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Can SWTOR be Saved ?


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sure it could be saved....


however I think EA will take a look at the figures....decide its not worth paying out to actually finish the game and add the needed upgrades , claim its all Bioware's fault then make it FTP before bailing out to destroy someone else's dream...



cynical?...yeah but tell me you don't believe thats likely :)

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sure it could be saved....


however I think EA will take a look at the figures....decide its not worth paying out to actually finish the game and add the needed upgrades , claim its all Bioware's fault then make it FTP before bailing out to destroy someone else's dream...



cynical?...yeah but tell me you don't believe thats likely :)


It won't go F2P. They'll just close it like they did Earth & Beyond.

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please stop, seriously just stop lol... agian re-check your numbers... hint: starts w/ an "L" and ends in "ineage"

no hate but much love brother... this was fun night, differences in our ummm lets say beliefs but you have a good night or day... its 7:10 am here and my eyes can't seem to stay up...


btw, site and graphs is unreliable... lineage 2 hit 14 mill subs or maybe they don't take asian subs into consideration.



And apparently Hulk Hogan frequents these forums along with John Madden...

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It won't go F2P. They'll just close it like they did Earth & Beyond.



This is a game that peaked at 1.7 subscriptions and still maintains 1.3 million, that's a massive foundation and a pretty significant profit for both BW and EA. They won't just out and out CLOSE the game. Especially not before doing a f2p conversion...


Do I think this game has a future? Yes...Can it be "saved" ??? I guess so, it's definitely not looking good right now. Honestly, this is a game that should be maintaining, and growing larger numbers of players but people went through leveling very rapidly and ate up the sort of limited end-game content. There's more to this games end-game than most MMO's have launched with in years, but then again look at how badly all those games fared. People played SW:TOR for it's story, they got that and then they moved on. There's really not much to keep people playing afterwords other than making a bunch of alts, and most MMO players aren't total altaholics. If you could somehow keep the story going endlessly then you would probably see this game continuing it's growth, but that's impossible to do.


the MMO genre has been in desperate need for what SW:TOR has brought to the table, before it was a stagnant, vapid and static genre of games where you weren't really invested into what was going on in the games, with SW:TOR you're invested only as far as the story will take you and after that there's a big feeling if disconnection. You can't continue to interact with companions on any level after you max them out like in DA:O, you don't really have story content left once you complete what's available, you can only stand to repeat the same flashpoints and stuff so many times...I guess what I'm saying is that there should of been *MORE* at level 50 took get into. Space combat, while fun, is still very limited, and you get bored of it after doing it so long each day. All in all, people played the game and essentially beat it...You move planet, to planet in this game which is awesome but there's no sense of community when you do that. If they'd had some galaxy chat channel that spanned across the entire game for both factions regardless of where you were then I'm willing to bet it would of helped to form a better sense of community all together cause people would of actually chatted while playing. We'll see what 1.3 and beyond brings to the game, I think BW can pull it off but they'll have to move faster than they are now and I'm not sure that's possible. They claimed to have kept a full pre-launch team on the game to speed up content development, but who knows if that's still the case after all of this...


I love star wars, and I love mmo's. I'll be on SW:TOR for a long time but I am really sad that it's turned out this way so far.

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This is a game that peaked at 1.7 subscriptions and still maintains 1.3 million, that's a massive foundation and a pretty significant profit for both BW and EA. They won't just out and out CLOSE the game. Especially not before doing a f2p conversion...



I think the 1.3mill subscriber number is VERY soft. And I DO think they'd close it before they go F2P. Just my opinion.

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I think the 1.3mill subscriber number is VERY soft. And I DO think they'd close it before they go F2P. Just my opinion.


Warhammer online might have 100k subs it's still being supported and is still a sub based game.


TOR isn't going anywhere despite all the EA hate.

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Warhammer online might have 100k subs it's still being supported and is still a sub based game.


TOR isn't going anywhere despite all the EA hate.


Warhammer Online has been in maintance mode for over a year now, argueably it's been in maintance mode since release.


The last new content was LOTD (which was actually mostly done before the game went Live) anything else has basically been tweaking or putting stuff back in that was taken out (and then taking it out again because they couldn't get it to work). :(


Believe me no one wants SWTOR to be "supported" like WAR.

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As any game, there is a large population among release, then it drops. But, it will pick up as more content is released. As long as people still enjoy it and have fun, well, screw the others.


I dont know where people get this idea that all mmos drop this far after release then pick back up. Yeah most mmos drop like a rock a couple of months after release, then they either even out and never recover what they lost or drop even lower. either way thats what a failed mmo is.


Right now swtor is following the pattern of almost every failed mmo before it, figuring out what is wrong and why people are leaving too late, Check. Fix it very slowly, Check. Still fail to acknowledge or recognize the other things that are wrong with your game, check.


You cant just repeat the exact same mistakes that most failed games before you made and expect a different outcome just because you have the best ip there is, because it is also the most expensive ip there is.

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As any game, there is a large population among release, then it drops. But, it will pick up as more content is released. As long as people still enjoy it and have fun, well, screw the others.


That works in an ideal world of everyone being allowed to play what they enjoy, but when you attach a dollar figure to it and put that in front of guys in suits that have never even played the game, then things start to look a little more bleak.


400k lost subs equates to $6 million in lost revenue. Try to explain a $6 million decline in profitability to a banker and watch him go in to a panic.

Edited by Bluerodian
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its amazing how many business experts play video games! How games continue to have issues is beyond me.... I mean, with all these EXPERTS playing these games, surely they must know the absolute way to fix a games issues with ease.
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its amazing how many business experts play video games! How games continue to have issues is beyond me.... I mean, with all these EXPERTS playing these games, surely they must know the absolute way to fix a games issues with ease.


So in your opinion, the game is fine and just dandy?

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DAoC had, and I know my numbers arent rock solid but close.........around 250k-300k subs back in 2003....waaaay before the MMOs hit mainstream, and you needed a.good gaming comp to play DAoC back then, and still do.


So 300k subs in 2003, Id say that is equal to almost a million subs in todays numbers at least. I just resubbed to DAoC and.it is MIND BLOWING how that game is way more fun and.in depth than SWtoR. The.DAoC large and smallman 8v8 RvR is straight up addicting with a very high replay factor.


The fact that Guild Wars 2 is practically copying alot of DAoC's RvR system(not all of it unfortunately like mass AoE CC and group speed +/stick to group leader)....is a step in the right direction for MMOs to get away from these awful WoW clones.


This makes no sense what so ever, 300k subs is 300k subs. Not 1 million.....Just cause pc gaming wasnt as big then doesn't mean you compare the numbers differently.


That is about the dumbest thing anyone on this forum has compared.

Edited by madmikeyb
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This makes no sense what so ever, 300k subs is 300k subs. Not 1 million.....Just cause pc gaming wasnt as big then doesn't mean you compare the numbers differently.


That is about the dumbest thing anyone on this forum has compared.


Are you serious?

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ive never seen an MMO die this fast before, they must be setting record time.. Ive also never seen an MMO recover when they have mass exidous like this


I have seen them die this fast and even faster before. But your right, there hasnt been any that have fully recovered either.


But it doesnt mean swtor cant, it just wont if biowre doesnt realize all of their mistakes and radicaly change their direction.

Edited by Mallorik
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This makes no sense what so ever, 300k subs is 300k subs. Not 1 million.....Just cause pc gaming wasnt as big then doesn't mean you compare the numbers differently.


That is about the dumbest thing anyone on this forum has compared.


Actually makes perfect sense.......

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This makes no sense what so ever, 300k subs is 300k subs. Not 1 million.....Just cause pc gaming wasnt as big then doesn't mean you compare the numbers differently.


That is about the dumbest thing anyone on this forum has compared.


In both money and population, you have inflation. By your account, though, $1.50 today would be the same as $1.50 in 1940.

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You cant just repeat the exact same mistakes that most failed games before you made and expect a different outcome just because you have the best ip there is, because it is also the most expensive ip there is.


couldnt agree more , well said

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