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Twilek's Sisterhood Ritual on Tython


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hey im confused with this one..


i created a JEDI KNIGHT Twilek female and plan to make her a LIGHT side jedi guardian.


i was doing my class quest in the village SOUTH EAST of Jedi temple when the new matriach (the old matriach her mother already passed away) ask me to be her sister.


the choice available to me are : 2 LIGHT (basically refuse the ritual) and 1 DARK (accept her as sister)


then the screen goes black and when it reappear, my twilek and the matriach are sitting casually on the floor discusing stuff like sisters..


my questions =


1. What is this ritual ? is this some kind of blood ritual ? eg exchange blood symbolically ? or a ritual of exchanging gifts ? or forbidden ritual thats shunned by jedi ?


2. Why im considered 'DARK' when i accept her as sister ? The matriach just lost her mother, she is in pain inside and with the problem of fleshraiders attacking her settlement she need inner support.. why Jedi forbids such compassion to others ?


3. unrelated but im also curious : why jedi in the EPISODE 1 feels soo cold/impersonal and they allow anakin mother in slavery even when anakin was accepted in jedi order ?

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I dont know if this ritual also available for non-twilek Jedi Knight females.. or Jedi Knight males.. but i think i see a video once of Male Jedi Knight flirting with the matriach and the screen also turned black (? censored ?)

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1. it is only available to female Jedi knight players.

2.It is a Dark Side option because Jedi are not meant to create attachments to others, they are removed from their families for this exact reason.


^ This pretty much, I mean it could be ok right now. But in the long term, what if she dies or something and that female twi'lek went into rage mode and turned to the darkside(or it helps her) because she had such an attachment to her? Consequences..

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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^ This pretty much, I mean it could be ok right now. But in the long term, what if she dies or something and that female twi'lek went into rage mode and turned to the darkside(or it helps her) because she had such an attachment to her? Consequences..


but jedi are trained to resist such temptation , and rage mode are not just from the loss of loved ones.. but can also from insult or other thing..


in my view, based on the game light and dark choices, it seems that jedi are trained to be an unfeeling robots..

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but jedi are trained to resist such temptation , and rage mode are not just from the loss of loved ones.. but can also from insult or other thing..


in my view, based on the game light and dark choices, it seems that jedi are trained to be an unfeeling robots..


No no no, yes they are trained to resist but that doesn't make them immune to it. Look at Qui-Gon for example, he almost went completely darkside over the loss of his lover. With Anakin, the same thing he lost his mother killed Sand People out of rage and that helped him lead to the darkside. Jedi are not emotionless robots, you can't get rid of emotions thats just not possible at all, the jedi are trained to control said emotions but no matter how well trained they still can be tempted.


The jedi can only train so much, afterwards its up to the individual.

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in my view, based on the game light and dark choices, it seems that jedi are trained to be an unfeeling robots..


I think this sets 'this' era of Jedi up as a unique shade of grey. Really, how can you save peoples lives, be a good person, and care for the sick and wounded if you are completely detached from your emotions and from any real form of affection or commitment.


If you play a Sith, the first few Jedi you meet are exactly that, unfeeling and (seemingly) uncaring if they live or die.


Full detachment can do strange things to the mind, and when their order makes love, affection and even simple 'needs' equal to the dark side, then you have problems that arise form the fact that Jedis, are not droids.


Well that's my take on it anyways. :rak_03:

Edited by JediElf
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true, playing as a light side sith, i feel more human than a light side jedi..


btw did anyone know what is the twilek sister ritual looks like? why bioware cut/fade to black/censor it?


They probably did the FTB because it's long and boring. I would imagine it's kind of like the sisterhood rituals in some other world communities, like the geisha in Japan (drink sake together and pledge to be sisters for life). Or perhaps something like a sorority initiation.

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who said anything about passive? ...it's the forming of emotional entanglements that can cloud one's vision... thats why doing it is a dark side choice.


not evil, but ...lets say risky. Anakin, as an example, fell because of his attachments. The worst things he did, were because of his feelings, feelings of fear, of love, lust, love. ...if he had had a more.. detatched viewpoint, he could have taken more effective actions, seen the bigger picture.


it's to avoid that risk that makes emotions darkside (passion being the realm of the sith, after all.)

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Or perhaps something like a sorority initiation.


hmm sorority.. isnt this ritual involves copious amount of alcoholic beverages and some degree of nudity ?


the only other fade to black i know was when a female Imperial Agent in Hutta buys her way out by bribing a criminal with love/sexs.. that part also got censored by bioware (fade to black)


i dont imply these twilek ritual consist of those kind of things, i just curious about the twilek culture of sisterhood.. i googled and never find anything at all

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The way I see it, Jedi form relationships all the time. They're still human and they can't just turn off their emotions like flicking a switch. Forming a close bond with someone just means they're a little bit more susceptible to the dark side. They might fear for the safety of their loved ones when they're not around to protect them (fear leads to anger, etc). If something terrible happens to them, they could be tempted to seek revenge.


So you get some dark side points if you go along with this ritual, but I don't think making that choice means you are playing a dark Jedi, necessarily. It's not like it instantly turns you to Dark V.

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