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Mercenary healing - First impressions


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NOTE: This is a first draft I will keep this updated as I level up and gain more experiance


Level 24 perspective.


So far did about 20+ warzones and about 10 flashpoints as healer.


So far I am still trying to figure the best way to setup by key binds as the manual targeting is a bit of a pain but that is a different story.


Heat managment.


First and most important thing LEARN TO MANAGE YOUR HEAT this cannot be stressed enough, you have unlimited resources use that you your advantege. I was able to keep my group up during a 15 minute fight during chain pulling on Athiss and this was with a PUG, only thanks to proper resource managment.

Getting above 70 hear use Vent Heat (VH) there is no point of using it sooner especially if you have specced into the Improved Vents.



Skills - based of what I can use



Rapid Scan (RS) - Lots of heat generated very easy to "overheat" use with care, watch the heat meter.


Healing Scan (HS) - best all-around heal fast, much less heat compared to Rapid Scan.


Kolto missile (KM) - I like this skill a lot as you can use it pretty much every cool down and you should.



My way of healing.


So far those are the skills I have to heal and now how I do it.


Combat Support Cylinder (CSC) keep stacking this all the time getting this to 30 is essential for using Supercharged Gas (SG) using SG is your spike counter. First time encounters with new bosses are tricky since you do not know what can happen keep the CSC charges until spikes, so far you should be able to keep everyone up after the spike hits. Most of the time only the tank will get hit anyway.


Keep stacking the CSC charges, even if you are at 30 stack keep shooting, get used to it that 100-150 HP heal (at lvl ~20) might save your team.


A properly cast KM can heal most if not the whole team, this is especially easy to do if you are in a premade group that communicates well.


My current spec is - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300rcRoRz.1 - however I will shift the 2 points from Kolto Residue (KR) to Empowered Scans (ES) that % bonus from the Kolto residue does not seem to make that big of a difference and ES is a bigger benefit since I enables you to stack CSC faster and use SG more often.


This is something I would see for myself at 50 - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300rfRoRdfdkqZMco.1 - I currently do a lot of both PVE and PVP that skill set is more than viable for both.


In PVP expect to be targeted a lot when people notice you healing (especially by them jumping Jedi) and well spam your skills. There is not much to add here but healers have such strong impact in PVP that even a random heal can shift the balance. Get another Merc BH with you that speeced DPS and the both of you can cause some major havoc.


Thoughts, discussion most welcome. W

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I am a lvl 24 Bodyguard merc as well and I certainly agree with everything you have written.


In groups the only time I am not able to keep everyone alive is when I have more than 3 adds beating on me. Turns our ~2sec cast time heals into 4-5sec cast time ones. And with that someone will die then the rest of the **** hits the fan. But other than that I have not come accross an encounter in pve I could not heal while add free.


And pvp is just aweome! ... Imo. Been able to keep a fellow BH up while 4-5 dudes beat on him. Was INSANE. And as I wrote in another thread, the high single target dps'ers are the most theatening classes from what Ive experienced. I cant keep that say BH alive through 2 duel wield jedi but i can through 4-5 more AE effected classes.



That was my 2 cents, its way too late right now and I dont know why I am not going to sleep.




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In groups the only time I am not able to keep everyone alive is when I have more than 3 adds beating on me. Turns our ~2sec cast time heals into 4-5sec cast time ones. And with that someone will die then the rest of the **** hits the fan. But other than that I have not come accross an encounter in pve I could not heal while add free.




Indeed but that should not happen this is a group issue and people need to figure this out. So far if something like this happens to me I explain to the group that they need to keep the adds off me and we try again.


If you spec into Surgical Precision System and Power Shield you should be able to keep casting for the duration of the Shield by that time someone should notice and take the adds of you. If not well you get up and try again :)

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What is everyone's thoughts on Kolto Missile? I am finding it rather unimpressive. It doesn't heal for very much and more often than not there is something more valuable to cast. Sure, the 5% increase in healing is nice, but I'm really tempted to bypass it.
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What is everyone's thoughts on Kolto Missile? I am finding it rather unimpressive. It doesn't heal for very much and more often than not there is something more valuable to cast. Sure, the 5% increase in healing is nice, but I'm really tempted to bypass it.


And put the points where?


1) It's an excellent AOE Heal when people are stacked up.


2) It procs Critical Reaction. A lot.


3) 5% Extra healing is clutch when you need it.


Those would be my 3 reasons to keep it.

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What is everyone's thoughts on Kolto Missile? I am finding it rather unimpressive. It doesn't heal for very much and more often than not there is something more valuable to cast. Sure, the 5% increase in healing is nice, but I'm really tempted to bypass it.


If you are a healer all the healing skills you need are utilized there is a synergy between them but that synergy might not be apparent until later levels.


You can get +20% on the healing from the tier 1 talent in Arsenal.


That 5% works on all heals so in the long run it piles up and does end in saving you that extra heal, you can put off taking the Kolto Residue for last but you will need to take if if you wan to get the tier 5 skills that will be at level 28 and 29. The other option Critical Reaction is based on your crit chance and is currently not worth taking as there is not much information on how much crit will mercenaries have at 50 to do the math on this skill.


You could currently skip it during leveling but I would advise against that as you should learn you skill rotation. I will post my thoughts on is and a first overview once I have it done.



PS. just hit 26 writing up another part of my overview

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I have empowered scans instead of improved vents. Never found I've needed the vents. With empowered scans, you build up SCG charges very fast when healing, and that'll knock some heat off pretty regularly. I've started picking up critical efficiency, that's helpful as well.


I'm also finding Kolto missile a bit underwhelming. At 25, my heals have hit for over 1200, but kolto missile seems to usually do 250. Plus, people usually run all over the place, and targeting it can be a pain. And its effect radius seems wonky. Sometimes I place it between three people, two get healed and it inexplicably misses the third who is just as far from the center as the others.


Of course, without any other AoE heal, what choice do we have but to use it? Rapid scan creates too much heat to be used to heal the group one at a time.

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These are MY OPINIONS.


Protective field and power shield are nearly worthless IMO.

If you are going PvP, I guess I could see the use, but for PvE, you shouldn't have that much heat on you. Heat Damping is also pretty useless for all situations. You're neither a DPS in PvE or PvP so making you a slightly more efficient bad DPS is kind of worthless. I've never been in a situation in PvE or PvP where this would have made ANY difference.


You could move those 4 points into something much better. 2 points in integrated systems and another 2 in custom enviro suit and you have 2% bonus to heal all targets. 8% self heal buff all the time, and 2% extra endurance.


The shield buffs give you less knockback and a bigger self heal buff, but only for 12 seconds with no buff at all for the next 108 seconds.


The alacrity debate is worthless pre-50. Alacrity sucks. After 50 though, it's anyone's guess. Can we keep the crits high enough to make critical reaction matter? Is the massive amount of alacrity we need to get rapid scan down to 1.5 seconds really going to up our healing to mach what those points would be worth in crit, surge, or power?


The missle seems weak, but it's great. 5% bonus to heal is nice. Relatively low heat if you hit a group. Reduces the amount of off heals you need to do. Later on it can be buffed for added healing making it even better. And, last but not least, if used with supercharged gas, your targets get an armor bonus. So now your tank could have 20% additional armor and a 5% bonus to their healing.


Also, I agree that empowered scans is more important than vents early on. You'll end up with both eventually, but you shouldn't be relying on vents to keep healing.

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Heat Damping is also pretty useless for all situations. You're neither a DPS in PvE or PvP so making you a slightly more efficient bad DPS is kind of worthless. I've never been in a situation in PvE or PvP where this would have made ANY difference.

Ummm, none of the abilities improved by Heat Damping are DPS related... they are for CC.


Being able to stop incoming damage for several seconds for no cost(or very little) is very powerful for a healer.

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Ummm, none of the abilities improved by Heat Damping are DPS related... they are for CC.


Being able to stop incoming damage for several seconds for no cost(or very little) is very powerful for a healer.


Sorry, I know they aren't DPS abilities, I just never found myself using them unless I was doing DPS. I'm talking about PvP here. I think PvP is a bit too chaotic and uncontrolable for a healer to use the CC very effectively.


The CC's are unreliable in PvP, and heat isn't an issue for them PvE.

The Jet boost is amazing, but again isn't expensive to use and is on a CD. I've never had an issue in PvP or PvE where I needed any of those and had a heat issue.

It's a wasted talent point.


Again, an opinion.

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Couple of thoughts.


Kolto missile might not be that great on it's own, but throw in supercharged gas, and Mandalorian iron warheads (+20% to kolto missile) and you're greatly increasing the healing done by it, plus you get a 10% shield buff on everyone and 5% additional healing with residue. I use any time I'm high on heat as just a dampener on future damage and when multiple people are damaged.


Something else to consider is in a group where you aren't healing. Surprisingly, most of my flashpoints have already had a healer, so I've DPS'd. This has worked extremely well. I can fire off some kolto missiles to heal myself as well as help the healer out, and if crap hits the fan, I can quickly and effectively step in to supplement the healing. My first run through Mandelorian raiders I was as dps, and we rolled through the whole thing. I might not be optimum at DPS'ing for my level, but I'm no slouch.

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These are MY OPINIONS.


Protective field and power shield are nearly worthless IMO.

If you are going PvP, I guess I could see the use, but for PvE, you shouldn't have that much heat on you. Heat Damping is also pretty useless for all situations. You're neither a DPS in PvE or PvP so making you a slightly more efficient bad DPS is kind of worthless. I've never been in a situation in PvE or PvP where this would have made ANY difference.


You could move those 4 points into something much better. 2 points in integrated systems and another 2 in custom enviro suit and you have 2% bonus to heal all targets. 8% self heal buff all the time, and 2% extra endurance.


The shield buffs give you less knockback and a bigger self heal buff, but only for 12 seconds with no buff at all for the next 108 seconds.


You are right about the shield buff moving those 2 points to integrated systems might be a good idea.


How ever I do frequently use all of the skills that are included in heat dampening both in solo and group PVE. Currently slowed down on PVP since doing it made me outlevel the current content by so much that I do not find it that I can rush through the quests with ease.


Currently during the leveling I find it useful and you have to get either Heat Dampening and the Power Shield to get to the next tier talents its that or 2 points in Power Insulators.


I believe that those two are the better choice but I the long run this might be a personal preference.



my choice at 50 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300rfRMR0cdkqZrcoZb.


was 42 when i logged last night, and this build has been working well, just need to get some levels the let the upper skills fill in. Remember, you will need to be proactive and good at heat management as a Healerc.


What is your crit rate @ 42, Critial Reaction does not seem that great unless you have really high crit and can you tell by how much that 5% does it reduce the cast on your heals. As far as I remember you would need at least 20% - 25% to see a noticeable difference.

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You are right about the shield buff moving those 2 points to integrated systems might be a good idea.


How ever I do frequently use all of the skills that are included in heat dampening both in solo and group PVE. Currently slowed down on PVP since doing it made me outlevel the current content by so much that I do not find it that I can rush through the quests with ease.


Currently during the leveling I find it useful and you have to get either Heat Dampening and the Power Shield to get to the next tier talents its that or 2 points in Power Insulators.


I believe that those two are the better choice but I the long run this might be a personal preference.





What is your crit rate @ 42, Critial Reaction does not seem that great unless you have really high crit and can you tell by how much that 5% does it reduce the cast on your heals. As far as I remember you would need at least 20% - 25% to see a noticeable difference.



Darkkyn's spec is exactly what I'm using @ 50 and I love it. I'm sitting @ 30.65% crit @ 50 without much of anything specifically trying to get it and CR is up a large majority of the time. Crits from Kolto Shell, Rapid Shots and Kolto Missle heals will all trigger the effect greatly helping with the uptime. As for the benefit of the alacrity... I haven't been able to do much testing with it yet since I just hit 50 Sunday night, but I expect it to be a strong performer. It very well might not be apparent in low quantities but high-end PvP/raid/crafted gear seems to focus on it pretty heavily so getting up to noticeable levels shouldn't be much of an issue. Real-world tests will of course be the deciding factor but the overall balance the spec provides seems like it will be a strong build.

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Am currently level 33 only one ability that helps out in healing.




Kolto Shield (KS) - Good skill casting it on the tank gives you some more room to work with minor heals but it seems it is able to crit. The healing from Kolto shield counts towards YOUR threat not the tanks. Its good to cast it after the pull.


New skills this it where a lot is happening, buffs to healing scan.



My current build - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300rfRoRzcdz.1


Proactive Medicine, Critical Armor and Critical Efficiency all 3 start to create a rotation that, to me, clearly shows BH Bodyguards as tank healers.


First rotation draft


The whole rotation, on a single target revolves around the 9 seconds between casting Healing Scan. Please not that this is not a spam rotation you will not be able to cast it all the time.


What I am doing right now is, please keep in mind that at this point there is still one heal missing the Emergency Scan which I believe has a 21 second cool down.


Start off with Kolto Shield AFTER the pull and a few seconds have passed for the threat to be set to the tank. As mentioned earlier casting KS might draw aggro to you as it couts towards your healing.


If possible I cast KM first if not I start the following rotation.



Healing Scan [HS](1.5s) > Rapid Scan [RS](2s) > Rapid Scan [RS](2s) > Kolto Missile > Rapid Shots healing if possible DPS > back to start once the CD on Healing Scan is done


(1.5s) - cast time


Quick explanation the HS opener reduced the RS heat by 16 that allows you to cast another RS right after and stay in the fast heat dissipation zone.


That puts the leaves 5 seconds on the HS cool down.


If additional healing is required cast KM, if not you can skip it the KM buff lasts 15 sec therefore you can delay the casting fight before the CD on HS finishes and let the heat go down.


This is still rough draft I will try to make short movie and maybe even some exact math.

For now is more about feeling the flow of the rotation rather than an exact science.


Discussion, pointers, comments more than welcome. I am constantly monitoring this thread.

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What is everyone's thoughts on Kolto Missile? I am finding it rather unimpressive. It doesn't heal for very much and more often than not there is something more valuable to cast. Sure, the 5% increase in healing is nice, but I'm really tempted to bypass it.


While 5% is good, after playing with it to 30 I am thinking of dropping the 2 points in Residue in favor of Power Shield and Heat Damping. I have more of a pvp spec for endgame and I think these would benefit me more.

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Healing Scan [HS](1.5s) > Rapid Scan [RS](2s) > Rapid Scan [RS](2s) > Kolto Missile > Rapid Shots healing if possible DPS > back to start once the CD on Healing Scan is done

That seems like a lot to be casting every 9s. That's 73 heat worth of abilities and over 9s if you ensure to stay < 40 then you'll still only dissipate 45 heat which leaves you with 28 heat left over.


Am I missing something?

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That seems like a lot to be casting every 9s. That's 73 heat worth of abilities and over 9s if you ensure to stay < 40 then you'll still only dissipate 45 heat which leaves you with 28 heat left over.


Am I missing something?


This is why I mentioned the KM is optional depending on the situation. So far I have never had to stand and spam that rotation over and over. So far I was able to stay below 40 heat about 95% of the time and for that 5% that is what Vent Heat is for.

Heat management is everything for a BH Bodyguard


And I HS is 16, RS is 25, KM is 16,


16 + ( 25 - 16 [from Critical Efficiency] ) + 25 + 16 = 66 total Heat


Am currently at work so I cannot be 100% sure, based the above calculation on torhead data.


At lowest level head dissipates at the rate of 5 per/sec, you are correct that a constant spam will fill the heat bar fast this is where the heat management comes in.


My current solution is to pause for 1-2 seconds between casts, I probably should have mentioned that in my main post will make sure to add this.


By doing this you can extend the rotation by 3 seconds which gives you extra 20 heat vented, your rotation extends to 12 sec which gives now 60 heat vented this is assuming you can make perfect 1 sec breaks between casts.


Thanks for your insight, I actually got a idea to improve the heat management. To ensure that you do not over heat one could cast Rapid Shots after the first and second Rapid Scan. This would result in a 2 second break after every cast which would mean the rotation time goes up by 6 adding 30 heat vented to a total of 70 which would leave you with extra 4 heat vented.


I have intentionally skipped the Kolto Shield as you cannot know when it will run out exactly the soonest it can run out is after 30 seconds, assuming the tank gets hit every 3 seconds and the shield loses a charge.


The above is based on pure math in a real situation Heroic/Ops you have to be flexible and adjust there might be periods of intense healing and than you get some room to vent heat and only heal using rapid shots.


PS. don't stand in fire it helps us healers :) see that bright light coming from the sky it is NOT a teleport beam....

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Alacrity does not affect the GCD so it is only helpful for rapid scan. Whereas focusing on crit/surge would be effective for everything.


This is not entirely correct. Having a shorter cast time helps when you have pushback. Its very noticeable when soloing. It helps in flashpoints too, inevitably I pull aggro from time to time. Its very hard to quantify how useful it is, but it is useful.

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I see the PvP gear for the healer is towards +crit, is this where I should be looking for gearing or +power. Which is the dps and which is the heal set. I would think you want +crit for Critical Reaction procs..


+ Crit > + Power


There is a thread that gives the ratios here, but its like 5 power for 1 point of damage and 6 power for 1 point of healing.


Now take into consideration a crit can add 50% more onto your heal or shot... Crit is a better stat as it stacks with Aim to get that crit to a good level. At 30, I'm at 25% crit and its nice. :)

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What is everyone's thoughts on Kolto Missile? I am finding it rather unimpressive. It doesn't heal for very much and more often than not there is something more valuable to cast. Sure, the 5% increase in healing is nice, but I'm really tempted to bypass it.


The main benefit from Kolto Missile is from Supercharged Gas, giving the 3 targets it hits a 10% damage reduction shield for 15 seconds.

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