another is a negligible difference.


Please god tell me you're trolling me and not this misinformed.


1) Terminating stat does not mean you will always need more of it to see the same increase. It means that the stat has a hard cap. Crit % for example cannot go over 100 percent. Diminishing returns means the more you have the less useful it is. For example each point of critical rating you have gives you less of an added bonus. Even with crit being a terminating stat you would never reach 100 percent with gear in the game.


2) Where are you getting this 15% more damage? Do you not raid/pvp with buffs? Inquisitor/Sage buff gives +5% to strength as well as warrior/jedi buff giving +5% to bonus damage (which I understand would affect both power and strength I just wanted to make sure to point out how wrong you were). This is before you have even added the bonus to your crit that you are receiving from strength. If you had actually calculated your math would be wrong from the start.


3) We aren't talking about surge we're talking about power vs. strength so it really has nothing to do with the DR on surge whatsoever.


4) Do the math. You'll find that strength is a better DPS increase than power until you reach stats that are impossible to obtain.

Edited by acis
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Don't worry it's nothing impressive... it's like pre 1.1 smash video's where you saw level 50 mara/juggs in some pvp gear destroying lowbies and undergeared people easily. Basically what it is.


h8rs gonna h8

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EVERY SINGLE PvP video will be the same thing, a guy who is all round a bad player editing in the times he finds some under geared underskilled person who is worse them he and he shows you that he can win against them.



No PvP video will show you that most of the time they lose or they get stomped, they simply want to stroke their e-peen by making it look like they are good when they are not. You can see by his play hes actually really bad at his class, hes simply showing you what happens when he finds the people worse then him.


^ this sums it up

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EVERY SINGLE PvP video will be the same thing, a guy who is all round a bad player editing in the times he finds some under geared underskilled person who is worse them he and he shows you that he can win against them.



No PvP video will show you that most of the time they lose or they get stomped, they simply want to stroke their e-peen by making it look like they are good when they are not. You can see by his play hes actually really bad at his class, hes simply showing you what happens when he finds the people worse then him.


How can you prove any of these people are that bad (PvP video makers)? I don't think you can, so why make such assumptions? I'm sure a lot of these people who make PvP videos do it because they can pull off intense moments and want to share it with everyone else. Maybe they're doing it for e-peen reasons, who knows. But all I can say is that PvP videos are a good way to see a class' potential in different situations. Like how they can do versus bad odds, different classes, different geared players, or just in general behind someone who can utilize their potential.


Sure, the best way to see someone's real skill is to see a full length match (maybe gate waiting edited out), but most people don't enjoy watching those. In fact, most people don't enjoy watching someone die repeatedly, or even a few times, so why give that to them if they won't bother watching? You don't see ESPN highlights on someone who is waiting on the bench the whole game, do you? Nah, because that's boring lol.

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No. Close though. A lot of those players are geared well. What they are ALL lacking is skill. The point of the video is to show that, yes, to someone who has little to no skill, marauders look like they need a nerf.


That's a bold statement saying I sat in warzone and was handed loot. I have never afk'd a match. Whether running a premade or solo q'ing I'm doing my best in every game to secure a win. Towards the end I decided to have some fun and just kill things for once. I don't think you could be full War Hero at this point without winning a large portion of your matches. And bad player? You call me bad but you make absolutely no comment about why I'm bad, just bad. Bad is running around on forums saying things like....


"this is why so many marauders are bad. thats WAY too much strength. I do over 1700 DPS on boss fights and only have 1505 str. Power is the best stat once you have 25% BASE crit. Its such a shame..." - Hizoka (bad marauder)


Strength provides crit AND damage. Power provides .03 higher damage per point compared to strengths damage. Here's where I think you got confused. The amount of crit% you get from strength is on a different diminishing return from the amount of crit% you get from critical rating. I'm guessing you were either told incorrectly or just assumed they were the same and got confused (you seem to do that a lot). The thing is I actually did the research before I made my gear decisions. The DPS increase from power is only > the DPS increase from strength once you are at 3970 strength or higher, that's when the diminish on the added crit is so bad you would want to stack power over strength. This of course is all assuming a high surge rating of 75 percent or so.


The DPS change isn't great. It's almost negligible but we're talking about min/maxing here and running around on forums calling people bad without knowing *** we're talking about aren't we?


sounds like hizoki was reading the juggernaut rage tree forums, they're all stacking power for that spec in particular lol

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EVERY SINGLE PvP video will be the same thing, a guy who is all round a bad player editing in the times he finds some under geared underskilled person who is worse them he and he shows you that he can win against them.



No PvP video will show you that most of the time they lose or they get stomped, they simply want to stroke their e-peen by making it look like they are good when they are not. You can see by his play hes actually really bad at his class, hes simply showing you what happens when he finds the people worse then him.


The OP isn't god's gift to PvP but you're delusional if you don't think he is at least better than most. (Probably better than you.)

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I like how most of the opponents just stand there without even moving until it's too late. lol


This just in: WH Gear > Recruit Gear


News at 11.


Some of them aren't even wearing Recruit Gear. So yeah, it says a lot about some of the people who complain that Marauders being OP. Every other class is probably OP to them as well.

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