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KP Difficulty stealth increased last week?

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Did KP last week before reset, and now just ran several attempts on KP.


Despite group being properly geared and experienced, had a lot of difficulty on Bonecrusher and Jarg/Sorno.


Seems to me that there has been a change which is making it more difficult since the restart last week.


Anyone else notice this difference? How about EC and EV?

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EC has always been difficult, EV is easy as ever (got my infernal title this week, funsies), KP only did first two bosses before calling it a night and had limited trouble.


The biggest issue I've found is that the friggin carbonite droid ALWAYS dropped on the Jarg tank, which meant I had to stance dance and pick up aggro until the rest of the DPS could burn it down, and the second one would do the SAME thing so I couldn't just rely on the second tank to hold aggro as he'd have to hop back to sorno.


Bonethrasher was easy as ever.


Biggest thing to assess is if your group is letting tunnel vision screw them; are you downing the gamorrean add on bonethrasher before he gives bonethrasher a well-fed frenze buff? Are your healers slapping AOE heals down on Jarg during his grapple-flame sweep phase? Are people remembering not to stand in garbage?

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good question.. i dont often get to see everything thats going on because i'm healing. I should record some of these runs and evaluate them afterwards to see what went wrong and how to improve.


Just seems like difficulty or some buff or nerf was put in place, because it just felt more difficult than the past 3 months.

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Actually the first comment our guild had was KP nerfed? Granted that was trash mobs though.


Come to think we did have slight difficulty healing it, but I just put that down to a few mistakes on my part. Nothing noticeably harder however.

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It's actually kind of funny that you brought this up, because oddly enough, yesterday when we tried to run KP Hard Mode for a couple of our less geared players, one thing that we noticed on Bonethrasher is that he was hitting much, MUCH harder...consistently.


I don't mean only when you get the debuff from him clobbering you into the ground, I mean ALL THE TIME. His swipe would CONSTANTLY hit for 10-12K, no matter what. Though it had been a week or so since the last time I ran it, I remember his swipes only hitting for 6-8K in Hard Mode.


It is possible that the instance, for you and us, had been bugged. It used to happen every now and then (but was supposedly fixed). The issue I'm referring to, is that sometimes, the instance would act as Nightmare Mode, even though it is set to Hard Mode.


Unless they did something to chance KP, Bonethrasher's swipes should only be hitting for 10-12K in Nightmare mode, and about 60-75% of that in Hard Mode.

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Did this last night with my geared. Half were rakata/black hole with their mods optimized and half were tionese/columi who haven't done KP ever before (let alone HM). We one shotted the entire thing. To me, it didn't seem harder at all. Edited by TheRealCandyMan
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People need to stop equating human error with "stealth difficulty increase".


Your group makeup could be different. You could have players that are lesser geared. You could have people with lag issues. Or players that get lazy on mechanics (Very easy to do on Bonethrasher or Jarg and Sorno). It could be any number of things. Fights will not go the same way every time 100% of the time, that is the nature of raiding.


Two weeks ago, we one-shot NM KP on our way to the title with two pugs. Last week, we took two nights to clear HM KP. It had nothing to do with "stealth buff" or any crap like that. It had to do with a couple inexperienced players that didn't understand mechanics, and people getting lazy and not moving out of Bonethrasher's cleave.


Stuff happens.

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seems easy enough, did it a couple nights ago on nightmare.


Solo healed bonethrasher or whateva his name is hell easy.


Jarg and Sorno same fight as always -> use 2 tanks, interrupt all heals and unload, heavy heals on the tank with the debuff (the other shouldnt take much damage during this phase as long as he interrupts unload asap)

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seems easy enough, did it a couple nights ago on nightmare.


Solo healed bonethrasher or whateva his name is hell easy.


Jarg and Sorno same fight as always -> use 2 tanks, interrupt all heals and unload, heavy heals on the tank with the debuff (the other shouldnt take much damage during this phase as long as he interrupts unload asap)


You were the only healer in NM for Bonethrasher? Your crew must really be on the ball with swipes then... =)


Neways, I have also confirmed that there has been a damage increase on MT compared to the previous 2 weeks (same tank, same gear level).


I would not be surprised if jarg's flame spin has also been slightly tweaked (or something similar), because it was doing more initial dmg than usual.


Finally, I do believe that interrupts were an issue on J&S - we had 2 carries for 1 of the runs and they were lacking in experience imo.


Thanks to those who had constructive input.

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KP normal has definitely not been buffed... ran 2 people with very low gear through there in a guild run in very short time.


KP Hard/Nightmare mode i think they buffed the G4B3 robot to give him more health which may be tight on the enrage... but it all depends on how you handle him.

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There is deffinatly something up with Hard KP. Bonethrasher was knocking back almost twice as far as normal, and hitting almost twice as hard. I was standing in the same spot I always stood and had never been knocked off the platform from that spot and the other night, he was knocking me clear off the platform. Other people were having the same issue. A large number of his swipes also seemed to either be doing double damage or hitting twice or something, because one hit, which normally took off half or less of a person's health were dropping people to 20% on a fairly regular basis. Not every hit, but a large number of them. And no, he never ate an add.

We didn't have too much issue with any other boss till Karagga. He started casting the gravity vortex thing on our tank fairly consistantly which was constantly getting our melee hit but the frontal cone missles thing he does. And there was no reason for it as we had several range (think it was 5) at range from the boss.

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People need to stop equating human error with "stealth difficulty increase".




Two weeks ago, we one-shot NM KP on our way to the title with two pugs. Last week, we took two nights to clear HM KP. It had nothing to do with "stealth buff" or any crap like that. It had to do with a couple inexperienced players that didn't understand mechanics, and people getting lazy and not moving out of Bonethrasher's cleave.


Stuff happens.


Normally, I would agree with you but with the way BioWare designed their engine a small change in code often has unintended consequences (Mission bug fix deleting Matrix Cubes?). Threads like these are important for the community as they help players learn whether they are simply making a mistake or if something really is a problem.


Having said that, we haven't really noticed anything new in KP. Not that we run it much anymore... but I will keep an eye on the log parses regardless.

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