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Sticky This - New Players Avoid These DEAD Servers


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Let's keep a list of dead servers so new players don't make the mistake of choosing these servers.


Ahto City

Black Vulkars

Bondar Crystal


Davik's Estate

Eye of Ashlanae (EU)

Firkrann Crystal

Hedarr Soongh

Hex Droid

Infinity Gate: (9 AM - 12 Players on Pub side, 2 level 50's - Unplayable, Primetime maybe 8 level 50s)

Iron Citadel

Niman (EU)

The Deadweight (thats kinda ironic, lol)

The Crucible Pits


Uthar Wynn


Edited by DarthNuke
added servers
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You should probably report on servers at primetime (4pm to 12am) for whatever timezone they are assigned.


A 9am report of 12 players in fleet sounds accurate for all but the most populated servers.


There was 2 people on fleet. Trust me, this server is dead. Haven't been able to queue a wz in two days.

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while i see what your trying to do here, i dont see it working. the forums mods are more likely to close this thread rather than sticky it.


Probably a sad but true statement. Really, this should be their job, creating this post. Imo, if I ran this game, I wouldn't allow new characters on the dead servers. People are more likely to resub if there's actually other players on the server.

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If more new players rolled these "dead" servers maybe they would be less "dead" ever think of that one ther Cunningham?


Great response. Why don't you roll a toon on this server since it's so awesome? Infinity Gate. Me and 10 lowbies will be here to greet you. :)

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While an informative thread, chances are this will be locked/deleted since they don't want to discourage customers rolling on any server, and its unfair to people on those servers that there is a post warning potential players away, even if it won't be fun for them.
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Just say 90% of the servers are not worth play on and /thread.


Actually Fatman is the only server worth playing on.


Yeah, it is probably more fruitful to state servers that have healthy populations. All 3 Oceanic servers have very healthy populations. Especially Master Dar'nala, it usually hits 300+ on fleet every night (usually 2 instances of fleet as cap seems to be around 270ish per instance), WZ pops every 2-3 mins. I definitely feel for those on dead servers :(

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I can't wait to leave infinity gate gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the frustration. Really hard to make PVP video's when no one pvp's on Inifinity Gate anymore, just sad


Dude. For real. I have no idea why this isn't a hotbutton with BW. Are they trying to lose subs?

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If more new players rolled these "dead" servers maybe they would be less "dead" ever think of that one ther Cunningham?


Wishful thinking IMO. I really don't see a huge flood of new players unless BW drops the sub or something.

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Dude. For real. I have no idea why this isn't a hotbutton with BW. Are they trying to lose subs?


My cousins friends neighbor said that BW has a secret under-the-table deal with Blizzard where they get money for every person that leaves SWTOR for Diablo. They gonna be rich Tuesday!

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