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Expertise...Get RID of it.


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Get Rid of Expertise on Gear? I know what you are thinking...WHAT, No Expertise on the pvp gear?? Thats crazy right? NO, having to have expertise on your gear in order to pvp is crazy. We spend levels 10 through 49 pvping with little to no expertise on our gear, then BAM 50 hits and you get your Rear Kicked the second you walk onto the WZ. Now, i understand that 50 is a whole new level of pvp and everyone needs to pay their dues. No problem. But at the most you can save up and get 2 new peices of pvp gear when you walk into 50...there is a lot more time and effort needed to fully gear and that equals endless death. As a healer on the WZs, it is even worse. Not only can you not do near the dps as some of the pure dps classes, but being that squishy right from the start means that you are targeted first (as you should target healer first in pvp) and you are dead before you have the chance to cast anything but an instant heal (which does little to help). Why have Expertise on gear at all? we didnt need it before 50 and the WZs were much more balanced and enjoyable. Pvp should come from skill with your character, team work, and communication...NOT from gearing to be indestructable. I have pvped for close to a decade now on misc, so i'm not a newbie. But when my attacks are bearly scratching ANYONE that has expertise on, it is too much damage midigation. If you want to keep Expertise, then at least make it so you can save more marks through 10-49 to be able to jump into 50 gear ready to go. 2000 is not enough. I pvped everyday from 10-49, and even changing commendations to other forms of currency (and losing a lot from it) still wasnt worth the time and effort and i ended up buying crap just so my marks wouldnt go down the toilet. Fix one or the other, but honestly, get rid of the expertise...IT JUST SHOULDNT BE NEEDED inorder to play...I'm sure i'll get lots of angry people telling me i'm nuts or just being a baby, but there are more folks than not that agree with me.
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Moron's wall of text here


Without expertise you'd be getting your *** handed to you all the same, except instead of just by dedicated PvPers you'd be getting your *** handed to you by PvErs too, and there wouldn't be a recruit set on the cheap for you to buy to at least be remotely useful because there's no way they could fairly budget the recruit set without it influencing PvE if there was no expertise.

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I really don't get the guy who wants to get rid of PvP gear so he can get owned by a guy in PvE gear instead. Do they just hand out a full set of Rakata gear when you hit level 50? That'd be the only scenario where getting rid of PvP gear would be beneficial for someone complaining about Expertise, because otherwise you'd still get owned as much as you were before.
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I have trouble reading stuff like this on a Computer screen. I skimmed through it the best i could.. From what i did get your point is understandable. Why Increase Damage and Damage mitigation basically cancelling itself out. Same with Healing bonus and Trauma.. Not fully cancelled but same principle. Having played wz's constantly since pre-launch to now.. there really truly isn't a necessity for expertise.. the battles went great until that first few groups of people got some expertise and started ripping up the wz's then all the QQ started and we've been going downhill from there. At the same time PVE gear is way to powerful right now to not have it.. that needs to be altered too if you take out expertise which would cause a new mess of problems. Edited by prodigyqnz
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I really don't get the guy who wants to get rid of PvP gear so he can get owned by a guy in PvE gear instead. Do they just hand out a full set of Rakata gear when you hit level 50? That'd be the only scenario where getting rid of PvP gear would be beneficial for someone complaining about Expertise, because otherwise you'd still get owned as much as you were before.


well theyre basically handing out PvP gear at level 50, so im not really sure why people are still complaining.

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well theyre basically handing out PvP gear at level 50, so im not really sure why people are still complaining.


Because it's retarded to have a PvP "stat" that all the bads with no skill can rely on.


Get some skill instead of falling back on your gear.

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Because it's retarded to have a PvP "stat" that all the bads with no skill can rely on.


Get some skill instead of falling back on your gear.


all the bads cannot rely on expertise.


if youre pvping, you need expertise. the damage boosts and damage reductions will cancel out on equally geared players.


expertise is merely a content gate. if you want to pvp and not die a million horrible deaths, you need pvp gear.


this isnt rocket science........

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If anything I'd say add 1-2 more stats that are pvp only. That way there can be some customization with the pvp gear. Go heavy defense, go heavy healing, go heavy offense. Choose one and go with it. Or make it totally different and boost support roles instead with super buffs or added range for shots or leaps.
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Because it's retarded to have a PvP "stat" that all the bads with no skill can rely on.


Get some skill instead of falling back on your gear.


Either you're dumb, or trolling. Perhaps both.


The PvP stat prevents PvE gear from dominating PvP and PvP gear from interfering with progression speeds in PvE. That's all it is. Do I need to call the WAAAAAHmbulance for you?

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Either you're dumb, or trolling. Perhaps both.


The PvP stat prevents PvE gear from dominating PvP and PvP gear from interfering with progression speeds in PvE. That's all it is. Do I need to call the WAAAAAHmbulance for you?


Like I said, for bads ^


You guys are the ones crying for your precious expertise shield. Your telling me the big bad PvE'ers would walk all over you without it? Give me a break, you're not a real PvPer.

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Like I said, for bads ^


You guys are the ones crying for your precious expertise shield. Your telling me the big bad PvE'ers would walk all over you without it? Give me a break, you're not a real PvPer.


I really hope for your friend's and families' sake you're trolling and not actually this dense.

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I really hope for your friend's and families' sake you're trolling and not actually this dense.


Star Wars nerds come up with the best insults.


You guys are sitting there trying to tell me there has never been a system that didn't use expertise and succeeded??


The BEST ones did not, the two CRAPPIEST are....really, you guys think PvP in SWTOR and WoW are what PvP is supposed to be?


No wonder its the whiney carebear-entitlement fest that it is today.

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I like how City of Heroes' pvp zones ruleset are different from pve ruleset regardless of what you have in your enhancement slots, for example in pve I can have permanent domination up 24/7 with my sets but in pvp my recharge is slower by about 150% that I can't ever have the permanent domination buff.


But of course BW had to follow the WoW pvp mechanic, and even then Blizzard said resilience in pvp armor was a mistake but left it alone because there wasn't a better idea for them.

Edited by Sookster
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Expertise is catering to fotm.weaksauce players. If everything was on a more level playing field I.E 10-49 pvp you would have overall better pvp.


All they have to do is change expertise to morale/health/endurance problem solved the only difference will be that people get the pvp gear will have lot more health.


Overall even if they remove expertise the remaining problem is chainstunning/resolve


All i seen with expertise is people with expertise farming those who dont have it like there lvl 40 npc's. Even if you get the piece of bantha poo recruit gear your only gonna last 1 second longer then you normally would. All expertise is catering to 12 year olds who think there good farming fresh 50's


Which leaves me to my last issue why are people with exeprtise sets not separated from those who dont have exeprtise? Its part of the problem why people drop. No one wants to be farmed then be expected to go blow money on recruit gear that doesnt even make a 2% difference against people with lot more.


Dont matter though when gw2 out and the majority of pvp'rs go to thier youll see expertise dispear overnight and 100 times more qq from those people relying on expertise to be good lol oh noes we went to 1.1 mill subs haha

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You guys are sitting there trying to tell me there has never been a system that didn't use expertise and succeeded??



Nobody on either side of the debate has said anything along those lines.



I truly feel sorry for anyone that knows you, it must be a burden.

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If you are skilled, you won't have problems getting gear especially with so many dailies, recruit set, and with the "gear for losers" program that swtor has.


Battlemaster gear only takes about 2-3 days at most. If you are still complaining about gear or gear progression in the most casual friendly MMO, maybe it is time that you understand that GEAR PROGRESSION MMO like swtor isn't for you.

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Sure, get rid of expertise so I can just roll you in my Campaign gear with around 24k hp instead of the 18k I have now in BM/WH. That's less grinding for me so I'm cool with it. :rak_03:


Well like the example I wrote in my last post, the pvp zone should equalize everyone's stats to the same except for the tank/dps stats so tank with a bit more health and dps with a bit more willpower/aim/cunning, etc.

Edited by Sookster
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