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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Price of pulling out mods


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I would just like to be able to freely switch color crystals.

(I'm not 100% sure if you can, but the few times I've went to change mine, I've had to pay.)


There are a lot of colors to choose from now, but I hesitate changing any because it's a waste of credits. If we could do a one time pay for free color switching (crystals of the same level), I think that would be nice.

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Yeah all they need to do was to introduce a modest fee for an in game utility that swaps over the mods and augments from piece a to piece b), if all you're doing is changing your look.


Now, if you want to optimize, then I have no problem with the current cost.

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It is...


more and more I feel like everything is designed to keep me in a little box. I can't change my gear sets without a few months of grind so my characters are permanently stuck in one role. The prices on services such as what you mention are also in place only to limit options and fun.


Really, over the last few days, I've slowly been getting more and more fed up with the limitations in place everywhere. I've finally figured out that the reason I get bored and stop playing this game so often is that it feels like work -- it is not designed to be much fun.


This is my opinion, but stop and look at what you did today or will do later in the game... is it all fun or is it mostly repetitious work?

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This is my opinion, but stop and look at what you did today or will do later in the game... is it all fun or is it mostly repetitious work?


Later tonight I will be completing the WZ Dailies and Weeklies on my two mains, possibly mixing in some LWZ action on an alt. So you might say it will be repetitious fun as far as I'm concerned. It certainly will be repetitious, but it will be fun.


As soon as a game starts to feel like work to me, I just move on to another game. I'm here to have fun not have another job.

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