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Interesting read: Storm Preparation


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I just read that and I'm not sure that was the right thing to say publicly.

Looks like another corporate suit with no touch on reality making decisions. Who would say something like that with the amount of continuous revenue generation this game can provide?


Just dumb...

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Yep. Old fashioned corporate greed rears its ugly face in game development once again; with SWTOR, I've come to the realization that no game with a massive budget can be good, because the more money invested in the project, the more suits and bean-counters there will be to dictate the direction of development--as if they know what makes a good game.


This guy's remarks were insulting, and whatever goodwill I had left with BioWare, EA (does anyone have any goodwill left for them?) is gone, and it's left a bad taste in my mouth for the MMO industry.

Edited by Dezzi
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Pretty good article, interesting to see even the fanboys are coming to reality. But i dont agree with the fixes he proposes, they all would improve the game and make it better but there are many other mmo staples that bioware has left out that they need to first recognize that they need and then implement asap.
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I think the Devs are painfully aware of the issues from the player base...


You get the feeling that the Suits are keeping the Devs from implementing what really needs to be done ASAP like forced server merges...

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I think the Devs are painfully aware of the issues from the player base...


You get the feeling that the Suits are keeping the Devs from implementing what really needs to be done ASAP like forced server merges...

I really do believe that also. Its sad really because it happens to a lot of games now a days. Gamers know whats best for a game not the suits.

Edited by pogmahone
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He only mentioned the free weekend passes. Wonder what them numbers would look like without the weekend passes or the free months? im betting below the 1mil mark.


Yep and I'm one of those with 42 days left but will most likely never log on...


I'm sure you can guess if I'm re-subbing at that time...

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its funny how at the end of the article when he's saying his "suggestions to make the game better" - he doesnt mention server mergers.


ppl are forgetting that there is in fact a lot of content in the game, a lot more to level with than say WoW but there just isnt anyone around to do it with.


server mergers will at least add community interest and actually encourage making alts more because people will have others to run content with.

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I think the Devs are painfully aware of the issues from the player base...


You get the feeling that the Suits are keeping the Devs from implementing what really needs to be done ASAP like forced server merges...


I don't get that feeling at all... There's also the recent interview with James Ohlen where he essentially states that they are going to do what they want based on their metrics, and the desires of the playerbase simply doesn't matter. Yeah, I'm adlibing it, but combine the recent Ohlen interview with this one, and well...


I, for one, feel like I have just been bled for ~$250....

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Read it, makes sence and has me worried that in a few months time there wont be enough people left to warrant much cash being spent on exapansions or more content.


Still it didn't take a genius to see PvP was lacking, and if you put all your eggs into the story basket its not going to please everyone all the time. Not to mention Space combat could have been swoop bike racing and they could have put in decent space combat and .... well the list goes on.

Edited by Izorii
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You guys do get that Madden and The Sims have a WAY BIGGER potential player base than SW:TOR right? I'm sorry to break the news, but Star Wars still isn't really mainstream. Popular yes. Football popular, no.
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You guys do get that Madden and The Sims have a WAY BIGGER potential player base than SW:TOR right? I'm sorry to break the news, but Star Wars still isn't really mainstream. Popular yes. Football popular, no.


But hey at least we beat out tiger woods golf( insert sarcasm) Give me a break thats like comparing red lobster to dairy queen...

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You guys do get that Madden and The Sims have a WAY BIGGER potential player base than SW:TOR right? I'm sorry to break the news, but Star Wars still isn't really mainstream. Popular yes. Football popular, no.


Wait a minute!!!


Are you saying that there are more NFL fans then us Star Wars nerds??? How dare you!!!


Let's see:


NFL fans I know: Me, my brother, my dad, ALL of my friends, umm actually almost everybody I know....


Star Wars nerds I know:


Me and my two friends who WERE playing TOR, my cousin who collects SW merchandise, and ahhhh that's it.



Ok I take all of that back: You win sir!

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Wait a minute!!!


Are you saying that there are more NFL fans then us Star Wars nerds??? How dare you!!!


Let's see:


NFL fans I know: Me, my brother, my dad, ALL of my friends, umm actually almost everybody I know....


Star Wars nerds I know:


Me and my two friends who WERE playing TOR, my cousin who collects SW merchandise, and ahhhh that's it.



Ok I take all of that back: You win sir!


As a football fan and a fan of both sports and sporting games in general, I must say that knowing that Madden is EA's top priority truly shatters any degree of confidence I had in TOR being treated correctly.


Besides a roster update, Madden often fails to deliver enough between editions to justify the cost. Many NFL fans skip a few years before picking up the next version. The EA monopoly on the NFL license is the only advantage keeping a competitor like 2k from utterly destroying them on a truly free, fair and open market.


Sad Day For TOR and Its Fans

Edited by AeSaar
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Mahh, please remind me next time to never buy an EA title ever again ...




When I saw first saw that it was "EA" I had my misgivings which unfortunately is panning out...


So much for being so naive...

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I don't get that feeling at all... There's also the recent interview with James Ohlen where he essentially states that they are going to do what they want based on their metrics, and the desires of the playerbase simply doesn't matter. Yeah, I'm adlibing it, but combine the recent Ohlen interview with this one, and well...


I, for one, feel like I have just been bled for ~$250....



This just makes me feel even more hopeless...


They're more arrogant than the suits if that's how they feel...

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You guys do get that Madden and The Sims have a WAY BIGGER potential player base than SW:TOR right? I'm sorry to break the news, but Star Wars still isn't really mainstream. Popular yes. Football popular, no.




Honestly, the people here that think SWTOR must be EAs top business priority is silly.


It's Bioware's top business priority since they own and operate EAs MMO properties.


EA is materially a holding company of sorts, diversivied across the world gaming market, for which MMO are mice nards in the total business portfolio. It's total MMO portfolio represents less then 10% of EA business.


As for the article, there was absolutely nothing new in the article except for the editorial content added by the article writer.

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As a football fan and a fan of both sports and sporting games in general, I must say that knowing that Madden is EA's top priority truly shatters any degree of confidence I had in TOR being treated correctly.




You mean treated like somthing bigger then it is? Seriously, if you think SWTOR trumps any thing with an NFL logo on it, you need to hit your own reset button.

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As for the article, there was absolutely nothing new in the article except for the editorial content added by the article writer.



Actually the article itself WAS news to me but I haven't been following this too closely until recently.


Now the revelations themselves are hardly surprising. I was actually amazed that it was ahead of Tiger Woods.


Part of the reason why I had misgivings was that EA was going to be holding the purse strings to this puppy...

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As a football fan and a fan of both sports and sporting games in general, I must say that knowing that Madden is EA's top priority truly shatters any degree of confidence I had in TOR being treated correctly.


Besides a roster update, Madden often fails to deliver enough between editions to justify the cost. Many NFL fans skip a few years before picking up the next version. The EA monopoly on the NFL license is the only advantage keeping a competitor like 2k from utterly destroying them on a truly free, fair and open market.


Sad Day For TOR and Its Fans


Sell everything you own. Pool all the money. Now give it to a company as an investment. Now tell me this: would you rather the company invest that money in something that will yield you the greatest return or something with a niche market?


SWTOR has sold 1.7 million copies. The Sims 3 has sold TEN MILLION COPIES. Madden, overtime, has sold 85 MILLION COPIES. If it was YOUR MONEY, where would you want them to focus? :rak_02:

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You guys do get that Madden and The Sims have a WAY BIGGER potential player base than SW:TOR right? I'm sorry to break the news, but Star Wars still isn't really mainstream. Popular yes. Football popular, no.


True, but once players buy Madden they aren't bringing EA any additional revenue until the next Madden title comes out. Once people buy The Sims they aren't bringing EA any more money until the next expansion / DLC pack that they happen to want comes out. TOR players are paying 15 bucks a month, every month... that's a lot more revenue potential per customer than any non-MMO game has, even after operating costs are factored in.

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