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Guild Registry


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Would you consider creating a 'Guild Registry' ability so that players may possess a capability to see what guilds are available to join on any particular server? Each guild has its 'Guild Description' which I believe is only viewable by select guild members; however, this would be a good tool if utilized effectively ~ to advertise guild interests like PvE questing, level helpers, Flashpoint Raiding, only certain levels apply, etc. Also, through a 'Guild Registry' players could apply to join guilds.


This would make recruiting more effective vs. taking time out of questing/leveling, etc., to go on recruiting runs. Thoughts???



Guildmaster, Revenants of Valhalla

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I agree that a improvement to this area of the game be considered a priority.It would make such a fast impact on a persons impression of the game from the very start.I know I wouldnt be where I am now without my fellow players and friends.I was lucky enough to be able to know some ppl playing before I even bought the game.
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Thanks for the interest & comments. I believe this holds high relevancy considering the multitude of challenges we're facing in ((still)) the early stages of swtor. This would be fairly simple to set-up ((20-30 min of a Dev time)) & implement through a daily patch. All servers & players would benefit in-turn enhancing effectiveness throughout the game.
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Guild Registries would also be beneficial on the PvP servers as they could not only list the guilds ~ but also adversaries and allies within a 'Guild's Description' tab.


I can't stress the meaning behind this recommendation enough and if you agree I need help keeping this thread meaningfully active with what you view as additional advantages to this recommendation so that our 'Devs' take this in to consideration.

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The game seriously needs something like that. It would make it much easier on me to go on recruitment runs in-game. :)




I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing this point ~ thanks for posting.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing this point ~ thanks for posting.

Meant "than to go on recruitment runs...", haha.


No problem. The only problem with the Suggestion Subforum is that every good thread is always pushed down. It's very hard for any thread to stay at the top for a while.

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Meant "than to go on recruitment runs...", haha.


No problem. The only problem with the Suggestion Subforum is that every good thread is always pushed down. It's very hard for any thread to stay at the top for a while.


So I see, but so long as this is viewed by a few as a relevancy then we can only hope that it will be taken into consideration.

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