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Can SWTOR be Saved ?


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Your what hurts?


No, I get it. You played the game and it wasn't the end-all and be-all to you. So, why not just move on and let people enjoy the game? Why is it so important to you that this game fail? It's almost like you can't move on unless it does. Like somehow, the very notion that there are people who are actually enjoying the game irks you.


Where exactly did I mention that I want it to fail? God knows I don't, I have been buying Bioware products for over a decade, they are one of my favorite game producing companies. I want them to succeed. Hell, I wanted SWTOR to be THE mmo out there. I just don't like people pulling facts out of their behinds because they are fans of a game (and I'm refering to the "2nd most popular MMO" statement).

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I would not rely on the RP community to stay here.


The lack of RP content is lacking severly, its odd that there was already a starwars mmo that had great RP stuff and none of it made it over to this game. They even had Rancor and Gungan costumes, its was fun.


Unless that gets fixed, just standing next to stools in fleet to RP with no chat bubbles and so few animations will get old and unfulfilling, even for the most die hard starwars fans.


This is so true. For role players, the game worlds need to feel alive. The lack of many little things in TOR have the opposite effect.

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I just don't like people pulling facts out of their behinds because they are fans of a game (and I'm refering to the "2nd most popular MMO" statement).


The last time subscription numbers were released, though that number is assuredly lower now, it was the second highest subscription MMO on the market. That obviously isn't the case now as I mentioned, but the person you're quoting isn't pulling numbers out of their behind.

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Second most popular? You got this info from where exactly? The playerbase of SW was good at launch, true, but right now, it's plummeting fast. And even if it was the second most popular (which I'm pretty sure it isn't), it's going to get some serious kicking from the recently released Secret World (which, looks surprisingly interesting), the upcoming GW2 launch, this years engine update to Anarchy Online (which will probably cause a lot of old AO veterans to return, myself included), and probably a lot more F2P projects that are out there.


And you're basing your argument off of what exactly? Aside from the announcement of losing 400k subs over the course of a few months, this game is still floating near 1 million subscribers. Nothing has been released in regards to subs since that one announcement and who knows what happened to subs after server xfers and 1.3. That's all pure speculation and I'll be hard pressed to believe anything that is said in the context of a post like yours. Stop trying to start a QQ fest just because the only MMO you've played is WoW and you think a game with under 10 million subs is failing.

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This is a great game and perhaps you die hard over achieving no lifers shouldn't rush to make all (8) 50th level toons raid\pvp ready in 8 months time. I am enjoying the game with my only (1) level 50 that still needs work. I don't like the grind much and due to balance disparity, I don't like SWTOR PvP much. If I get tired of this game, I can always play DDO (PVE) or LOTRO (PVE\PVP) or Fallout New Vegas with Nexus mods. I am also thinking, people are having problems managing to pay or justifying the subsciption in these hard times.
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Fact is the combat on this game is loads of fun, and thats the main reason why i still play. I still like this game very much.


I agree and it moves quicker with more options than other MMOs I play.

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There's nothing to "save". SWTOR has plenty of active accounts. They just opened too many servers at launch. You don't have to have 10 million players to be a successful MMO. EVE has been around for years and years and only has an average of 30k concurrent logged in users at any one time.
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The in game forum will finally settle down in september when the last of the initial 30 day +6m sub + 30 free days guys like me are all gone. At that stage the only long term people left with active accounts will be guys that are genuinely happy with what the game actually is plus a few new people.


Don't speak for me. Your one person have the conviction to give your own opinion and your own only. I disagree completely with your post.


I believe the game is doing fine and it would appear there's an awful lot of exageration and trolling posted on these forums. I believe once people who dislike the game but still keep posting leave the game. It will be saved.

Edited by Apeth
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Can it be saved? That is hard to answer. I have had numerous problems with files getting corrupted ,crashes and bugs since update 1.3 came out, even much more then when game launched. I applaud Bioware for trying to add features and content regularly but that those features can't break my experience and game, especially when I am paying a monthly fee.

One day after patch 1.3 I had to spend 5 hours fixing the game files..... Unacceptable.


On the flip I played just last night and had a BLAST! The game is great when it works, and with the server transfer my new server is packed. I walked onto the Imperial Fleet where over 220 people were running around. Fantastic!


I am not going anywhere for now. Especially since I spent 1400 bucks on a gaming PC just for this game. ;)


Here's to hoping I am still playing this in five years!

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I have had a blast playing the game but I really think the 4th pillar should have been Space Combat. Yes Story is awesome but Star Wars is in space. If it were me I would have been working on a better space game since the game launched. They could trickle out the story they have in the bank till the space game is in place. I'm talking about a off the rails, pvp, raid like version of space game like what was in Galaxies. It doesn’t have to be just like it but at least in an instance base version where you can control your spaceship, also the need to customizable ships and star fighters. This is what they need to do hands down!


P.S. Add pod racing as well. That would be awesome for PVPers.

Edited by DownedDack
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There's nothing to "save". SWTOR has plenty of active accounts. They just opened too many servers at launch. You don't have to have 10 million players to be a successful MMO. EVE has been around for years and years and only has an average of 30k concurrent logged in users at any one time.

You think SWTOR has way more than 30k users logged in at same time?

There's only 11 servers now. About 500 people on each fleet. lets say 500(which is being generous) in WZs at any given time. How many people do you think are leveling, in FPs or not on the fleet. And this is a AAA title.

I like the game a lot, but it doesn't have many players, and it has plenty of problems still.

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Any game can be saved, just have to figure what needs saving the most, and there will be opinions on that.

Also cant forget the shareholders - with out some hope of profit no property would ever be developed. Sadly they want profit too fast maybe.


Any game can shut down way too early (I thought Tabula Rasa deserved a longer life)


I could live with waiting for fixes to bugs, new content and am mostly patient but for so long - for me where Bioware fails is customer service and communication. They made SOE (Sony Online Entertainment) look like saints. Even SOE in MxO would try to assist a player when the game glitched and didnt give them X or stopped them from progressing b/c Y didt happen. Here best I ever got was "suck it up and wait for next patch." (Paraphrased)


Just remember Game X is only 3 months away from being released It will be the best MMO ever. However if you find you dont like Game X, Game Y is due out in time for Christmas. Game Z has finished Alpha and is about to announce Beta - try to get into Beta - That game is going to be Epic and could even knock WoW out of top spot. (Yeah I had to mention WoW)

Edited by LeMage
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Any game can be saved, just have to figure what needs saving the most, and there will be opinions on that.

Also cant forget the shareholders - with out some hope of profit no property would ever be developed. Sadly they want profit too fast maybe.


Any game can shut down way too early (I thought Tabula Rasa deserved a longer life)


I could live with waiting for fixes to bugs, new content and am mostly patient but for so long - for me where Bioware fails is customer service and communication. They made SOE (Sony Online Entertainment) look like saints. Even SOE in MxO would try to assist a player when the game glitched and didnt give them X or stopped them from progressing b/c Y didt happen. Here best I ever got was "suck it up and wait for next patch." (Paraphrased)


Just remember Game X is only 3 months away from being released It will be the best MMO ever. However if you find you dont like Game X, Game Y is due out in time for Christmas. Game Z has finished Alpha and is about to announce Beta - try to get into Beta - That game is going to be Epic and could even knock WoW out of top spot. (Yeah I had to mention WoW)


This. SWTOR was rushed out the door by people with no clue (ie: shareholders and executives). Every MMO is always going to be the "WoW killer".


Eventually Blizzard will develop a new MMO, WoW will get no more love but will continue to rake in money from subs and that revenue will be directed into the new game. *shrug* It happens.


SWTOR isn't going away anytime soon, and for the F2P haters... too bad.

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And you're basing your argument off of what exactly? Aside from the announcement of losing 400k subs over the course of a few months, this game is still floating near 1 million subscribers. Nothing has been released in regards to subs since that one announcement and who knows what happened to subs after server xfers and 1.3. That's all pure speculation and I'll be hard pressed to believe anything that is said in the context of a post like yours. Stop trying to start a QQ fest just because the only MMO you've played is WoW and you think a game with under 10 million subs is failing.


Assuming I played WoW just proves how completely garbage your entire line of thought was. I never touched WoW, and probably never will. That said, most estimates show SWTOR at somewhere between 500k and 700k subscribers. I'm not QQing either, don't see where I whined about this game. I'm sorry it failed (which it did, everyone, including EA and Bioware knows this). Sure, they will recover their investment if they keep a steady flow of 500k players or more for the next 2 years. That however, is unlikely.

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Assuming I played WoW just proves how completely garbage your entire line of thought was. I never touched WoW, and probably never will. That said, most estimates show SWTOR at somewhere between 500k and 700k subscribers. I'm not QQing either, don't see where I whined about this game. I'm sorry it failed (which it did, everyone, including EA and Bioware knows this). Sure, they will recover their investment if they keep a steady flow of 500k players or more for the next 2 years. That however, is unlikely.


One issue coming up with the new sub report will be they will count the subs which will expire this month or next month ( 6 month subbers ) as active, when some of them are not active and are not going to resub. Such as myself. So I would take any report that comes out soon on the number of subs TOR has now with a grain of salt. :p The one due out this fall and esp at the end of the financial year will be the real revealer.

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One issue coming up with the new sub report will be they will count the subs which will expire this month or next month ( 6 month subbers ) as active, when some of them are not active and are not going to resub. Such as myself. So I would take any report that comes out soon on the number of subs TOR has now with a grain of salt. :p The one due out this fall and esp at the end of the financial year will be the real revealer.


you are making a HUGE assumption that there are a lot of 6 months subscribers and that a lot of those 6 month subscribers aren't coming back.

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If there is enough change of EA's top management. If Bioware finally discards the "fourth pillar." If they embrace some more traditional ideas in terms of content design and roll-outs. If they don't try to pretend this is the high-brow, hoy poloy game, and is mostly just another MMORPG that needs to fight for its membership.




I think odds favor this game coming along over a few years. I don't think nuclear disasters are averted yet. This is EA, they could run it a couple of years, and walk away, or sell it to Sony, or Lucas will yank it and sell it to somebody.


Honestly I wish they would pull it from Bioware entirely and give it to somebody like Turbine, though I'm biased.

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This is PROBABLY a stupid question, but do you think a lot of people don't want to play it, because they think Star Wars is just for nerds and they don't want to swallow their "pride" and play this game? Is it just because this game has "Star Wars" on the cover?


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If there is enough change of EA's top management. If Bioware finally discards the "fourth pillar." If they embrace some more traditional ideas in terms of content design and roll-outs. If they don't try to pretend this is the high-brow, hoy poloy game, and is mostly just another MMORPG that needs to fight for its membership.




I think odds favor this game coming along over a few years. I don't think nuclear disasters are averted yet. This is EA, they could run it a couple of years, and walk away, or sell it to Sony, or Lucas will yank it and sell it to somebody.


Honestly I wish they would pull it from Bioware entirely and give it to somebody like Turbine, though I'm biased.


Pulling it from BioWare could actually be a fix... It wouldn't be instant, but you could see some results..

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Pulling it from BioWare could actually be a fix... It wouldn't be instant, but you could see some results..


I wouldn't give it to Turbine either! SWTOR is grindy enough and it actually needs to be even more less grindy. LOTRO is the king of the MMO grind and it is very very painful. If anyone, Obsidian Entertainment (NWN2, SW:KotORII, Fallout 3 New Vegas) would be my best choice candidate.


What probably hurt SWTOR the most was the Bioware buyout by EA.

Edited by Lorica
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I wouldn't give it to Turbine either! SWTOR is grindy enough and it actually needs to be even more less grindy. LOTRO is the king of the MMO grind and it is very very painful. If anyone, Obsidian Entertainment (NWN2, SW:KotORII, Fallout 3 New Vegas) would be my best choice candidate.


What probably hurt SWTOR the most was the Bioware buyout by EA.


I think the last line here is exactly right. Up until EA bought Bioware, the game was going to be everything they promised: innovative, groundbreaking, etc. I don't consider it a coincidence that the moment EA aquired Bioware, the game's release was delayed by a year and suddenly we had a standard MMO be developed.

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TOR does not need 'saving', and it never did.


What it needs, is more players who really appreciate, and love, the game for what it is, and what it will be in the future.


TOR is going to do just fine.

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