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Vanguard: Too many actions not enough action bars.

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While I don't have as many problems with hotbar space on my Vanguard as I do on my Scoundrel or Guardian (though I suspect I will once he gets to a higher level), I do agree, 4 hotbars simply is not enough.
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Yeah... I don't have this issue, and I'm even a skill-clicker*. I have three quickbars across the bottom of the screen, and one to the left. My bars look like this. I have all of my frequently-used skills in the center of the bars, where they're easy to click. I also have room for all cooldowns and consumables I use on my home bars, as well as different Cells (stances), my class buff, and quick travel. I have my 3 keybinds on my left quickbar. My left quickbar also has Explosive Round, my vehicle (bound to Tab), Sprint (always on), two pets, glitter bombs, and my social badge, and I still have slots to spare.



*All you who insist that keybinding is the only way can go take a flying leap. 1.5s is plenty of time to move my mouse a few inches, so I'm not losing any time. The only skills that need to be activated instantly (interrupt and CC breaker) are keybound. I have my quickbars memorized so that I only have to glance down to reorient my cursor once every five seconds or so. And since I'm free to use WASDQE to move, I can kite-strafe circles around any of you key binders. Both ways work. The method that is "best" depends on the player. So suck it.

Edited by Noviru
mild rude, PMing
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I only have 5 skills in rotation when I raid: stockstrike, hammershot, static field, and the two taunts.


If I'm OT against a single boss in raids, I play more ranged and have the following rotation: hammershot,full auto, sticky grenade with 2 taunts for adds.


I think early on you probably want to buy every skill but later, you'll develop a smallish rotation.

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try playing a shadow, PTs/vanguards really don't have that many binds


Yeah... I don't have this issue, and I'm even a skill-clicker*. I have three quickbars across the bottom of the screen, and one to the left. My bars look like this. I have all of my frequently-used skills in the center of the bars, where they're easy to click. I also have room for all cooldowns and consumables I use on my home bars, as well as different Cells (stances), my class buff, and quick travel. I have my 3 keybinds on my left quickbar. My left quickbar also has Explosive Round, my vehicle (bound to Tab), Sprint (always on), two pets, glitter bombs, and my social badge, and I still have slots to spare.



*All you who insist that keybinding is the only way can go take a flying leap. 1.5s is plenty of time to move my mouse a few inches, so I'm not losing any time. The only skills that need to be activated instantly (interrupt and CC breaker) are keybound. I have my quickbars memorized so that I only have to glance down to reorient my cursor once every five seconds or so. And since I'm free to use WASDQE to move, I can kite-strafe circles around any of you key binders. Both ways work. The method that is "best" depends on the player. So suck it.

You're still gimping yourself and not being able to mouse turn is a huge part of that, I'll never understand why clickers are so arrogant. It's really not that hard to play correctly. Edited by GregMD
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I only have 5 skills in rotation when I raid: stockstrike, hammershot, static field, and the two taunts.


If I'm OT against a single boss in raids, I play more ranged and have the following rotation: hammershot,full auto, sticky grenade with 2 taunts for adds.


I think early on you probably want to buy every skill but later, you'll develop a smallish rotation.


OK, let me try this again, since my previous post was deleted...


What the what? Don't listen to this guy. He does not know what he is talking about. That is not a valid rotation and I would be scared to be in a party or raid with such a person. I mean, where's Energy Blast? Where's Sticky Grenade? Mortar Volley? Pulse Cannon? HELLO? BUELLER? ANYONE?



Edited by cshouston
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try playing a shadow, PTs/vanguards really don't have that many binds


You're still gimping yourself and not being able to mouse turn is a huge part of that, I'll never understand why clickers are so arrogant. It's really not that hard to play correctly.


First off, I'm not arrogant. I'm not saying that clicking is better than keybinding, I'm saying that it's equal to keybinding and depends on the player.


Now, let me get your argument straight. You're saying that it's about the ability to turn faster is what makes a keybinder better, right? Are you also saying that it's about being able to hit skills faster, or do you believe I can do that just as well within our generous 1.5s GCD?

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Anyone that has played a consular knows that we as VG's are very lucky. I stopped playing my infil shadow at 42 as that whole melee thing didn't appeal to me. My mouse allows me to switch between 2 pages and side taps of the mouse wheel activates my interrupt and dps boost.


I'll never force anyone to change the play style that is comfortable to them. But I would say from past experience that the reaction time for a keybinder to a clicker is normally faster but not much difference. But the split second difference to activate the cc break to get out of the fire in the pit is a good example and could be the difference of still being alive or a quick trip back to the start point. Every split second in PvP matters so I always recommend keybinding for it. It's difficult at the start but within a week or 2 it becomes second nature.

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I'm not saying that clicking is better than keybinding, I'm saying that it's equal to keybinding and depends on the player.


No. No it is not. No it does not. A thousand times no.


If you're wasting time clicking stuff with your mouse, you're not able to pan your camera or move effectively. There's also the innate travel time moving a mouse cursor, versus a fraction of a second to depress a key on the keyboard. There's a reason why clickers are not allowed in any decent PvE or PvP guild. You'd get yourself laughed out in a heartbeat, unless you're playing with a bunch of other bads.

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I'll never force anyone to change the play style that is comfortable to them. But I would say from past experience that the reaction time for a keybinder to a clicker is normally faster but not much difference. But the split second difference to activate the cc break to get out of the fire in the pit is a good example and could be the difference of still being alive or a quick trip back to the start point. Every split second in PvP matters so I always recommend keybinding for it. It's difficult at the start but within a week or 2 it becomes second nature.


I will agree with you that there are some skills that require split-second timing. That's why I have my CC breaker and my interrupt keybound, because half a second on those skills can make a huge difference. However, for skills on the GCD, 1.5s is enough to easily mouse over to the icon.


I've actually given keybinding a serious try before. It didn't take long to learn my skills and get that muscle memory. However, I could not move nearly as well as I could by using WASD. I'm constantly in motion, and the amount of control I get from being able to strafe and turn is far superior to what I can do with my mouse. My strategy relies on strafe-kiting melees and quickly circling behind ranged classes. I can do that far, far better with WASDQE than I can with mouse-turning.

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No. No it is not. No it does not. A thousand times no.


If you're wasting time clicking stuff with your mouse, you're not able to pan your camera or move effectively. There's also the innate travel time moving a mouse cursor, versus a fraction of a second to depress a key on the keyboard. There's a reason why clickers are not allowed in any decent PvE or PvP guild. You'd get yourself laughed out in a heartbeat, unless you're playing with a bunch of other bads.


Travel time is nonexistent for a good clicker. This game has a 1.5s GCD and a 1s queue window. If I'm trying to activate my second skill after the first skill has finished, then I'm going really slow. However, by activating skills 0.5-1s in advance, I activate skills exactly as fast as you could with keybinding. Keybinders have no advantage whatsoever for skills that are on the GCD. The only advantage you have is with skills that are off-GCD, and I have the vital ones (CC breaker, interrupt) keybound. This means that there's no delay whatsoever for clicking. I can fire off skills exactly every 1.5s, just like you, with no travel delay.


As for panning, that is a rare problem. I keep my vertical camera angle at just the right sweet spot that I almost never have to touch it. Horizontal panning is easy; I just turn with A+D. When not in active combat, I can pan freely with my mouse. Although I turn slower than mouse turning, I can actually move much more effectively. With someone behind a keybinder, they just mouse-turn around. When someone is behind me, I use (for example) Q+D. This makes me strafe left while turning towards them, and within a fraction of a second they're within the 180-degree arc that means I can shoot them.

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Yeah... I don't have this issue, and I'm even a skill-clicker*. I have three quickbars across the bottom of the screen, and one to the left. My bars look like this. I have all of my frequently-used skills in the center of the bars, where they're easy to click. I also have room for all cooldowns and consumables I use on my home bars, as well as different Cells (stances), my class buff, and quick travel. I have my 3 keybinds on my left quickbar. My left quickbar also has Explosive Round, my vehicle (bound to Tab), Sprint (always on), two pets, glitter bombs, and my social badge, and I still have slots to spare.



*All you who insist that keybinding is the only way can go take a flying leap. 1.5s is plenty of time to move my mouse a few inches, so I'm not losing any time. The only skills that need to be activated instantly (interrupt and CC breaker) are keybound. I have my quickbars memorized so that I only have to glance down to reorient my cursor once every five seconds or so. And since I'm free to use WASDQE to move, I can kite-strafe circles around any of you key binders. Both ways work. The method that is "best" depends on the player. So suck it.


Hey man if clicking works for ya more power to you, I on the other hand used to be a clicker and got yelled at. I save up for a Naga, now i see where i went wrong, its about mobility not just bound vs can you click. Maybe one day you will try it and see what I see now but if it works stick with it.

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