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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It's not the game.

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The truth as i see it is that MMORPGs are becoming a thing of the past. No longer are people willing to pay 15 dollars a month to play a massively multiplayer game. I don't think it is SWTOR which people are sick of, it's MMORPGs in general . TERA came out and everyone thought it was going to be great but its getting negative community feedback just like SWTOR. We keep telling ourselves that we still love MMORPGs yet we complain about every single one saying how its a terrible game. Maybe its not the game. Many great videogame genres have come and gone, and I believe the traditional MMORPG as we know it is coming to an end. People are losing interest in the whole "lets bond together and defeat this all powerful monster as a team" and becoming more focused on the call of duty age of multiplayer gaming where all you want to do is humiliate everyone else playing.


And that is why a game like GW2 will have a chance at being highly successful. It is a single time purchase game with emphasis on PvP (humiliating others and showing off your epeen). Unfortunately as the original GW proved, this kind of leaves those who are looking for a long lasting MMO adventure out of luck. Once the main story is completed there isn't much else to do with PvE, and with no monthly charge we can't expect new dungeons and PvE elements to be introduced.


WoW is the only game I feel will survive as a traditional pay to play MMO because it has already ensnared so many people. It's no different than any other MMORPG out there, but its too late to try and quit after some people have literally spent years in game.


F2P is the only way MMORPGs will survive these days. Look at all the GPOTATO and AERIA games. They all consist of a SINGLE server (maybe three if its a really popular game). That saves a lot of trouble when dealing with population complaints. F2P also gives the player total control of how much or how little money they want to spend on a game. If a player really likes a game they can spend hundreds of dollars in a single day, if they just play it casually they can spend nothing. With so many F2P games out there and some of them actually making it into the mainstream (LoL) people are starting to resent P2P. When you are paying for a game you feel entitled to ***** about every little thing. When a game is free to play ************ about things makes you look like a complete idiot (not that ************ about a P2P is any different, you're still an idiot, just have a little more leverage).


I seem to have gotten off topic a bit... To put it simply: its not that SWTOR or TERA is a bad game, the problem is that a lot of people are not TRULY interested in MMORPGs anymore. How many people here actually watch all the cutscenes in SWTOR? Who actually does every single quest on each planet and DOESN'T complain about how boring it is? How many actually take the time to get immersed in the world, its lore, and their own character? Not many. But i bet those that do aren't on here complaining about how they are unsubbing and saying the game will be dead by June.


MMORPGs are like alcohol, they need time to mature into something really great. If as a player you can't wait for the game to reach its full potential then you really don't belong in the MMORPG scene. So many people are just looking to get drunk as fast as they can off the cheapest bottom shelf crap that they don't even realize they could be sipping on a glass of J.W Blue if they would just be a little more patient.

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Blizzard totally hears you... but they still charge $15 a month, and win.


yeah, as i stated someone who has literally dedicated years of their life are not likely to stop playing... even if the game becomes a joke, butchers it's own lore, and blatantly steals aspects from other games (warhammer PQs cough cough)

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The truth as i see it is that MMORPGs are becoming a thing of the past. No longer are people willing to pay 15 dollars a month to play a massively multiplayer game. I don't think it is SWTOR which people are sick of, it's MMORPGs in general . TERA came out and everyone thought it was going to be great but its getting negative community feedback just like SWTOR. We keep telling ourselves that we still love MMORPGs yet we complain about every single one saying how its a terrible game. Maybe its not the game. Many great videogame genres have come and gone, and I believe the traditional MMORPG as we know it is coming to an end. People are losing interest in the whole "lets bond together and defeat this all powerful monster as a team" and becoming more focused on the call of duty age of multiplayer gaming where all you want to do is humiliate everyone else playing.


And that is why a game like GW2 will have a chance at being highly successful. It is a single time purchase game with emphasis on PvP (humiliating others and showing off your epeen). Unfortunately as the original GW proved, this kind of leaves those who are looking for a long lasting MMO adventure out of luck. Once the main story is completed there isn't much else to do with PvE, and with no monthly charge we can't expect new dungeons and PvE elements to be introduced.


WoW is the only game I feel will survive as a traditional pay to play MMO because it has already ensnared so many people. It's no different than any other MMORPG out there, but its too late to try and quit after some people have literally spent years in game.


F2P is the only way MMORPGs will survive these days. Look at all the GPOTATO and AERIA games. They all consist of a SINGLE server (maybe three if its a really popular game). That saves a lot of trouble when dealing with population complaints. F2P also gives the player total control of how much or how little money they want to spend on a game. If a player really likes a game they can spend hundreds of dollars in a single day, if they just play it casually they can spend nothing. With so many F2P games out there and some of them actually making it into the mainstream (LoL) people are starting to resent P2P. When you are paying for a game you feel entitled to ***** about every little thing. When a game is free to play ************ about things makes you look like a complete idiot (not that ************ about a P2P is any different, you're still an idiot, just have a little more leverage).


I seem to have gotten off topic a bit... To put it simply: its not that SWTOR or TERA is a bad game, the problem is that a lot of people are not TRULY interested in MMORPGs anymore. How many people here actually watch all the cutscenes in SWTOR? Who actually does every single quest on each planet and DOESN'T complain about how boring it is? How many actually take the time to get immersed in the world, its lore, and their own character? Not many. But i bet those that do aren't on here complaining about how they are unsubbing and saying the game will be dead by June.


MMORPGs are like alcohol, they need time to mature into something really great. If as a player you can't wait for the game to reach its full potential then you really don't belong in the MMORPG scene. So many people are just looking to get drunk as fast as they can off the cheapest bottom shelf crap that they don't even realize they could be sipping on a glass of J.W Blue if they would just be a little more patient.


WoW clones are a thing in the past, but the issue remains.

* SWTOR is a WoW clone with VO.

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F2P is a cancer just like DLC is to expansions.


You got to level 30

You must pay 1500000 ToR points to increase your level cap to 31


SWG stayed f2p even till it's death. Lucas holds the leash in the long run on lore and such. Keep dreaming SW:ToR will end up F2P because it wont.


Also look at those Nexon games and such. All horrible asian grind fests. Idk about you but EQ days of grinding are old and dead. I have better things to do then slam down monsters to level up to 50.

Edited by Erstok
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MMORPGs are like alcohol, they need time to mature into something really great. If as a player you can't wait for the game to reach its full potential then you really don't belong in the MMORPG scene. So many people are just looking to get drunk as fast as they can off the cheapest bottom shelf crap that they don't even realize they could be sipping on a glass of J.W Blue if they would just be a little more patient.

True... but on the other hand many MMOs taste like they are just cheap stuff (and SWTOR has that problems too).

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F2P is a cancer just like DLC is to expansions.


You got to level 30

You must pay 1500000 ToR points to increase your level cap to 31


SWG stayed f2p even till it's death. Lucas holds the leash in the long run on lore and such. Keep dreaming SW:ToR will end up F2P because it wont.


Also look at those Nexon games and such. All horrible asian grind fests. Idk about you but EQ days of grinding are old and dead. I have better things to do then slam down monsters to level up to 50.


Raider Z, Allods, Eden Eternal, Atlantica... none of them are grind fests at all. just like p2p, there are good and bad when it comes to f2p. and the level cap comment was wrong in so many ways... if you dont know how f2p games work please dont comment.


i wouldnt want swtor to go f2p, i prefer p2p all the way.

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True... but on the other hand many MMOs taste like they are just cheap stuff (and SWTOR has that problems too).


yes, but until it has aged a bit we wont know what it really tastes like. if nothing changes by novemeber, then we got problems.

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yes, but until it has aged a bit we wont know what it really tastes like. if nothing changes by novemeber, then we got problems.


No, there's no problem. If the game isn't something you enjoy playing, move on. Stop feeling forced to play a game because you like the ip, in this case Star Wars. There have been plenty of really bad Star Wars games in the past I tried and gave up on because they sucked. There also have been plenty of games that are incredibly popular, like Skyrim that I tried and found out I didn't like the gameplay at all so I stopped playing and went to something different.


That's the wonder of having the freedom to choose what games you want to play and spend your money on. You get to switch when you aren't having fun.

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honestly this topic is amusing, given that what the game companies are trying to push is the subscription model with normal games. Look at what the next gen systems are promising, no used games, required P2DLC and pay to play with an online license after buying the game. Now I am unsure about the latest craze, but you already have to pay for xbox live and PSonline, so what is the difference here?
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B2P games, like F2P (imo there is not really a difference)


When GW2 sucks. I will laugh,


You may not like GW2, and will suck to you. But since the beta weekend event, the feedback has been very positive, that the game is actually turning out like what the developers have been talking about.


As to the OP post:

Time will tell with GW2 about new content. To be fair, I got far more new content in Guild Wars 1 in 3 years, then I ever did with World of Warcraft in the same time frame and money spent. In 3 years with Guild Wars 1, I got 2 stand alone campaigns and 1 expansion pack and spend $150, compare that to WoW, where I got 3 years of Subscriptions ($540) and 1 expansion ($40), I wasn't a raider. Arenanet gave me far far more new content in that 3 years then WoW did, and for a whole lot less. With Guild Wars 2, time will tell, but I have a feeling they will be adding new content on a regular basis, new expansions probably on a regular basis, which I wouldn't doubt every 6 months to a year.


As far as people not liking MMOs anymore, I think it is people do not like this current generation of MMOs anymore, meaning WoW and all the clones like it, including SWTOR. I think people are looking for something different. Sounds like Tera was different in combat, but that was it, so probably not different enough. Guild Wars 2 so far is proving to be different enough, and imo will help reshape a new era for MMOs.


Perhaps Bioware will realize they need SWTOR to be part of the next generation of MMOs, and will start to make significant changes to the design of this game, time will tell.

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No, there's no problem..


i know? i never said there was. by 'change' i mean get some announced functions finally up an running like server transfers, lfg, ranked warzones, yada yada yada.


these things aren't really game related... they're more related to how the game works..... if that makes sense.

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honestly this topic is amusing, given that what the game companies are trying to push is the subscription model with normal games. Look at what the next gen systems are promising, no used games, required P2DLC and pay to play with an online license after buying the game. Now I am unsure about the latest craze, but you already have to pay for xbox live and PSonline, so what is the difference here?


actually the playstation network is free...

paying for online licenses is only for when purchasing a used game (used games will still be sold but online licenses will be required for online functions)

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You may not like GW2, and will suck to you. But since the beta weekend event, the feedback has been very positive, that the game is actually turning out like what the developers have been talking about.


As to the OP post:

Time will tell with GW2 about new content. To be fair, I got far more new content in Guild Wars 1 in 3 years, then I ever did with World of Warcraft in the same time frame and money spent. In 3 years with Guild Wars 1, I got 2 stand alone campaigns and 1 expansion pack and spend $150, compare that to WoW, where I got 3 years of Subscriptions ($540) and 1 expansion ($40), I wasn't a raider. Arenanet gave me far far more new content in that 3 years then WoW did, and for a whole lot less. With Guild Wars 2, time will tell, but I have a feeling they will be adding new content on a regular basis, new expansions probably on a regular basis, which I wouldn't doubt every 6 months to a year.


As far as people not liking MMOs anymore, I think it is people do not like this current generation of MMOs anymore, meaning WoW and all the clones like it, including SWTOR. I think people are looking for something different. Sounds like Tera was different in combat, but that was it, so probably not different enough. Guild Wars 2 so far is proving to be different enough, and imo will help reshape a new era for MMOs.


Perhaps Bioware will realize they need SWTOR to be part of the next generation of MMOs, and will start to make significant changes to the design of this game, time will tell.


I think it really just comes down to what an individual expects from their online game and what they enjoy about it. The best part of MMORPGs for me is getting new gear, something that GW really disappointed me with. The gear selection was extremely limited and since that is one of my favorite things GW as a whole just didn't satisfy me. WoW had tons and tons of different gear so it kept me entertained for a long time.

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Perhaps Bioware will realize they need SWTOR to be part of the next generation of MMOs, and will start to make significant changes to the design of this game, time will tell.


Then they'll always be a step behind.


Blizzard is already working on their next gen MMO, even though their MMO is currently the king of the hill. GW2 is moving another direction as well, and they don't have near the resources of the other two. When Bethesda pumps out their Elder Scrolls MMO it probably won't be a WoW clone, it'll probably be like their other games with a huge open world and a lot of freedom in how you progress. Skyrim was essentially a single player MMORPG itself.


You can't just change things radically after you release a game. It took Bioware what, 5 years of development to pump out a WoW clone? All they ever managed to do was put in VO with that time and money. But companies like Blizzard and Bethesda not only can do VO they tend to get famous actors to sign up too.

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We ask that threads made in General Discussion center on discussion of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. We have closed this thread as the discussion primarily focuses on other games and MMO's in general. Please ensure that topics in General Discussion relate to Star Wars: The Old Republic.



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