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Guardian (Vigilance PvP)


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Ok im nearly full battlemaster gear on my jedi guardian (Vigilance Spec PvP) and damn the damage is good now. Espically when vsing people with crappy pvp gear, we can just tear them apart. Ive got a video below of my damage atm and im really suprised with it, Check it out


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Ok im nearly full battlemaster gear on my jedi guardian (Vigilance Spec PvP) and damn the damage is good now. Espically when vsing people with crappy pvp gear, we can just tear them apart. Ive got a video below of my damage atm and im really suprised with it, Check it out



You're much better off playing the FOTM tank classes: shadow and vanguard. Better damage and twice the survavibility/control.

Other than playing ball-carrier in Huttball, guardians are pretty meh in PVP

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You're much better off playing the FOTM tank classes: shadow and vanguard. Better damage and twice the survavibility/control.

Other than playing ball-carrier in Huttball, guardians are pretty meh in PVP


People used to say meh to sentinels and now look at them lol. Vigilance is an extremely good spec and people really should stop underestimating it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok im nearly full battlemaster gear on my jedi guardian (Vigilance Spec PvP) and damn the damage is good now. Espically when vsing people with crappy pvp gear, we can just tear them apart. Ive got a video below of my damage atm and im really suprised with it, Check it out





Just out of curiosity, what battlemaster gear did you choose? What were the stats?

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