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10 - 50 bgs


Sorcs having way to much survivability with their CC and bubbles


Operatives having way to much burst damage, killing other 50s in the first 4 seconds of their opener from full health


Top 3 issues of PVP at this juncture

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I'm sure issues about class balance will get worked out. BioWare has been pretty consistent in their desire to have balance (of course), so the only trick is following through and that'll just take time.


I am concerned about open world PVP though. I definitely feel when I'm questing on Tattooine or Alderaan or wherever, that I'm far too protected and so are the members of the opposite faction. Very separate questing areas, powerful NPC guards all over the place... it seems like great effort has been taken so that the questing experience can continue uninterrupted. But that's not what I rolled on a PVP server for. I don't think this much care needs to be taken when there are entire PVE servers out there.


I'd love to have more open world PVP occur naturally from throwing opposite faction players into the same world areas, and to even have it encouraged by giving out commendations and/or valor points for open world PVP kills.

Edited by StillInTheWoods
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So arenas seem to be intentionaly left out in the first post.


No matter how much hate arenas get from randoms who suck at them, absence of competitive pvp like arenas or rated bgs will kill this game.

Edited by katsalex
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Sorcerers shouldn't be able to spam their Lightning non stop


Assassins shouldn't be able to instantly stealth, stay stealth forever - They also shouldn't have the Overload knockback since I only see a move like that being fair on a healing class


Imperial Agents seem to have too many stuns when i've played against them


Juggernauts seem useless, they die quick and do little damage..



SWTOR PvP is disgusting, needs a lot of balancing.. I know the game just got released and im giving you time to make changes.. it's just not enjoyable at all right now.


Whats your valor? You obviously lack any knowledge about the current meta.

Imperial agents are divided into 2 classes, of wich sniper has 1 Stun... (but **** load of burst)

Juggernauts are extremely Gear dependant, they need a lot of HP 17kish to be effective, and

then they are effective! Your dps will go wtfBOOM in WZ as hes being guarded forever, you

dont even need a healer just Juggernaut&DPS = gg.



Edit: h wait youre a girl.. nuff said...

Edited by Rizzit
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The only thing i want to change is the Bounty Hunter skill that shoots out an iron rope and drags the ppl to him.

It should not be working on the ones who have the ball on Huttball!


Yesterday i got dragged when i had the ball and when i was so close at scoring i got dragged but when he dragged me i got pushed in to the ground so i was inside the death pit walls.

I was like ***.


No one could kill me and i saw through the map. And earlier i got dragged 3 times just when i was about to score. It's so annoying! That's the only thing i want to be fixed. I don't have any other problems right now. Except it should be a crossair or crossover servers for Pvp.

It's not fun with Huttball all the time and it's not easy to complete the Pvp daily challenge when it's only Huttball. I be waiting patiently. Love the game.

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Simply as that, if scoundrels dont get a HUGE nerf till the my free month expires, i wont renew it. I like the game, but being oneshotted every second minute isnt fun. Im a dps vanguard, heavy armor. 50 scoundrel opens on me, knock down, 6000,4000,3000+ crits in 4 second, happy vanguard goes down like the *********** titanic
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I'm sick of huttball. Sick sick sick sick. SICK. From what I hear there's more warzones... but where? I've made it to valor 18 (which isn't high I understand), but I believe it's high enough that I should've done at least one other warzone by now... so broken.
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So arenas seem to be intentionaly left out in the first post.


No matter how much hate arenas get from randoms who suck at them, absence of competitive pvp like arenas or rated bgs will kill this game.


Wrong it will only kill the small population that limits themselves to 1 aspect of a game they pay to play. Wow's sub #'s were never in decline w/o arenas and rbg's.


As for the brackets, more people would be complaining about queue times past level 20 because the games 3 weeks old.


What would be nice to be seen is a dual spec so people dont Q_Q about being confined to one aspect in a warzone IE .. QQQ IM A TANK I DO NO DAMAGE. :mad:

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In the last few days the major problem with 50's and even some 40's being too strong in warzone's is getting to the point where all lower levels will just stand up top and not engage.

They are almost totally immune to most abilities. The damage you do to them while small is quickly healed by the player them self. Making a one on one with a 40 to 50 short and one sided. nothing worse then trying to immobilize or push back a 50 capping a point and your big ability does not work. (all the time in a match).

There stun abilities come around faster than yours and or they have more of them.

I Like the fact all character levels are in the one match only if the balance works.

So far it does not.

I think it has to be fixed real soon or the damage will be done and people will just start to hate and avoid the war zones.

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HUD Issue


CC/Interupt Notification:


If the fly text can show when we take or absorb damage it should also show when we get CCed/interupted.


Ideally I would like to see an icon or count down pop up in the HUD whenever I get CCed.

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The only thing i want to change is the Bounty Hunter skill that shoots out an iron rope and drags the ppl to him.

It should not be working on the ones who have the ball on Huttball!


Yesterday i got dragged when i had the ball and when i was so close at scoring i got dragged but when he dragged me i got pushed in to the ground so i was inside the death pit walls.

I was like ***.


No one could kill me and i saw through the map. And earlier i got dragged 3 times just when i was about to score. It's so annoying! That's the only thing i want to be fixed. I don't have any other problems right now. Except it should be a crossair or crossover servers for Pvp.

It's not fun with Huttball all the time and it's not easy to complete the Pvp daily challenge when it's only Huttball. I be waiting patiently. Love the game.


Yes lets just hand over a Win and make Bounty Hunters even more worthless in Hutt Ball. Sorry if All the other classes can stun lock knockback lock BH's deserve to be able to Grapple the ball handler. It has a 45 second Cool down while everyone else has a nifty 20 seconds removing the ability to atleast be useful in hutt ball is completely ridiculous. Its up to the team mates to take care of the Bounty Hunter and most often they do with stun / knockback locks.


BH's that are Tank SPec pretty much only have Grapple for Hutt Ball most of the other abilities are completely avoidable.


There's already more light saber wielding force using stunning / knockbacking classes being played than BH's & Troopers because its far easier to pvp as everyone else. Lets just remove those classes completely if your going to remove the use of pretty damn good ability when its not on cool down.

Edited by Kindara
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In the last few days the major problem with 50's and even some 40's being too strong in warzone's is getting to the point where all lower levels will just stand up top and not engage.

They are almost totally immune to most abilities. The damage you do to them while small is quickly healed by the player them self. Making a one on one with a 40 to 50 short and one sided. nothing worse then trying to immobilize or push back a 50 capping a point and your big ability does not work. (all the time in a match).

There stun abilities come around faster than yours and or they have more of them.

I Like the fact all character levels are in the one match only if the balance works.

So far it does not.

I think it has to be fixed real soon or the damage will be done and people will just start to hate and avoid the war zones.


I agree 50's and possibly 40's need their own bracket end of story.

Edited by Grimhawk
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Here's a bug for you: http://i1142.photobucket.com/albums/n610/SaraviWrath/Screenshot_2012-01-02_02_11_56_383310.jpg


Count the players on the opposing team, and no, it wasn't a UI bug or players who left and were replaced. We were communicating in voice chat and they had impossible numbers of players at each base. I've been in Void Star runs with 9 and 10 people, usually with extra people getting stuck in the last (i.e. right before the last doors to the core) medical bay on the attacking side.

Edited by ChiaraT
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My Top Issues:


- Debuff for leaving a Warzone for 15 Minutes

- CC immunity

- commendations should be similar for all roles, currently Tanks are to much favored


I totally agree with tanks heavily favored in the commendations equipment. was hard to find light gear and medium within all the heavy gear at the vendors.

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  • Resolve needs to be looked at.
  • Air Lifts in Huttball are based on physics from a different universe, but we play it in this one, therefore I suggest you take a look at them.
  • Illium on Servers with onesided population needs to "reset itself", so people actually can do the Cap Quests there. Is no point on my server for exapmple to do any Capture the Base Quests, since the other side doesn't even go to Illum.
  • Option to pick a Warzone.
  • The Huttball ramps are a paradise to AOE Spamming Knockback Classes. Not all of the classes have this repertoir of skills, so it basically rewards certain kind of class and makes a different one not nearly as usefull.

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Hey everyone. I know that one of the hot topics on this and many pvp threads is the lack of PVP Brackets (its personally my only REAL issue now that 50's are getting their pvp gear with expertise on it) and I was just wondering if an orange post has been made about it? I have checked the dev tracker for a while back and i see NOTHING.



I wouldn't even mind if all they did was add in a lvl 50 and a non-lvl 50 bracket seeing as u can't get expertise gear till lvl 50. (if im wrong about this then id say just make the lvl 50 bracket go as low as the lowest level u can get expertise gear at).


I went into 10 warzones at lvl 32 last night and was steamrolled by lvl 50's in champion gear. It wasn't even a close call. They kill you in about 4 - 5 hits and you can beat on them all day and they just / dance and laugh at you.


I understand Biowares desire to not allow the queues to be long but this is getting more and more ridiculous and its time for them to do something about it.



So back to my original question. Have the dev's seen fit to recognize this as an issue and create a response yet? It just erks me that the new patch notes have come out and the pvp issues that were fixed were the most minor ones that nobody complains about....sigh

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In the last few days the major problem with 50's and even some 40's being too strong in warzone's is getting to the point where all lower levels will just stand up top and not engage.

They are almost totally immune to most abilities. The damage you do to them while small is quickly healed by the player them self. Making a one on one with a 40 to 50 short and one sided. nothing worse then trying to immobilize or push back a 50 capping a point and your big ability does not work. (all the time in a match).

There stun abilities come around faster than yours and or they have more of them.

I Like the fact all character levels are in the one match only if the balance works.

So far it does not.

I think it has to be fixed real soon or the damage will be done and people will just start to hate and avoid the war zones.


totaly agree here.

was busy with questing a few days and returned doing warzones again and i figured out its no fun anymore. lvl 50s marshing trough the lines of lower player, almost unstopable, not to mentioned how this is in huttball. and voidstar is just a slaughterfest. basicaly nothing bad about it at all if all the lower player have a chance to strike back, but its seems 50s need to get focused badly then and so you cant properly go for the goals.

and as youself mentioned, sadly for myself i will now avoid warzones even i liked to play them. but to much frustration.

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My suggestions are very minor but they would be nice nonetheless. Please make it so every class has it's own picture on the scoreboards after warzones end. As an example, don't give Sith Assassins the same picture as a Sorcerer etc etc.


Give a base stat to the pvp relics.


Absolutely fix the randomness of the launch pads in Huttball. Also I think it would be cool to have more launch pads and walkways.

Edited by belowthelights
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I was totally fine with the PvP reward system, I didn't mind getting a random chance at a piece of tier 2 PvP gear. I was happy when I got my first piece, and I was OK only getting commendations for the next 10 or so. Then, when I finally get a 2nd piece. It's another belt.


There's obviously no point in having 2 tier two PvP belts. I can't trade it. I can't even remove enhancements to use in my orange items. All I can do is shrug my shoulders and keep grinding.


I'd love to be able to trade my belt for my guildmate's double chest piece drop.



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Are you kidding me bioware? Are you *********** with me? Why can't you join a god damn warzone witha a premade? Are you trying to get rid of all PvP-players? The maximum is 4, and that's total bullshet imo.


I know it's not fun meeting a premade as a PuG, but you'll still lose lots of pvp players.

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So arenas seem to be intentionaly left out in the first post.


No matter how much hate arenas get from randoms who suck at them, absence of competitive pvp like arenas or rated bgs will kill this game.



Arenas could work; although not with current PvP unbalance :cool:

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