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  • Can we address the bush league resolve meter? It is retarded when someone walks the Huttball 200 yards to score while your whole team is stunning him.


  • The lifts in Huttball are ridiculous. What is the point of having them if they they throw you in random spots, including the acid pits.


  • I am tired of playing Huttball, period. However, this is only when my queue actually pops, which is rare.


  • This brings me to another problem, there needs to be bracketing. The low levels on your team always drag your team down.


  • There are AWFUL line-of-sight issues. Ill be getting hit with shots, lightening, etc. through walls constantly.


  • I think we need to be able to choose which warzones we want. Why are we forced to play Huttball? I understand the concept behind it, "Republic are not in queue so you have to play against members of the same faction". I'd rather not play a warzone than be stuck with Huttball all day.


  • We need to be able to queue with more than 4 people. Not sure why this has not already been implemented. Guild mates having to tie in queues via countdown seems ghetto.

Edited by Taral
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I'm surprised a "PVP want" isn't to fix the convoluted system of getting tokens to buy a bag to get tokens that you switch into tokens to buy gear to break down into tokens and then buy another piece of gear to then break down into tokens to then buy another piece of gear.


Yeah my head spun too.


I agree with pretty much all of the issues listed. What kills me is you would think that most of them would have been realized and dealt with during beta/testing...isn't that what it's for?! I realize it was a huge game and had alot to deal with but they also had tons of time to deal with it ;)


In the June build I beta'd they didn't have PVP gear or tokens implemented. So the PVP system in general was very new. June 2011 and beyond... oh and Illum was just the PVE side of content the PVP side wasn't there (same for Tat). So 5 and a half months to deal with PVP testing. lul.

Edited by Sardoni
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The lag, it's horrendous! Delay for every action in warzones aswell as major FPS drop for some reason.


Also, the targeting system is so bad aswell as the raid frames doesn't update accordingly.


And one last thing, BRACKETS! ;)

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Afkers are ruining warzones.


An autokick system needs to be implemented immendiately, or some sort of in match reporting option; ie. if a player is flagged enough for being afk then disallow pvp queuing for X amount of time/days.


I have reported multiple players multiple times, but nothing ever happens.

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I posted this in a different thread but, I'll post it in the sticky here. As mentioned by others, class balance in and of itself is good. My discrepancy comes at the skill tree and utility part of the PvP game. Playing a now lvl 25 BH, almost all the time my knockbacks get outright resisted by 50's. I can hold my own in a 1v1 a lot of times, most of the time losing but not instantly. I feel as though there should be better seperation of the levels in pvp.


As I posted in the other thread, I feel as though the seperation should be 10 to 25, 26 to 39 and then 40 to 50 (thats if I remember my numbers right, I forgot already lol.) Those level ranges should provide enough abilities to so that the utilities shouldn't be worthless and the brackets won't be a ghost town.


Stuttering, isn't so much a PvP only issue, I think there is a memory leak (well more then think, it likely is.)

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Que qq being important issue?

Warzone wait time I assume.

That can't be fixed by Biowere. You have to roll Republic to balance servers out. Otherwise nothing can be done.


Enabling cross server warzones might? It could also smooth out faction imbalance a little.

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I am just quite surprised that there is no Arena based PVP system in place. I honestly figured just with my thoughts of SW that this would be the focus but it has yet to be implemented... It has soo many benefits over Warfronts... One less people needed to play, 2v2 and 3v3, allows less active pvp players to engage and progress...


Also having the option of both Warfronts and Arenas can allow for PVP players to kinda avoid queues, if queues are too high for Warfronts, you can go to arenas like hutball its a spectator sport type thing so you should be able to go against republic or empire no matteryour allegience

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I am one of the usual silent people, who never posts on the forums or put any effort into letting my voice be heard... unless its as easy a survey or poll. I just tend to stop playing a game rather then expect them to change it.


But in this case, the gameplay is awesome, the story is great, the way they have implemented the story is top notch, and I love sci-fi ... especially Star Wars.


Everything that is listed in the first post and stickied is EXACTLY how I feel down to the letter, and that is to much to simply be a coincidence.


Hutt Ball over and over again... even if it didn't que all the time, is 3 battlegrounds really suppose to be it for this game other then PVE? To anyone who brings up wow and there BG's can sit on it, I never played WoW and don't care to compare anything to it ever. All the MMO's I have played were for the pvp and gameplay, from UO to SWG and dozens of more.


SWG PvP even with all of its problems and faults is EPIC in comparison to this game so far. Open WORLD PvP is WHAT IS SUPPOSE TO EXIST on a PvP server. 3 BG's and what ever this lame excuse for contested territory is so far is a joke. The two sides aren't utilizing the same areas, they do not co-exist, and there is NO drive for them to compete.


I could write on and on, and write a college thesis on the subject, and go into every detail but its not worth it, the summary on the first post covers most of it in simplest form.

BG's/8v8 = Practice, Group bragging rights, and shortcut/time easy PvP


If SWTOR really does want to have a PvP aspect in the game, Open World PvP is where it is at. (Uo, Daoc, SWG, Shadowbane etc etc etc) case closed.

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Is there an ETA for region wide Warzones?


I'm not trying to whine. I mean this as a legitimate question.


My group settled in on a low pop server and I have been unable to get a single warzone match yet. Rough estimate, I've spent about 3 hours total waiting in the queue and upwards of 45 minutes at a time over the course of the last 3 days. Apparently, there are no PVP'ers on my particular server.

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Great thread.


My main issues are:

- Brackets or whatever its called.

I find it annoying to encounter high level guys. Already after a few days we had several bounty hunter's from 40+ to 50 walking arround. Make 2 brackets. 10-35 and 35 till 50 imo. Only problem could be that the cue's later for lower chars will be longer ons everyone hits 50. But i am tired having BH's (40-50's) ripping my 20+ toon apart!! :mad::p


- Sith OP!?

So far i have the feeling, also based on comments ingame, that sith is powerfull then jedi. I think the Sith Inq. and the Bountyhunters are on nr. 1 in this case. I dont know how it feels for sith themselfs compaired to jedi's. Especially all the stuns make it horrible to act in pvp now and then. But i could say i am pvp experienced, know my toon.. but when a level 11/12 sith inq. starts wooping my lvl 24 *** ( rather easy ) there must be something wrong ;).


Only these things make pvp a bit less enjoybale from time to time.

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Biggest thing I can think of at the moment is regarding damage over time spells (dots). They shouldn't interrupt introspection etc. Nor should they interrupt flag captures in Warzones.


And this is also a very good comment. Nearly forgot.

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Great thread.


My main issues are:

- Brackets or whatever its called.

I find it annoying to encounter high level guys. Already after a few days we had several bounty hunter's from 40+ to 50 walking arround. Make 2 brackets. 10-35 and 35 till 50 imo. Only problem could be that the cue's later for lower chars will be longer ons everyone hits 50. But i am tired having BH's (40-50's) ripping my 20+ toon apart!! :mad::p


- Sith OP!?

So far i have the feeling, also based on comments ingame, that sith is powerfull then jedi. I think the Sith Inq. and the Bountyhunters are on nr. 1 in this case. I dont know how it feels for sith themselfs compaired to jedi's. Especially all the stuns make it horrible to act in pvp now and then. But i could say i am pvp experienced, know my toon.. but when a level 11/12 sith inq. starts wooping my lvl 24 *** ( rather easy ) there must be something wrong ;).


Only these things make pvp a bit less enjoybale from time to time.


I agree to that... How smart it is to put 11 lvls and 50 lvls at same bg and just make them have same hp and buff up small lvl dmg... Still the 50s have a lot of skills and 50 lvl armor ...Its just as the 10 lvls are there for meat sacks for 50s to pounch ....


On other hand it is just 5 days since the oficial release.And possibly a lot of stuff are going to change..I believe that this is going to change when player levels are more scaled.Now 90% are 1-30 lvl ... At least i hope so..If this wont be fixed then the pvp will lose a lot...

Edited by Tyramag
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Great thread.


My main issues are:

- Brackets or whatever its called.

I find it annoying to encounter high level guys. Already after a few days we had several bounty hunter's from 40+ to 50 walking arround. Make 2 brackets. 10-35 and 35 till 50 imo. Only problem could be that the cue's later for lower chars will be longer ons everyone hits 50. But i am tired having BH's (40-50's) ripping my 20+ toon apart!! :mad::p


- Sith OP!?

So far i have the feeling, also based on comments ingame, that sith is powerfull then jedi. I think the Sith Inq. and the Bountyhunters are on nr. 1 in this case. I dont know how it feels for sith themselfs compaired to jedi's. Especially all the stuns make it horrible to act in pvp now and then. But i could say i am pvp experienced, know my toon.. but when a level 11/12 sith inq. starts wooping my lvl 24 *** ( rather easy ) there must be something wrong ;).


Only these things make pvp a bit less enjoybale from time to time.



you understand that the classes are mirrored. besides the name of the skills the sith are no different than the jedi counter parts. similar comparisons can be made with the trooper and bounty hunter yet they have a different resource system.


I wish you luck in pvp. A lot of people are complaining that it its not fun to play with lower levels because they flat out destroy the low levels.

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Not sure where to start, but I guess the post above me is an ample place - Classes are >>>> NOT <<<< Mirrored, they may SEEM mirror, but are NOT mirrored completely, E.G Trooper vs Bounty Hunter, I have yet to see a trooper with the ability to dual wield, and fly up in the air with death from above, Ohh yes troopers have motor volley? But Its harder to click a flying above target, than a shiny white thing with glowing yellow balls flying out his oversized cannon....Yes, I know bioware can't change that now with it being too hard to change the whole dynamics of the game, but secondly, Jedi Knights especially the guardians I feel have no decent role in this PvP Structure, my sage healer is able to pull 150k dmg while healing, my knight is being obliterated, And he's in the dmg part of guardian, I tried tanking but its useless in the current pvp objectives, Huttball = Mass slow / cc untill the handler is either dead, or is an OP class to just run through the fire and score. Void Starr no point when you can interupt bomb plants with 1 dmg, so really tanking isn't needed, and the same applies to the 3rd map.


I'd also like to add that healing is REALLY underpowered, I mean a 2k heal, compared to a 1.5k dmg that is hit every second for lets say 3seconds? thats 3x1.5 = 4.5, And the 2k dmg takes 3 seconds to cast anyway so 4.5k dmg vs 2k heal???


Finnally I'd like to rant about the most common complaint here, 50's are able to use things like Force Choke, mass AoE, they have talents to allow things like mutliple force jumps or what not, Can a 10 achieve this? No, not at all. not even close, dmg and HP maybe, but when they don't have the tools to keep up with the job, they are very very weak. I personally LOVE PvP in MMO's but I am staying away for now, its getting annoying, I have lvl 17 Valor, 15 valor, 12 valor and 10 valor on my characters, so I have tried PvP a bit, but this is annoying me slowly with the 50's BEFORE THE GAME WAS RELEASED and the lack of capabilities for 10's and ofcourse, the "Sith are OP" problem.

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Fix /stuck


I know I'm going to regret posting this in here because then its going to be used even MORE!


People are caping the Nodes on Alderaan then when a Node is being overrun they just use /stuck respawn on the Ship and take the speeder right down to the Node.


This is how people are pulling off these 600-0 games.

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