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Imperial Uniform moddable gear list


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Hey Empire players! Like the look of an Imperial Officer? Want to keep that look while leveling? Well, here's a list of Custom (orange) gear that you can equip to achieve that look. (All items are Medium armour.)


Note: Most of these armour choices are based on the standard grey Imperial Officer uniform.


I. Imperial Agent only

A. Bind on Equip

B. Bind on Pick up


II. Usable by Players/Companions

A. Bind on Pick up

B. Bind on Equip



I. Imperial Agent only


A. Bind on Equip:


The items in this section can only be worn by the Imperial Agent class.



Hooligan's Jacket

Hooligan's Leggings

Hooligan's Headgear

Requires lvl 27


The classic grey Imperial Officer uniform, which can be crafted by Armormechs. The schematics are random drops, but only require 180 Armormech to make, so the set pieces shouldn't be too hard to find on the GTN. (BTW, Sith Marauders could also equip this set, if they wanted to...)



If you can't find the matching pants, I recommend...


TD-07A Panther Leggings

Requires lvl 19


Solid grey pants with tan patches on sides. Supposedly an Imperial Agent reward for completing the Balmorra bonus series of quests.



TD-07A Panther Headgear

Requires lvl 27


Tan Imperial officer cap. Random drop.



B. Bind on Pickup:


The following items can only be acquired by Imperial Agents; however, unlike the BoE gear mentioned above, they are not restricted to the Imperial Agent class. Therefore, IA companions (like Doctor Lokin, Ensign Temple) may wear these as well.



Hooligan's Prototype Jacket or

Imperial Coordination Prototype Jacket

Requires lvl 19


Imperial Agent reward for the heroic mission "Toxic Bombs" (lvl 20, 2+ players) on Balmorra. (Same look as the Hooligan's Jacket)



Hooligan's Prototype Leggings or

Imperial Coordination Prototype Leggings

Requires lvl 19


Imperial Agent reward for the heroic mission "Comrades in Arms: Repair/Reprogram" (lvl 21, 4 players) on Balmorra. (Same look as the Hooligan's Leggings)



Synthmesh Battle Headgear or

Plastifiber Barrage Headgear

Requires lvl 25


Blue and grey cap with chinguard. Imperial Agent reward for the heroic mission "Black Box" (lvl 25, 2+ players) on Tatooine.



Plexoid Barrage Jacket or

Plexoid Battle Jacket

Requires lvl 45


Grey uniform jacket, with red cord. Imperial Agent reward for the heroic mission "The First Commando's Call" (lvl 45, 4 players) on Voss.



Plexoid Barrage Boots or

Plexoid Battle Boots

Requires lvl 47


Black boots with white toes, often worn by Imperial officers. Imperial Agent reward for the mission "A Long Forgotten Evil" (lvl 47), one of the final missions you get on Voss.



Plexoid Barrage Gloves or

Plexoid Battle Gloves

Requires lvl 45


Plain black gloves, often worn by Imperial officers. Reward for the Imperial Agent mission "The Road to Ruin".



II. Usable by Players/Companions


For those of you who want your Imperial officer companions (like Malavai Quinn, Talos Drelik) to keep that snazzy uniform for as long as possible. Also usable by any companion with Cunning as their primary attribute.


Everything listed below can be equipped by Empire players as well, as long as they can wear Medium armour.



A. Bind on Pick up:


Imperial uniform gear from Flashpoints, Operations and commendations.



Hammer Lookout's Jacket

Requires lvl 17

Drops from Hammer Station FP

DN-314 Tunneler (1st boss)


Purple Imperial officer jacket



Hammer Lookout's Pants

Requires lvl 17

Drops from Hammer Station FP

Vorgan the Volcano (2nd boss)


White pants with black stripes on sides



Clan Varad Watcher's Headgear

Requires lvl 25

Drops from Mandalorian Raiders FP

Boarding Party Secure Chest (2nd boss fight)


Grey Imperial officer cap with chinguard. (I prefer this choice because it doesn't cover the face.)



[The drops mentioned above are from relatively low Flashpoints, so they should be easy to farm on high level characters... Just remember, they're BoP!]



Formal Boots

Requires Social I

Male only

Costs 250 credits


Black boots with white straps on the sides. Bought from the Dromund Kaas social vendor in the Kaas City cantina. (The Formal Pants and Gloves from this set could also be used as part of an Imperial uniform.)



TD-04B Spec Ops Boots or

RD-04B Sharpshooter Boots

Requires lvl 29

Costs 9 Alderaan commendations


Dark grey boots



TH-16A Master Medic Gloves or

RD-06B Eliminator Gloves

Requires lvl 45

Costs 10 Voss commendations


Plain black gloves



TH-16A Master Medic Boots or

RD-06B Eliminator Boots

Requires lvl 47

Costs 10 Voss commendations


Black boots with white toes



Jacket of Lethality

Requires lvl 45

Drops from Red Reaper FP

Darth Ikoral (Final boss)


Grey uniform jacket, with red cord



Boots of Lethality

Requires lvl 45

Drops from Red Reaper FP

SV-3 Eradicator (2nd boss)


Black boots with white toes



Headgear of Lethality

Requires lvl 45

Drops from Red Reaper FP

Random FP drop


Grey (?) officer cap with solid faceguard



War Medic's Red Reaper Gloves

Requires lvl 45

Drops from Red Reaper FP

Random FP drop


Plain black gloves



[All of the level 50 items below are Artifact or purple quality, but are still moddable. Also note that these Xenotech pieces ONLY drop in the Story modes of the Flashpoints and Operations listed below.]



Xenotech Enforcer's Jacket

Requires lvl 50

Drops from False Emperor FP (SM)

Darth Malgus (Final boss)


White uniform jacket (yes, white) with grey shoulders and red trim.



Xenotech Enforcer's Leggings

Requires lvl 50

Drops from Directive 7 FP (SM)

Mentor (Final boss)


White pants with holster on right leg



Xenotech Enforcer's Headgear

Requires lvl 50

Drops from Battle for Ilum FP (SM)

Darth Serevin (Final boss)


Red officer cap with solid faceguard



Xenotech Enforcer's Boots

Requires lvl 50

Drops from Kaon Under Siege FP (SM)

Commander Lk’graagth (Final boss)


Black boots with white toes



Xenotech Field Medic's Suit

Requires lvl 50

Drops from Karagga's Palace Ops (SM)

Karagga (Final boss)


White uniform jacket with grey shoulders and red trim



Xenotech Field Medic's Leggings

Requires lvl 50

Drops from Karagga's Palace Ops (SM)

Foreman Crusher (3rd boss)


White pants with holster on right leg



Xenotech Field Medic's Boots

Requires lvl 50

Drops from Karagga's Palace Ops (SM)

G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator (4th boss)


Black boots with white toes



[A final warning about Operation gear: The loot is far more randomized than in Flashpoints, so don't expect to get any of these pieces easily... And consider yourself lucky if you do! :)]



B. Bind on Equip:


Most of these are random drops (or if you're lucky, you may find them on the GTN).



TD-03A Saboteur Jacket or

RD-03A Recon Jacket

Requires lvl 19


Purple Imperial officer jacket (same look as the Hammer Lookout's Jacket)



TD-03A Saboteur Leggings or

RD-03A Recon Leggings

Requires lvl 17


White pants with black stripes on sides (same look as the Hammer Lookout's Pants)



[Prototype] TD-04A Informant Headgear

Requires lvl 27

Drops from Trapjaw (Ops)

Level 30 World Boss


Red, tan and grey cap with chinguard. (Artifact or purple quality)



TH-16A Master Medic Suit

Requires lvl 47


Grey uniform jacket, with cord looped in the front.



RD-068B Eliminator Jacket

Requires lvl 47


Grey uniform jacket, with red cord. (Similar to TH-16A Master Medic Suit)



TH-16A Master Medic Leggings or

RD-06B Eliminator Leggings

Requires lvl 45


Grey pants with holster on right leg.



TH-16A Master Medic Headgear

Requires lvl 47


Grey officer cap with solid faceguard (kind of looks like Cobra Commander's helmet ;P)



RD-06B Eliminator Headgear

Requires lvl 47


Red and grey cap with solid faceguard



Edited by Ismaire
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Screenshots for a scattershot selection of moddable medium armor, including some of these uniforms: http://s1242.photobucket.com/albums/gg522/bright_ephemera/Moddable%20Medium%20Armor/


Any gear not named in the picture title (or the link description below) is just Quinn's default uniform from Balmorra. Only exception is the head slot microphone, which is Armormech's level 29 Light Battle Headgear. If you're looking for something specific it may help to use the Tags (should be a blue tab hanging down from Photobucket's blue header) to select an armor slot.


Items named above: Hooligan's set (BoE, Agent/Warrior only). Leggings, headgear, jacket.

TH-16A Master Medic set. Suit (chest), Boots, Gloves, Leggings, Headgear.

RD-04B Sharpshooter boots and leggings.

RD-06B Eliminator Jacket and leggings.


EDIT: Derp, as Kalterien pointed out:

RD-03A Recon Jacket, here shown with the not-at-all-matching Dread Corsair Elite Gloves. I don't have the RD-03A recon pants available.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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  • 1 month later...
I have the purple imp jacket (Panther something or other) and it's cool but im just waiting til 27 when i can toss him in the hooligan's jacket/headgear!


Hooligan's is class specific, operative and someone else, he cant wear it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I've been using this list to help me find Malavai a proper Imperial Officer's uniform, but I have a question. If I farm Hammer Station by myself, am I going to have a chance of getting the Hammer Lookout's jacket even though I'm on my warrior? Or do I need to coax an agent into running it with me so as to open up the likelihood of cunning drops like the jacket?
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I've been using this list to help me find Malavai a proper Imperial Officer's uniform, but I have a question. If I farm Hammer Station by myself, am I going to have a chance of getting the Hammer Lookout's jacket even though I'm on my warrior? Or do I need to coax an agent into running it with me so as to open up the likelihood of cunning drops like the jacket?


You'll be fine farming it yourself there's a chance the jacket and pants will drop but it can take a long long time, otherwise if you can spare the credits just get the RD-03A recon Jacket and Pant number since it's the same.

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You'll be fine farming it yourself there's a chance the jacket and pants will drop but it can take a long long time, otherwise if you can spare the credits just get the RD-03A recon Jacket and Pant number since it's the same.


If I want the the Recon Jacket, I pretty much just have to keep checking the auction house, right? I've been checking it regularly but so far haven't seen it. Saw a few level 47 outfits but I can't use those now anyway.

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Sorry, wasn't expecting this post to get bumped up... Need to keep a better eye on it. XP

I've been using this list to help me find Malavai a proper Imperial Officer's uniform, but I have a question. If I farm Hammer Station by myself, am I going to have a chance of getting the Hammer Lookout's jacket even though I'm on my warrior? Or do I need to coax an agent into running it with me so as to open up the likelihood of cunning drops like the jacket?


When it comes to solo farming Hammer Station for the uniform, I find it more likely to drop if I have a companion who has Cunning as a primary stat with me... (And if you find that it's not dropping when your healing companion is with you, try switching to a DPS companion instead.) Failing that, try someone who at least uses Medium armour (Ashara, for example). Not sure if it makes a difference, but it seems to works for me...

Does anyone know if there's a white moddable version of the Hammer Lookout's Jacket model? I have the green (unmoddable) version, but I want a slottable one for my wardrobe.


Sadly, I don't know of any moddable version of the white Imperial uniform... Just the craftable or random drop from around level 50.

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I did find a Xenotech jacket that dropped from Karagga's Story, it has extremely red accents. I'll post once I find my glasses and stop squinting at everything.


Edit: Here it is. With colour matching to show you how it works. It goes better with either Hammer Station Lookout Trousers (makes them a crisper white) or the CorSec trousers (two-tone white, red accents). I would certainly not recommend wearing it with the boots I have in the picture, unless you really do want to look like a Power Ranger.


This jacket dropped from Karagga in KP Story Mode, but since it's the off-set Tionese equivalent it's probably a tad rare.

Edited by Tatile
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I did find a Xenotech jacket that dropped from Karagga's Story, it has extremely red accents.


This jacket dropped from Karagga in KP Story Mode, but since it's the off-set Tionese equivalent it's probably a tad rare.


Thanks so much for the new addition! Nice to know that there is a white uniform jacket for those who are interested. :)

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Okay, tried to organize this post to make it look a little better. Also added the other Xenotech pieces from Karagga's Palace, as well as the Red Reaper set (which I completely forgot about), both to the Player/Companions BoP section (II A).


Also found an excellent older post showing some of Imperial uniform gear already listed here (and where I was reminded of the Red Reaper set ;). In that thread, there is also a list of craftable Armormech gear that can be Masterworked (I am not including those in my list, since I am only concentrating on Moddable gear, not Augmented).


BTW, I would like to add links and images eventually, but it will be incredibly time consuming, considering there are doubles of nearly every piece... *sigh*

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  • 3 weeks later...
From what I can find, the Xenotech Enforcer's Headgear doesn't appear to drop from anywhere (i.e. it's in game, just not acquirable, ATM). If you want something with a similar look (officer cap with solid faceguard) but without the same mods, I recommend either the Headgear of Lethality from the Red Reaper FP, or the RD-06B Eliminator Headgear (random BoE). Edited by Ismaire
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I got a [Prototype] TD-04A Informant Headgear (boe), I think from Trapjaw. It's a red, brown and black cap with chinguard, with purple 28 mods in it. Also a Synthmesh Battle Headgear (bop) which is the same design in blue and black, I think from the Black Box heroic on Tatooine.
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Thanks for the new additions! I've also added TD-07A Panther Headgear (IA, BoE), as well as recommended pieces of the Formal set of social armour, even if they are Male only. (I saw someone on fleet wearing those pieces with an officer jacket, and thought it worked well together. ;)


Also, the Xenotech Enforcer set (one of the few all-white officer sets) has just been added to the loot tables of the final bosses from level 50 normal flashpoints. I have updated the list accordingly, but I haven't yet double checked the drops for myself. (Mind you, while running FPs recently, I did have the Xenotech Enforcer's Leggings and Boots drop for me... But on my Smuggler, rather than my Agent. Sigh...)

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  • 4 months later...

The Xenotech Field Medic Headgear dropped for me from Malgus in SM FE. It looks the exact same as the enforcer one.


I've been doing a few SM FPs lately trying to get the xenotech enforcer or field medic jacket, and from what i've seen of the boss drops your table isn't too accurate, it seems to be almost totally random. I've seen heads, gloves, boots, and pants all drop from Serevin and Malgus. Xenotech does drop from most of the bosses except red reaper, but i'm not seeing any particular order to it. No weapons that I recall from end bosses though.


P.S. Saw Xenotech War Leaders Chest drop from Serevin, BoI, SM. I'm startin to think the entire xenotech loot table is completely random and almost all at last boss in SM FP.

Edited by Jubilee
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