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nah..he'd make a little country girl princess. the kind that wear like $2k outfits to débutante balls. and she'd prolly end up like his couzin, sadly.


I don't think we're going to agree on this, so let's just agree to disagree.


It may depend on the mother- my smuggler is a badas$ take-no-$hit gal, and I don't think she's capable of raising, much less putting up with a spoiled princess.

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I don't think we're going to agree on this, so let's just agree to disagree.


It may depend on the mother- my smuggler is a badas$ take-no-$hit gal, and I don't think she's capable of raising, much less putting up with a spoiled princess.


true. so i guess corso would be the one to go to if mom said no to that pet pony or whatever ;P

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Nadia's like Mako except worse, give her time maybe. As for Tharan... don't worry, I'm sure Holiday would take good care of the kids. Granted Tharan might not be around anymore seeing as the children came from a physical dalliance.


Yeah, in a decade or so, Nadia might be fine. Just...it's going to take a LONG while.


You're right regarding Tharan and Holiday. If Tharan bred (probably accidentally), he'd just give them to the AI and all would be well. It's kind of sad that the AI appears to be the more functional member of that pair...

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Oh lord, she would be the one with the kids involved in EVERYTHING. I mean, she'd be a good mom, she'd love those kids to death, but I have a feeling they could feel smothered pretty fast. And of course now all I can picture is her trying to straighten hair or clothes going "Hold still!"


Yeah, I imagine her as the type who'd occasionally have a complete nervous breakdown because *something* wasn't done properly and OMG, IF THE KID GOT A B IN MATH, IT WAS A ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE THEY'D BE DOING DRUGS AND COMMITTING GENOCIDE.

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now imagine poor temple if her and agent had a sensitive child


...that would actually be the best story ever.


I'd love to see how Temple would cope with that as I can't imagine it would go well.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the agent would probably try to protect the child, Temple would let him...and then she'd go off and kill him, just like dear old Dad. Oh, how history repeats itself.


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Ok now you've got me picturing my smuggler's daughter with Corso, his caramel hair and her ice blue eyes. Her name would be Calypso, and she'd be her dad's heart with legs. Mom would teach her practical things, and Dad would be wound around her little finger.


Beginning to think I think about these things too much.......

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I've been mulling over Torian, and his parenting style would no doubt be full-scale Mandalorian. Raised from cradle to be warriors. I don't see him being too soft on them. Honestly, I have trouble imagining him even hugging them.


Ha ha, I was thinking that, too.


Torian: "No, you do it like this!"

Kid bursts into tears because they've been doing this since four in the morning.

Torian turns to bounty hunter- "What do I do?!"

Bounty hunter: "Apologize."

Torian: "But I didn't-"

Bounty hunter: "Apologize."

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Ha ha, I was thinking that, too.


Torian: "No, you do it like this!"

Kid bursts into tears because they've been doing this since four in the morning.

Torian turns to bounty hunter- "What do I do?!"

Bounty hunter: "Apologize."

Torian: "But I didn't-"

Bounty hunter: "Apologize."


it would even out.... blizz being a nanny would rock

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Aw man this thread. Since finals are done and also I'm a big nerd I started writing a fanfiction story about what, in my mind, happens to my femsmuggler after the class story; spoiler alert: she has a kid. I'm having way too much fun imagining how everybody reacts, especially the women. I feel like Risha will take some time to come around to a kid but Akaavi might have a secret soft side. Guss would be the worst babysitter ever.
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Speaking of babysitters...I think Tanno Vik would be one of the most hilarious babysitters ever.


"Now, this wire, see, we weld it to this section right here..."

"And that's what makes it go boom?"

"That's right! They'll never know what hit 'em."

"Mom, Mom, guess what we made today!"

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I'm seriously into Genetics and children and you'll never see me ever say 'I will never have kids!' Have a kid in real life and every story I've ever written has babies in them. Mostly mpreg, but let's not go there.


Anyway, my head canon is a bit different.


Corso would definitely be protective of his daughter. She'd be his princess and make sure she's familiar with as many weapons as possible. She'd be wrapped around his finger, my smuggler would wake up to find Corso and their daughter playing horse back or something else and she'd melt. Course my Smuggler is just goofy and loving and silly.


Torian, Mandalorian or not, would be protective of his children. Especially his daughter. Why? Because my Bountyhunter would shoot him in the face if he tried to force his ideals on their daughter. Sure, she chose to be an honorary Mandalorian, but she wants their daughter to choose her own destiny, which happens to be a Jedi Shadow. But Torian would be more worrisome and protective over their daughter, than he would their son. Their son he'd try to make a better Mandalorian, especially since his own father dishonored him. (In his eyes anyway).


My Bountyhunter was all about the money and revenge, then it became a matter of honor when she became Mandalorian and hooked up with Torian. But she went through forcedness of actions (Act III), so she'd be more annoyed by any of her kids being forced to do anything.


Quinn, I'd see him reading to his children. I think he'd be 100 times more proud if they turned out to be force sensitive like their momma, but wouldn't make them become good little Imperials (especially not with MY Sith Warrior being the momma). And after everything that happened and being completely 100% forgiven, Quinn would bow to my Sith. In most things Quinn would be more passive, but in the bedroom or in certain child rearing situations, he'd be fully dominate, just the way my SIth likes. Their daughter is a Smuggler and while Quinn isn't too thrilled about THAT, he has never disowned his daughter, because his wife would force choke him and boot him out the nearest airlock.


Andronikos I could see being a strict daddy, but having his daughter wrapped around his finger, cooing at her when no one was looking. My Inquisitor would snicker softly to herself as she caught her gruff and blunt husband being all soft and squishy around their child. My Inquisitor likes bugs and adores her adopted sister's husband and his association with the Killiks. She's a tom boy with girly tendencies (think pink and Hello Kitty girly).


My agent and Vector may as well be bunnies with as many kiddies as they'd have unexpectedly. (Plus Vector has a high libido, much to my agent's delight). I like to think that while it's possible, it'd still be a bit hard to mix human/Chiss to breed well. Vector would be a good daddy to their daughter, reading to her and telling her stories about the Killiks and singing the song of love and such (parental love) to their daughter. Their son would be shy, sort of how I see Vector. (Not shy as in wall flower, but shy like not getting drunk and dancing on table tops). They would make pretty babies, half Chiss and have human. (Wish the game would let us make halfies). Their daughter is a Jedi Knight and their son would be either an agent like his mommy or a smuggler like his cousin.


Jorgan would be pretty strict with his kids, like most military dads are. But he'd also have a soft spot for them as well. Their son would be half Cathar/half Human, cause as I said, love genetics. He'd be a handsome little guy with his daddies looks and his mommy's personality. He might go into the military like his parents, or decide to be an agent like his auntie. Jorgan wouldn't be too thrilled about his only son being an agent, but he'd be damn proud, or else my trooper would shoot him in the face.


My Jedi just met Doc (who I find highly attractive, damn but I love me an aggressive man). But from what I've seen already, he'd have his daughter wrapped around his finger too. And a quarter Chiss, 75% human daughter would look so pretty. She'd definitely be her momma's daughter, being force sensitive and all Jedi-y.


My characters are BIG on family. They don't care what job you do, who you work for, as long as you are a good person. (Everyone is light side III or above). And they have family reunions alot. Heck, my agent's Jedi daughter calls her mom to come visit her all the time, much to Kira's annoyance.


Damn, I need to write fanfiction and my own family tree now.

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rofl..what about lokin and the subject of family pets? lol

he'd make the kids genetically engeneer thier own pet.


OMG, yes! I can see him being a very interesting father. The sort who was like, "Oh, well, the kids are playing with knives. But if they cut themselves, they'll learn not to do it next time!" But he'd totally be up for kid centered outings. Especially if they involved science!

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after reading this i really want them to add a child companion in exp thats i suppose like the sim in that it takes genetic traits from u and your partner..


the kid could be like c2-n2 not a combat companion but just their for fun.


as for the topic i see temple being overprotective of her child fearing that they to would be force sensative and be taken away for sith training, my agent would kill anyone that tried anyway.


I think kirea would be mischievous fun mom but allways be there for them when they need it (Doc would be great as a uncle)


Corso i have to agree 100% typical tv dad with bodawwar being a cute friendly uncle like teddy bear

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OMG, yes! I can see him being a very interesting father. The sort who was like, "Oh, well, the kids are playing with knives. But if they cut themselves, they'll learn not to do it next time!" But he'd totally be up for kid centered outings. Especially if they involved science!


I've never met him, but from what I've heard, Lokin would be the fun uncle taking the kids out to spend the day at the science museum so Mom and Dad could have some *ahem* alone time.

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Torian Cadera:

Every time I imagine Torian as a father, I can't help but picture Jengo Fett, honestly. Jengo placed tremendous importance on sharing and passing along Mandalorian principles to his own son, Boba, and Boba responded with a comfortable sense of his place in his father's regard. That's largely how I view Torian. Especially in light of how determinedly Torian lives and acts according to the rules of the Mandalorian Resol-Narre.


Torian would be firm with his children, because he would respect Mandalorian concepts of right and wrong. He lives by a code and he would share and teach that code to his children, as he taught it to their mother. His upbringing was lonely, though, as he so often had to prove himself an ideal Mandalorian, so I can't help but think he would welcome and provide enormous affection to any child of his, seeing as he wanted it so much as he himself was growing up. Too, Mandalorians tend towards warm, loving relationships in their private lives, with family and friends. I can't imagine Torian being different.


Torian is going to offer to his children a sense of belonging, that they're a part of something bigger than themselves, a family and a group that stands and fights for each other, that they're never alone and can depend on select others. He'll teach them that family and clan is more important and precious than ANYTHING else.


Malavi Quinn:

When I imagine what it would mean for a darkside SW to have a child, I end up picturing that mission the SW had to invade Lord Gratham's estate.

Gratham apparently hid the fact he had a son for YEARS, keeping him carefully out of sight for fear he would be destroyed in some cruel attack on Gratham himself. Having been the one to actually destroy the boy, I can only imagine the SW would be incredibly, even terribly protective of any child of her own. In my head-canon, this is a huge reason why my SW does NOT destroy Quinn following "the incident", mostly because my twisted head-canon has her pregnant during that scene. But bottom line is, she needs Quinn's capabilities to provide for her child's security.



Quinn is brilliant, capable. He's the sort of fellow who would devote meticilous efforts towards the security of any child he shared with my SW. He'd probably spend endless hours just going over the layout of the nursery to ensure no one would ever get close enough to it to actually clap eyes on the child, let alone harm him/her. We're talking paranoid, here. Which would lead him towards careful and tactical education of his children, as well. When it comes to actually dealing with them, I tend to see Quinn as almost Victorian in nature, so propriety and etiquette would be strong rules of thumb. But that doesn't negate the chance for warm and engaging moments, either. In private, mind you. Public displays of affection simply wouldn't occur to Quinn.


But God help anyone who tried to harm a child of Quinn's, too. He'd hunt them down and then restrain them while his wife carved the poor sap into little pieces.


Corso Riggs:

The word "daddy" would fit Corso to a tee. This is a guy who would make sure the kids played games all day long, carved carrots and pancakes into animal shapes so his kids would have fun during meals, then sang rhymes with them as they were going to sleep, just to make sure their dreams were all nice. He'd probably prefer them to have a settled, stable upbringing, somewhere far away from the fighting and the war that had lost him his own parents years earlier. I tend to picture him as an outdoorsy dad, taking the kids out and about in some rural setting, probably a ranch with acres and acres of land fit for exploring.


Andronikus Revel:

I think of Andronikus as the most overtly sexual of any of the companions. But he loves his Sith passionately. It eats at him she was hurt and mistreated as a youngster, that he wasn't able to save her from such instances, and he's going to strive to ensure any child they have never, ever face similar pains and heartbreaks. And he's going to understand implictly how dangerous it is to be the child of a Sith on the Dark Council, too.


Andronikus will give his children loads of presents and endless hours of attention. He'll show them the stars every chance he gets, take them on wild adventures in the Fury, zipping through star clusters and letting them view planets in the dark silence of the night. He'll tell them stories of swashbuckling heroes and incredible space battles. And he'll probably make sure they're mobile enough no one can find them or get close enough to lay one single finger of harm on their little heads.


Thoughts on the completed romances I can describe, for now. I'm currently working on a JK playthrough, so I can't say, yet, anything much about Kira. Not sure what will come afterwards, my Agent or my Trooper, although I'm leaning towards Trooper, with Aric. We'll see.

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i can just imagine the ship droids being nannies, and the imperial one trying desperately to keep the kid both out of trouble and perfectly content. and then failing horribly.


and then it snivvelingly grovveling at you to not deactivate it

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And my respect for you has grown exponentially since you linked a Lion King youtube vid! :D haha


sad thing is, im sitting next to a china cabinet stockpiled with LK collectables, know the movie word for word, and have travveled to another country to see it on broadway >.>

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sad thing is, im sitting next to a china cabinet stockpiled with LK collectables, know the movie word for word, and have travveled to another country to see it on broadway >.>


Because that movie is awesome! I know it pretty well too, but haven't had the good fortune to see it on broadway. I would though, should the opportunity ever present itself!


My fav line has to be - "I'm surrounded by idiots." God, I love how Jeremy Irons voiced Scar.


/thread derail...lol

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