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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

7.2k crit - unusual in 1.2?


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So I have about 1k expertise, 4 BM pieces rest recruit or champion. Been hit today by a 7.2k crit. Haven't played that much on my sorc healer in PVP for a while as I've been PVE/levelling an alt/enjoying real life.


7.2k is unusual still or just run of the mill since 1.2?

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So I have about 1k expertise, 4 BM pieces rest recruit or champion. Been hit today by a 7.2k crit. Haven't played that much on my sorc healer in PVP for a while as I've been PVE/levelling an alt/enjoying real life.


7.2k is unusual still or just run of the mill since 1.2?


Sorry calling you out.. It you have half that gear you claim you are not getting 7.2k hits.

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Not implying that pvp'ers don't have a life, just saying that I do ;)


And yes, I know that my champion gear is holding me back - or in other words the gear I spent countless hours grinding through a stupid RNG system is now worth less than stuff you can buy at the vendor. So yes my gear isn't ideal on the other hand it isn't totally worthless. I'm sure the opponent probably had stim/adrenal or whatever up. Didn't have red powerup though as simply was too far away from one for it still to be active (was in Novara).


Class was a sentinel, and you can call me out all you like - I care little what happens in a game, much less on a forum.


Not exactly a QQ thread anyway, I mean if that kind of crit is commonplace then I think I'll give PVP on my sorc a miss and go back to my alts - pvp is hardly fun for healers at the moment in any case.

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what class hit you?


Sentinel. Used to be the biggest crit I would take would be 5k ish from a good stealth OP, at least with OPs you play them right you can not only survive but kill them.


And yes does feel like Sorc is worst class in the game right now, partly because of the class changes and partly because of the changes to 1.2 and the TTK.


Don't get me wrong though, I'm not going to start 20 QQ threads or anything. If I was going to start a QQ thread it would be on how this game still has all the same old crap in it since the start (re-grouping after WZs, really bad tab targetting, no ranked WZs). Had a fair amount of fun in PVP tonight in many warzones against the same player that crit me for that amount, can't say that I ever personally killed him though. Might have scratched his armor a bit lol.


Last few WZs I pocket healed for a mara friend and we hunted him all over a couple of maps destroying him. My mara friend says he has never critted like that but probably different specs (he is more dots).

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